

Welcome to
Physiorun Knowledge Bombs

On your marks, Get Set....Go?

There is no secret that being your best is hard.  Achieving a personal best is hard, remaining injury-free is hard.  Both don't need to be.  Break down the goal you want into processes, break the processes down into tasks, and lastly break the task down into basics.  Do the basics every day, well.  Learn through completing the basics and improve your individual sport IQ.

Do you know your strengths in running?  Do you know your work ons?  In physiotherapy we undertake peer reviews.  In this process a colleague sits in a treatment session, reviewing what you do well and what can be improved.  It's always refreshing to hear the feedback.  Sometimes the things you think you do well you can be better at and vice versa.

Running is the same.  Do you train well?  Eat well? Recover well? What would be your work ons?

Running and physiotherapy can always be improved, but being aware of the right areas to improve makes a huge difference. 

I challenge you to write 2-3 good things about your run for a week and match that with 2-3 workons ( didn't fuel right, didn't mobilise before running, didn't pace well...etc) it's a great task and 

Thanks for reading.


Fetteresso Marathon

The fetteresso marathon took place recently and it was a lovely challenge.  I blogged about the course and also my pre and post run thoughts on the course, kit check, equipment for the day and how the race went.  You can watch this at the @physiorun youtube channel along with lots more free and subscribed content by clicking HERE.


Podcast of the Month - The High Performance Podcast -

This podcast is very addictive - another that I can't stop listening to and has instantly changed my thoughts and beliefs around my performance in work and sport.  I have listened and recommend at least 5 of the episodes.  The Clive woodward one from the previous email, Bear Grylls, Mel Marshall -Swim coach is a great listen for young swimmers and parents, Steve Clarke - how to handle adversity, Rio Ferdinand - the importance of a successful environment...the list is endless.

Please have a listen and let me know your thoughts


New Services Upcoming

Join the ever growing community on the Physiorun Resource Centre.
-   Access to over 30 Running From Injury live 1 hour classes
- All the marathon spotlights - written by runners for runners
- Increasing bank of informative Vlogs, and as subscribers feed into the content to answer your questions.  
- Subscription (£5/month) full access to all online classes (Unlace the Brace/Running From Injury/Core For Running), Marathon Spotlights and lots more Blog posts.

For information on these new services from Physiorun in collaboration with SPEAR Physiotherapy please contact me on :
Subscribe Today - Do the Basics Well
Thanks again for subscribing to the email and I look forward to the next months knowledge bombs already.  My goal is to support you on your journey.  Ultimately I look to get you to your finishing line by either improving your performance, avoiding injury or returning to your pre-injury level.

Run Long and Prosper.

James @physiorun
Everyone should have the tools to run injury free
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