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from Dustin for Kuhns, inc.

1st/15th is a semi-monthly newsletter. It is a dégustation of ideas, reflections and senses curated by an esthete-aestheticist,  political alien and religious orphan. This includes reviews, recommendations, reflections, critiques and other bric-a-brac.


“Jazz” succeeded as a novel artform because it informs a way of being which responds directly to the challenges faced by 20th century humanity. Namely, musicians embraced the chaotic evolution of content and the loose, iterative instability of form. The same melody can be played over and over, by the same band, by the same player, and every time it changes, if only slightly. It changes not necessarily in pursuit of an ideal form—but because it has to.

It must change, depart, vamp, revamp, and circle back to the beginning. As soon as the melody is played—as soon as the musical word is spoken—it changes. The next time around, the player reenters the conversation at a later point with his past performances and every other’s performance in between demanding to be accounted for.

We experience this day by day, in both words and routines. The language of our life, like language itself, is bound to repetition of the same melodies which evolve with every new expression.

beats, on the other hand

Beats, on the other hand, exploit the seemingly infinite expression available to technological infrastructure in an attempt to construct stable but mobile sonic spaceships amidst the cybernetic pandemonia.

Here’s one of the editor’s charming reviews of one of those ever-so fetching spaceship

from the quote bin

“The posthuman is an expression of deep AI, a new emergence of personhood through electronic embeddedness. AI extends the embodied mind into exoskeletal systems of information so that neither mind nor body disappears but both are now complexified in systems that extend into larger maps of complexified wholeness electronically facilitated. The electronically embedded relational posthuman lives in the “splices” of informational fields so that boundaries of gender, race, and religion are transcended or rather constantly renegotiated through the creative space of shared being. Markers of intelligence are also shifting insofar as the brain is learning to adapt to multiple information fields. I do not think super-intelligent machines will entirely replace us. Rather we are transcending our present existence by merging with super-intelligent machines, giving rise to a new type of thinking person.”

The excerpt is from Ilia Delio’s book on religion, artificial intelligence, and posthumanism titled Re-Enchanting the Earth: why AI needs Religion. It was humbling to be referenced in a text which performs required intellectual synthesis.
→ and once you've grown scroll weary
new neuropathies tickling your oculus
arthritic fingertips 
remind you of when our interspace was like
a vacant breeze in the summer twilight
betwixt the gentle touch of the doppler effect
and identifying starlight
when the westerlies toured the mind still to other earths and back

visit the terminal post. 
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