
February 2022

Its been a weird month. I stopped taking my biologic meds because right now they havent worked for 7 months, Im injecting myself and becoming immunocompromised WHILE still being in pain 24/7. I havent heard back from my Rheumatology Drs since before my blood test in January so I just decided to stop for now. I had a feeling of wanting to give up but one of my followers on twitter said it took a lot of trial and error to find the right biologics which worked, so I am going to try to be more patient. For the time being weed and heated pads are my saviour. 

Another saviour has been patchwork and quilting, learning new techniques is humbling but I can already envision my future artwork despite only having completed one patchwork piece so far! Read more to hear about our roadtrip to Norfolk, shoutout to my Dad for his birthday, some more daily drawings and taking my boys to see my mural for the first time! Im going to keep this intro short and sweet because my brain and hand capacity has reached a limit. In true ADHD/Artist fashion I leave this newsletter to the very last minute and this month has been no different…except the month is 2/3 days shorted than the rest so I am even more rushed than the other 11 months!!!! Sending everyone love, especially people in Ukraine, families in Russia and everyone who is scared and currently being invaded or used as cannon fodder by rich powerful dictators. I havent got anything of substance to say about that other than war and imperialism must end for the freedom and safety of all peoples. Thanks for reading and love you lots!

I havent left London (pretty much my house) for longer than a day since last summer in June when me and my parents went to Manchester to see our Pandemic Penguin Parade being exhibited and July visiting my aunt in Essex. On the drive up we stopped off at our other family friends who just moved to the countryside, and I was reuinted with their bi-lingual Akita called Rex. 

I have been feeling so stuck and trapped and going stir crazy, so we planned a trip to stay at family friends in North Norfolk on the coast. As soon as we arrived mum started a fire to warm us up, and then we went out to eat at a local pub where I had a freaking incredible double cheeseburger.  On our short walk home in the pitch black, I almost fell over in shock at how many stars were up above our heads, it was a beautiful sight to behold for a city bb like me!

The local beach at Salthouse is made up of pebbles, despite the freezing cold breeze and chronic pain making my legs wobbly it was so meditative to hear the soft crunch of pebbles, the variety of birds chirping and crashing waves around me. I couldnt help picking up some of my favourite and most eye catching stones to keep/draw including one which looks like a face. The first full day was pretty rainy, we mostly drove from village to village, mum and dad showing me places theyve visited before, looking at the scenery and nature around us. Noticing the distinct architecture style of the buildings, many of the villages we visited or drove through were built out of local materials mostly flint with brick detailing. We ended our drive by getting out at a different beach which has massive grassy sand dunes where I saw loads of shells. Driving through the countryside, seeing trees and animals, streams and farms at golden hour just brings me such a peaceful feeling and inspires me. The british countryside is a thing of beauty.

The second day we were greeted by a very friendly and fluffy cat who was very lovely. Before setting off in the car we walked about 5 mins round the corner to visit the local church which had views to the sea, and inside the sun shone into a simple yet beautiful space with painted wooden pews, tapestry prayer cushions and clear glass windows. The only downside of our trip was visiting Cromer where we saw a racist britain first “take back our country” sign in someones window above a shop, understandably left a sour taste in our mouth, making us feel uncomfortable and unwelcome. Its shitty to be reminded of the racist people/organisations who spout nationalist bullshit but dont know their own history. Then our plan was to visit a few National Trust properties but some werent open and others were closing early due to winter scheduling. It was still nice to walk around the grounds of the Blickling Estate with the kitchen garden being restored, large lake and manicured hedges. 

To get away for a few days with my parents, is something I dont take for granted. At times I feel like I have no independence as a 27 year old, but Im truly lucky to have them make my life easier and happier. I might get sad and feel left out with my friends, because its not practical or safe for me to adventure alone right now, I’ve barely done anything by myself these past few years and until pain relief this is what my life looks like. It can take a toll on my sense of self, but all that was put aside as I appreciated the change of scenery, fresh air and the security of being with my parents and knowing I’ll be safe and facilitated if I get anxious or too much pain. One of the things with chronic pain is you have to divide up your energy and pain levels, I mentally prepared ahead of being away from my heated pads and comforts of my house for a few days because I knew my mind and body needed the fresh air and nature. Im happy to be back with my cats and microwave for my heated pads but feeling rejuvenated and reminded that there is beauty out there beyond my four walls.

February 14th has always been a special day to me, my Dads birthday! This year he wasnt actually home on the day but we had a lovely Chinese takeaway the day before and watched Lego Masters Australia. Ive always been close with Dad, going on many day outs and adventures when I was younger, but as the years went by we would butt heads which always brought us sadness and frustration. We have worked through a lot together, and in the past year have both come to the realisation we are most likely Autistic. When I understood this about myself and my Dad it made me process everything from a different perspective and everything about our relationship made sense. Im overly sensitive and he is not always sensitive enough (through no fault of our own) but realising this took some of the pressure off. I love how smart my Dad is, he is amazing at DIY and building/repairing things, he is great at organising and processing numbers, he is passionate about sports and making sure everyone has opportunities within a sporting environment. There is nothing he wouldnt do for people, many times to his own detriment, but his heart is big. So Happy Birthday month to my amazing Dad!

Two brown boys wearing all black stand in front of a bright mural which has colours blending from yellow, to orange to red. There are two trainers on a black box which the boys are taking a photo of. The wall has a candle, hands holding a map with text ‘discover’ and a phone with ‘keep in touch’ painted on it. The red from the mural also blends onto the floor.
Three pairs of legs all wearing nike trainers, standing over a floor mural which is an illustration of a globe with red arrows spilling out into the street

Its been such a depressing year of being stuck in my house again, for fear of catching covid and also because I still have no pain relief. I have missed my mural so much and Ive not been seeing my boys as regularly as we’re used to so I was so happy to take them to go see it for the first time. The day before was red warning from storm Eunice, the sunday we had planned was yellow warning from storm Franklin but despite the weather we got in Hoss’s car, music playing and set on our adventure to Southwark. My boys have been by my side encouraging me since Hanecdote started in 2012, so it was a big deal for them to get to see this achievement. My heart was filled to be reunited with my mural despite the rain and seeing their smiles and pride was the cherry on top. I had bought some plain white air force 1’s to customise in celebration of my first public art commission and although it was raining we got a few pictures of them with my colourful mural.

Ipad illustrations of a packet of mini burger biscuits, a street sign for Southwark SE1, a mercedes with flames coming out the back, a triangular tall building called The Shard, a globe with red arrows and stars coming out of it with the worse ‘life is about adventures’, two speech bubbles one saying ‘i love London’ and ‘look at that buiding’, a grey storm cloud with rain and wind below. The botto of the illustration is dedicated to Jamal Edwards, an innovator of Grime/UK Rap who passed away at aged 31, 5 candles and three white roses in front of a grave stone. Blue heart reads ‘SBTV’ his iconic youtube channel


I cant explain how satisfying it has been to start learning patchwork techniques and how to use a sewing machine after years of self doubt, loss of confidence and ability to hand sew for hours like my heart desires. It is such a rewarding feeling to venture into a new way of making, to learn bit by bit, taking it slow and concentrating extra hard, to make sure youre on the right track. Patchwork, in comparison to hand embroidery is very mathematical, symmetrical and neat. As frustrated as I can be sometimes that I didnt learn/practice how to use a sewing machine earlier, I cant wait to keep practicing and eventually master these techniques to make my art even more amazing. I used my trusted calico for the patchwork as its my fav material to embroider onto and is also neutral. The branch is from a cherry tree in the garden, thanks as always to mum for her help and guidance. There was no wider concept to this piece, it was just a space for me to enjoy the making process, learn new techniques and experiment. Its a different way for creating for me because my work is usually driven by intense emotions or human experiences but this piece was literally just for fun! Do something just for the fun of it soon!

text reads ‘Decriminalised Futures’ with a black lino cut print of artist self portrait of Khaleb Brooks, in a seated position on the floor, on arm bracing them and the other arm leaned on their raised knee. Text below lists contributing artists to the exhibition: Tobi Adebajo, Yarli Allison, Khaleb Brooks, Chi Chi Castillo, Cory Cocktail, Hanecdote, Liad Hussein, Kantorowicz, Letizia Miro, Aisha Mirza, Annie Mok, May May Peltier, pxr•mxt•r and Danica Uskert

I havent had the opportunity to get to the ICA yet, but earlier this month was the launch of Decriminalised Futures, a group show by SWARM which showcases art about sex work and decriminalisation. I embroidered a still life dedicated to sex workers of all kinds and the community we foster when the world wants to ignore/violate/harm us. I will be facilitating an online embroidery workshop in April so keep an eye out on the ICA website or I will post the link for booking here in my March newsletter!

Exhibition Guide PDF
ICA website

My glamorous friend wearing big sunglasses, a playboy handbag, a brown scarf, and olive green leather trench coat with fur cuffs, standing infront of my sex-work still life, pointing at my work with a proud smile
A photograph of my sex-worker still life on display at The ICA. The embroidery is a still life of a desk with a mirror, various objects including a pile of books, stripper heals, broken police cuffs, a walking stick, mask, make up, birth control, candles, a globe, pepper spray, ashtray, phone with text which read’ i luv u’ an orchid in an ancient Greek vase
Image of a desk, with an embroidery hoop and calico embroidered with ‘school of he(art)’  next to felt coloured in lime green, dark and medium green, turquoise, baby pink, neon pink, bright pink, lilac, orange and yellow
10 hand embroidered patches with school of heart and a skull on, made of calico and felt with blanket stitch around the edges. Colours are lime green, dark and medium green, turquoise, baby pink, neon pink, bright pink, lilac, orange and yellow

After a whole year since the success of our Embroidery Colouring Book kickstarter campaign, I have finished the OG hand embroidered patches and all the fabric pages have arrived cut to perfection. We have been busy getting all the different elements together so that within in the next week or so we’ll be shipping everything to people who supported. Its been such a long year, I couldnt have done it without everyones support and patience. When we did the kickstarter we had no real idea how the book was going to come together, the months passed by and I grew more stressed and frustrated. Now that we are at the final hurdle with all aspects of the reward tiers in my possession, I can finally get excited again at the thought of everyone receiving their goodies and especially the fabric pages of my designs to teach and encourage a whole new group of people to pick up a needle and thread. Making these patches made me feel like I was back in 2013 churning out cute lil patches of all kinds, although this time felt extra special customising them with names and backers fav colours. It warms my heart to imagine everyone across the UK and the wider world who will be making embroideries of my designs for their own therapy or a present to a loved on. Embroidery has brought me so much joy and therapy myself, I would still be doing it for hours a day if my body let me, but the next best thing is being able to share that love with others. Thanks again to everyone.

I finally got round to watching We Are Lady Parts about a Muslim Punk band from London. A truly authentic and relatable story of friendship, self expression, tradition and pioneering. 
A book cover titled Women’s Work, subheading is From feminine arts to feminist art by Ferren Gipson. The background is of a quilted fabric surface with strips of colourful blocks in brown, cobalt blue, dark blue, light pink and tan with the remaining fabric being black with white stitches.

If you love textiles art please consider buying (pre-ordering) this book that I’m featured in amongst such greats as Faith Ringgold, Louise Borgeois, Annie Albers and Judy Chicago! Artists I studied at university when my love for textiles as a medium was solidified through a feminist lens. Before university, I knew I loved hand embroidery but it wasnt until I went to uni and learnt about how feminists used textiles as a subversive medium to talk about their politics. The juxtaposition of textiles mediums which have been stereotyped as weak and pointless, were being used to scream and shout powerful messages and share voices of marginalised artists. 

It was an honour to be interviewed by Ferren and see myself featured in the contents page alongside Faith Ringgold who I wrote my dissertation about, stating how she is undervalued and appreciated as an artist which was evident in the fact her first european solo show was as recently as 2019

Preorder links below, The UK Bookshop doesnt ship internationally but you can preorder via Amazon too

UK Bookshop Affiliate Link
Amazon (International)
Ipad illustrations of shields coloured with gold and silver representing protection from covid, a house surrounded by a globe with the words ‘my house is my world’, a tooth with ‘ouch’ above, the word DESIGN is surrounded by a ruler, pencil, vase, ladder and light fixtures, a Guyanese flag with a palm tree, sun and sugar cane, a skull with a blue speech bubble and text “i dont know how to talk to people anymore’
Ipad illustration of blue text which says ‘NO PURPOSE IN LIFE’ with crossed pencils and crossed bones. Yellow and gold lightening bolts with text ‘leccy £650 increase while MPs claim £3,500 a year. A self injection with text “biologic meds havent worked for 6 months” a dark gold broken shield with text “immuno-compromised during a pandemic for no reason”. A simple outline of a person in light grey, with a dark grey shadow figure underneath, next to a simple head and shoulders figure with erratic dark grey sharp shape appearing around it in a scary and isolating way. Simplified figures of a group of people in front of framed art, an edwardian house, a mischievous devil emoji and sweat beads next to a pound coin representing how i have no fun, dont leave the house, have no sex and no income

Mum is the queen of orchids, and so she visits Kew Gardens annually for their Orchid festival which showcases orchids from a different country each year. It was my first time leaving the vicinity of my house this year, I just needed to see some beauty and colour and so tagged along with my parents. The selection of orchids on show were from Costa Rica, where they have over 1600 different varieties. The people who curate and plan these displays always do an incredible job with different arrangements, sometimes more natural looking, other times creating animals and statues which relate to the country of origin. Seeing mum in her happy place, surrounded by her favourite flowers always makes me happy. She has brought orchids back from near death, rescuing them from garden centres and shops. One day I hope she can have a greenhouse full of as many orchids as she can fit happily.

Ipad illustration of three orchids, one orange, of light pink with dark squiggles and one which is bright pink. A light blue diamond with ‘bio-diversity’ above, and purple, teal, grey and brown hummingbird next to a giant leaf with the text ‘visited Kew Gardens’
Three masked people (me, mum and dad) standing in front of a pond inside a Greenhouse at Kew Gardens with a colourful explosion of orchids arranged in a semi circle. Orchids are bright orange, yellow, orange, baby pink with big sharp leaves poking out.
Three masked people (me, mum and dad) in a green house at Kew Gardens, wall of leaves on the left with bunches of orange and purple flowers
On the same day that Wordle’s word of the day was frame, Mum and Dad picked up this beauty from the framers. It was great to be reunited with it after a month or two. Collaborating with mum is always a special occasion, but this one makes my heart happy because it was a design I made which she then requested to make into a tapestry. She has been doing tapestries for longer than ive been alive so her added expertise made this work come to life. 
The shadowy image of a ginger cat in front of stained glass of red tulips and doves.
A torty cat sitting on a cutting matt which is covered in fabric and patchwork
A torty cat sitting on a white bearded mans lap while getting under chin tickles
A ginger cat looks past the camera at a magpie on the roof
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