
March 2022

Read Things That Matter

Thoughts from a tech studio whose mission is to Make Things That Matter.

Hey there,

I’m sure I’m not the only one having a hard time processing the world right now. I’ve been keeping the television on in the background of my office, checking in regularly for “breaking news.” I wish I could call the events in Ukraine “unprecedented” but, sadly, we all know our world has been here before. We’ve risen to these challenges in the past, and I firmly believe we will meet the moment again this time. That doesn’t make it any less scary.

One of the reasons TEN7 adopted the mission to Make Things That Matter was because of a foundational belief that each of us can – should! – be a positive force in the world. As we often discuss on ONE IN 8 BILLION, we are all individuals with unique gifts to offer. We are also connected and have an obligation to use our gifts for common good.

The situation in Ukraine is testing our collective mettle on this idea. Yes, some of the political divisions are exposing cracks and weaknesses that threaten democracy. Thankfully, the larger story is that this act of aggression is forging renewed alliances and revealing our collective strength.

At TEN7 we choose to focus on the way the world is coming together in the name of democracy and self-determination. We are inspired by the Russian citizens risking their lives to march in protest against war. We admire the strength of Ukrainians who are fighting for their nation against the odds. We hope the world will continue to stand strong against an authoritarian regime, while opening their arms to those who have been forced to leave their homes for refuge. We stand with our allies around the world who stand up for democracy.

We long for peace.

We stand with Ukraine.


Well, hi there! Thanks for reading the small print, this is where the good stuff usually is. This month's newsletter is different, because war. We're going to keep what we usually say here. So, in case you missed it, we are a technology studio whose mission is to Make Things That Matter. We really love the people we get to work with, more about them at Curious about working for us? Then you need Our clients are pretty cool, too. You can see our recent work with them at Also, we have a podcast... doesn't everyone? It's called ONE OF 8 BILLION and you can find it on Apple, Google, Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts. Funny thing? If you hit "reply" on this email, Ivan will write back to you. True story.

This message was sent on 03/01/2022.

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