CALC's 2022 Annual General Convention will be held on Friday April 29th and Saturday April 30th. It will be held at a hotel near the Edmonton International Airport. The Events Committee is in the process of making final arrangements for the convention venue. A block of guest rooms will be available for delagtes and visitors.
Friday is reserved for worship and learning. Rev. Don Schmelzer (see above) will deliver his keynote address on the vital ministry undertaken by Capstone Ministries on Friday morning. During the afternoon Rev. Ed Skutshek, will make a presentation on Bill C-4, an amendment to Canada's criminal code which criminalizes conversion therapy. The opening worship service for the convention will take place Friday evening. The Institute of Lutheran Theology Canada Society (ILTCS) will host a reception after the service. Representatives of the Institute of Lutheran Theology of Brookings, SD, USA (ILT) and ILTCS will share important and exciting news about ILT and its future plans.
Saturday morning will be devoted to the convention's business meeting. In addition to hearing reports from CALC's executive and boards, and approving CALC budget for 2023, the delegates will vote to fill a position on the Board of Elders, currently held by Rev. Alvin Sorenson, which expires at the meeting.
Saturday afternoon Rev. Ron Parker will deliver his keynote address on the vital ministry of the National House of Prayer. His address will be followed by closing worship, which includes the celebration of Holy Communion. A celebratory banquet follows.
The convention will be a hybrid event, with delegates and visitors participating in-person and online through ZOOM. Registration material and a link to an online registration form will be available shortly (pending the finalization of all the details).