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ALC Newsletter

February 25, 2022


Please join me in congratulating our colleagues on the following achievements:

Joseph A. Villarama presented “Filipino Language Kickoff: From the Rice Bowl to the Tree Town; Ways to Teach Language through Culture” at the Fulbright FLTA Mid-Year Conference, January 27-29, 2022. Joseph’s talk delved into how, following his own journey from the “Rice Bowl” (Nueva Ecija), his Filipino language classes have carved out a niche in the “Tree Town” (Ann Arbor) in the hopes that this experience could serve as roadmap towards understanding culture and language. Following Kuo and Lai’s (2006) observation that “language and culture are intertwined and one will affect the other as they have this kind of deep and symbolic relationship,” he also highlighted some ways to teach and learn a foreign/second language through culture and/or to teach and share culture through language learning. 

This conference was attended by nearly 400 Fulbright FLTAs representing different countries and languages, members of the US Department of State including the Deputy Assistant Secretary Ethan Rosenzweig, Fulbright and IIE staff, and members of the public.


Read on to learn about special events in ALC classes and Programs.

On January 28, 2022, the Japanese Language Program hosted a lecture by Mr. Kenji Kamiyama, an alum of Ross Business School and president of World, one of the most famous clothing companies in Japan. Mr. Kamiyama talked about his life as a businessperson, experiences as a student at UM, and the importance of communication. This lecture was held in Japanese for the JLP’s intermediate/advanced students. It was very successful with a great turnout!


Our next departmental colloquium speaker will be Swarnim Khare. Please join us March 11, 12:00-1:00PM for a presentation entitled “Translating Sedition in South Asia: 20th Century Prison texts in English, Hindi and Urdu.” A Zoom invitation will follow on March 7 (the Monday after break).

The departmental Language Fair will be held in person on March 18, 11:00AM-2:00PM in the Michigan Union’s Pond Room. Please refer to the image below for more details.

Hong Kong, 2013
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