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Hello Extraordinary Professionals! 

Have you experienced pandemic fatigue? Did you know there was such a thing?
According to the World Health Organization (WHO) pandemic fatigue is defined as being "demotivated" and exhausted with the demands of life during the COVID-19 crisis. With so many of us continuing to work from home, the fatigue can add additional challenges with staying productive in our jobs. Here are some tips that may help with dealing with fatigue and building endurance with remote work.

Make sure you're connecting with others - Having human connections is important to well-being. Working remotely can be challenging for some who are used to daily interactions with co-workers while in-person, on the job. If you're lacking those types of interactions, try to build those into your weekly routine. Find ways to connect with family, friends, and co-workers.

Take frequent breaks - Carve out time in your daily routine to get up from your desk, step outside for some fresh air and sunshine, or take a walk. 

Make a to-do list - While this pandemic has seemed to have no end in sight, it can feel like little is changing or improving and those feelings may transfer to your attitude about work. By making a to-do list and crossing off things you have accomplished, you'll have a visual reminder that you are in fact making progress and being productive.

Determine and stick to "quitting time" - Working from home can make it difficult to step away when you should. Just as you would leave the office (and unfinished work) at the end of a work day, you should decide on and stick to an end time for your working day. It's okay to walk away and leave unfinished things for the next day. This helps to un-blur the lines between work and home life.

Organize a list of priorities for your next working day - Really productive people spend the last few minutes of their working day organizing for the next day. Making a list of things you want to tackle or complete the following day helps to save time the next day with determining where you will begin. It gives focus and helps you feel more organized and less chaotic. It also gives mental peace and allows you to release your thoughts about work until the next day.

Take sick days if needed - Let's face it, being sick while working from home can make it very difficult to step away when you need to take care of yourself. It's tempting to continue working while sick and at home. But if you are struggling with your health, taking time to recover is better for your long-term health and productivity. 

Limit distractions in your workspace - Creating a clean, organized workspace does wonders for your wellbeing. Also, setting boundaries with other people in your household can help with added stress. Have kids at home? Give them times when they can interrupt you with questions / needs. Also, let them know when you need quiet and privacy for a phone call or video conference. 

These are just a few changes / additions you can try to feel more productive while working remotely and to help create a better work-life balance. Do you have things that have worked well for you? I'd love to hear them!

Stay Well,




A résumé is one of the most important marketing pieces for your career. It’s what you use to get in the door, to get the interview, and ultimately to land the job! Great résumés look great, are easy to follow and leave a lasting impression. Poor résumés don’t do that– so they get tossed aside with hundreds of other résumés. You want to make sure your résumé isn’t one of those poor résumés. Take a look at this list and make sure your résumé is not making any of these mistakes!


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