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February 2022

I.AIM News

Planning Underway for 3rd Coast AI for Health Bowl​

3C-AI4H BowlI.AIM is excited to host the 2nd annual 3rd Coast AI for Health Bowl this fall. The goal of the event is to bring together talent in medicine and computer science to raise the profile of augmented intelligence (AI) across multiple institutions, including Northwestern, Notre Dame, University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana, Penn State, Washington University, and Toronto University. The Bowl is open to all higher education institutions.

Multi-disciplinary teams will identify problems, pitch a creative solution, and present their proof of concept. Team proposals could include risk prediction, imaging analysis, augmented decision making, or mitigating bias. The top three teams will win prizes.

For more information and to get involved, email us at

Kelly Michelson Publishes on the Ethics of Sharing Patient Data

Kelly MichelsonI.AIM Chief Ethics Officer Kelly N. Michelson, MD, MPH, has published a viewpoint in JAMA on "Navigating Clinical and Business Ethics While Sharing Patient Data." Dr. Michelson and colleagues discuss the secondary use of patient data to support public health and research purposes, particularly as it relates to corporations with business interests. They highlight the need for ethical and regulatory frameworks and make recommendations for avoiding patient exploitation. Read the paper here.

Yuan Luo Is Journal's New Social Media Editor

Yuan LuoI.AIM Chief AI Officer Yuan Luo, PhD, is now serving as the Social Media Editor for the Journal of Biomedical Informatics. Follow @JBI_Journal on Twitter.

David Liebovitz Moderated "Major Trends and Opportunities in Digital Health"

Northwestern University's Medical Alumni Association presented "Major Trends and Opportunities in Digital Health" on February 8. David Rhew, MD, discussed three major trends in digital health and provided examples of how artificial intelligence can be applied to transform virtual care. He also described some of the limitations and opportunities of remote patient monitoring.

David Liebovitz, MD, Co-Director of I.AIM's Center for Medical Education in Data Science & Digital Health, moderated a Q&A session with Dr. Rhew at the end of the webinar.

View the webinar recording here.

Clinical Informatics Roundtable

March 25, 2022, 12:00-1:00p.m. CT

You're invited to join I.AIM for monthly virtual gatherings in which participants share topics, troubleshoot, and network.

The Clinical Informatics Roundtable series provides opportunities to:

  • Share your works in progress
  • Learn about exciting new initiatives (academic and in industry)
  • Present thorny challenges
  • Highlight clever insights

We recognize that great ideas can—and most often do—cross over disciplines. All are welcome.

Register Now

Other News

New Hub Will Evaluate Impact of AI

An exciting research hub, Center for Advancing Safety of Machine Intelligence (CASMI), is launching to evaluate the impact of AI. Congrats to Kristian Hammond, CASMI executive director, and Underwriters Laboratories on the new endeavor. Read more about the new hub.

NUCATS On-Demand Launches with 24/7 Access to Resources

NUCATS On-Demand is a new digital tool that allows research staff and faculty to find training and other educational resources whenever they need them. Not able to attend a NUCATS hosted workshop like "CReWE" or "Navigating the Research Enterprise?" Feel free to access bookmarked recordings so you can jump to the section of the presentation that is most relevant to you. In addition to videos and recorded webinars from subject-matter experts, NUCATS On-Demand also features:
  • Full-length eLearning modules 
  • Reference guides and regulatory templates for research staff
  • A clinical research glossary with common terms for staff and faculty new to research
  • Extensive topic-specific pages on Data Management/REDCap, Conducting Research during COVID, Faculty Mentoring, and Good Clinical Practice (GCP).
Explore NUCATS On-Demand here.

Other Events

Talk Through Ideas at the AI4H Clinic

March 3, 2022, 3:30-4:30p.m. CT

As part of a Health Sciences Integrated Program (HSIP) course (HSIP442) for doctoral students, clinicians interested in AI for healthcare are invited to join on March 3 to talk through their problems and ideas. 

Students, led by the instructor and course staff, will provide consultation to clinicians, think over and debate on solutions to the problem and submit a write-up of their experiences shortly after the session. For physicians who previously presented a challenge with analysis-ready data early on, students were able to turn analysis into a class project resulting in publications.
Register Now

IPHAM Hosts Weekly Seminar Series

Thursdays, 12p.m. CT

Join the Institute for Public Health and Medicine for weekly seminars featuring public health topics.
Learn More

Funding Opportunities

Havey Institute Accepting Applications for Global Innovation Challenge Award

The Havey Institute for Global Health is pleased to offer support to affiliated Northwestern faculty for research in global health to address the Institute’s mission to support and expand knowledge, research capacity, and equity in global health through transdisciplinary research and education partnerships.  

The Global Innovation Challenge Award will fund up to $250,000 with a budget period of two years. It is intended to encourage exploratory and cutting-edge research by providing support for early and conceptual stages of project development geared towards addressing healthcare needs worldwide. 
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Funding for Innovative Machine Learning Projects

The Dreyfus program for Machine Learning in the Chemical Sciences and Engineering, initiated in 2020, provides funding for innovative projects in any area of Machine Learning (ML) consistent with the Foundation’s broad objective to advance the chemical sciences and engineering. The Foundation anticipates that these projects will contribute new fundamental chemical insight and innovation in the field.
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National Science Foundation Funding for Future Manufacturing

The goal of Future Manufacturing is to support fundamental research and education of a future workforce to overcome scientific, technological, educational, economic, and social barriers in order to catalyze new manufacturing capabilities that do not exist today. 

Three focus areas have been identified for support in FY 2022: Future Cyber Manufacturing Research, Future Eco Manufacturing Research, and Future Biomanufacturing Research.

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