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I hope all is well. While we are still re-designing work and life for a post-Covid world, today we will explore the impact of longevity and work. With more people reaching 100 years, we should expect a 60-year career and rethink what our career would look like.
The Future of Work Is a 60-Year Career

Humans may soon live to be 100, which likely means more years on the job. That could be a good thing if we take the opportunity to redesign work.
How to Hire for Culture Add vs. Culture Fit

Want to boost innovation and productivity in your team? Consider hiring for culture add rather than culture fit. Here’s how.
Self-Coaching Space: Committed or not?
Since we are still at the beginning of the year, you can still build a stellar 2022!!!

However, without commitment, you will not achieve your goals.

So, take the time to reflect on your 2022 goals and your level of commitment and answer this question:

Where have you made a ‘commitment’ to which you are not really committed?
Where To Catch Me in The Next 30 days (Virtually or In-Person)

Where To Catch Me in The Next 30 days (Online or In-Person):

Friday, Feb 25th (Online)
I will be leading a free webinar at the Haitian-American Chamber of Commerce of Florida.

Join me here 

March 2nd (Online)
Miami Ellevate Connect and Grow Series
. As the President of the Miami Ellevate chapter, I will attend the workshop: Yes, You Do Deserve To be Here! Jessie Spressart will lead the workshop

Join me here

March 9th (In-person)
Wisdom Wednesday Social. I will attend the workshop led by Berta Medina: Networking For Success in 2022.

Join me here
PODCAST Glass Breakers Café with Cindy Montgenie

Since our last newsletter, we had the privilege of interviewing:

Glass Breakers Café con Cindy:
  • Ariel Acosta-Rubio: CEO & Co-Founder of Churromania, the world’s biggest churros franchise
Glass Breakers Café with Cindy:
  • Kenasha Paul: Founder of The Black Professionals Network and Venture Miami Opportunity Director
Glass Breakers Café is a space where impactful leaders share their insights into the future, inclusive leadership, and career development to inspire you and empower you to go after your unlimited and smart future by breaking free from firefighting, limiting beliefs, and society’s invisible walls
Smart Fact of The Day
Erin Jackson became the first Black female to win an Olympic speed skating title on
February 13th, 2022.
Thanks for spending your coffee break with me  😊

Feel free to share with me your thoughts, concerns, questions about the future of work, your leadership journey, and your career acceleration.
You will get a real reply (I am not a bot!).

‘See you soon, till then – remember to shape your future today!.
Keep winning & Stay connected!


P.S. Want to share more bite-size insights with others?
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