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A Word from the Director

Dear friends,

We are so proud of our Club members! Every week, we see new growth and fresh evidence that our programs work! Academic success, citizenship and healthy lifestyles do not just happen - they are nurtured. The Formula for Impact at the Boys & Girls Club includes caring adults, proven programs and a safe place for all young people to discover their talents and create an amazing future. 

We are filled with hope for our future, knowing that our young people are making great progress!

Molly O. Hornbeak, Director
See our 2021 Impact Report!

Great News

National BGCA Fine Arts Contestants!

Our Club members participated in the BGCA National Fine Arts Contest this month - and here they are posing with their beautiful creations! Kudos to Miss Rosemary Rodriguez, our multi-talented staff member, for encouraging their talent!

What is digital citizenship?

Team Q (our technology staff members Mr. Quentin and Mr. Qaadir) are teaching Club members the building blocks of digital citizenship! The first step is safety - avoiding common pitfalls such as scams and predators. Club members also learned that every action they do on the internet leaves a "trail" that others can see. We have a strong firewall at the Boys & Girls Club of Bluffton, and a restricted, limited list of links for homework and educational games. Great job, Team Q!
The SMART Girls program offers a safe environment where female Club members can be authentic, honest and candid when expressing feelings about their mind, body and soul. By instilling the values of integrity, self-esteem and mutual respect, SMART Girls helps to enhance the quality of life for our female Club members. In addition to physical wellness, it is important for young women to establish healthy interpersonal relationships. Therefore, adult mentoring is integrated throughout the curriculum to foster self-confidence and enhance participants’ communication skills. 
Passport to Manhood promotes and teaches responsibility in male Club members. Each Passport to Manhood session concentrates on a specific aspect of manhood through highly interactive activities. Topics such as bullying, personal hygiene and healthy life choices are presented. Passport to Manhood represents a targeted effort to engage young men in discussions and activities that reinforce positive behavior. Most important, the program includes adult male mentors who can provide guidance to members about the many challenges they will face as young men in our society.


Showcasing Teen Activities


Congratulations to Lily Jackson, the 2022 Youth of the Year for the Boys & Girls Club of Bluffton. She will move on to compete with the other Youth of the Year candidates from the Lowcountry. The judges commended both candidates, YOY Lily Jackson and YOY Runner-up Kambria Doe, for their professional and impressive work. We are proud of you both!
What is Gaming Club?

It's not just a room full of zoned out teens playing video games! Gaming Club includes all kinds of interactive games, like pool, pingpong, chess, and Mancala. The emphasis is on friendly competition and FUN! The Gaming Club meets on Tuesdays from 4:30 - 5:30 pm at The CLUB Teen Center.

Team registration deadline and Sponsor deadline: March 11.

Team & Sponsor Sign Up Online

Community Outreach

Second Helpings provides healthy groceries for our families.

Three days a week, the volunteer crew from Second Helpings brings donations of meat, fresh bread, and farm fresh produce for our members. Especially in this time of rising grocery and gas prices, even families with two incomes can struggle to make ends meet. Thank you, Second Helpings, for supporting the Bluffton community!

The Women of Palmetto Bluff received handmade Valentines from our Club members last month. We are honored to be the charity of choice for the Women of Palmetto Bluff this year. Their All-American Chili-Cookoff event is March 6 and proceeds benefit the Boys & Girls Club of Bluffton. Thank you!!

February Wall of Fame

Welcome, David Ur!

Site preparations for the new playground are underway, thanks to the generosity of Mrs. Cynthia Willett, in memory of Dwaine Willett.

We are also honored to thank the Wexford Charitable Foundation!

With your monthly, tax-deductible donation —  you'll change lives all year long and join a special community of other dedicated supporters, the Bluffton Builder's Club. Monthly giving is a simple way to make a real difference. Setting up your monthly gift is easy and can be increased or stopped at any time.

It’s time to get the kids back in the Club - and you can help!

Why give monthly?
Monthly giving is flexible, more affordable and has a bigger impact!
See below for an inspiring profile of our newest monthly donor, Ebony Hye.

Yes! I want to make a monthly donation!

Alumni Spotlight: Ebony Hye

An Interview with Ebony Hye

Can you share an update on your post-Club experiences? 
After graduating from Bluffton High in 2009, I attended Winthrop University, majoring in Business Administration with a concentration in HR Management. After I graduated in 2013, I went back home to Bluffton and worked at Camp Hilton Head. I'd worked for Camp Hilton Head for a few summers during undergrad. I began working back-office operations at TD Bank in Lexington, SC in Feb 2014 as a Wire Transfer Operator. In 2016, I became Team Lead. Now I'm supervising Wire Operations as of December 2016. In this role, I oversee daily wire operations, including processing domestic/international incoming and outgoing wire transfers for TD Bank customers, reconciling wire totals and amounts with the Federal Reserve, performing daily/monthly audits, and providing guidance on wire-related inquiries.
What Club programs were your favorite- or which impacted you the most? 
This is hard! I loved all the Club programs! Show Me the Money prepared us for careers and professionalism. Keystone Club strengthened my leadership and public speaking skills; it also provided many opportunities for traveling to places I'd never been before including California, Washington, D.C., and Minneapolis. Smart Girls empowered young women to learn about their bodies and make smart decisions related to their overall well-being.
Can you share any specific Club experiences or persons that helped prepare you for your accomplishments after high school?
Molly O. Hornbeak, Jaala Miller, Caitlin Hunt, Nadia Felder, Jackie Brockington, Liberty Charles, Keisha Glover. I'd also say that being on the Southeastern Keystone Club Steering Committee prepared me for public speaking in front of large audiences.
Can you share why you became a monthly donor to the Club?
I believe in "giving back" to my community and supporting programs that I know will benefit youth in attendance. Anything I learned and/or participated in from ages 7 to 18, I owe to the Bluffton B&GC. I'm unable to attend events and volunteer as much as I'd like to, so giving back is the next best thing in my eyes. I made my pledge through a program at my work (TD Bank) called the Employee Giving Campaign. The campaign is launched yearly, allowing employees to choose which non-profit organizations they'd like to support.
Give Today

Character & Leadership DevelopmentHealth & Life Skills The Arts
Sports, Fitness & Recreation Education & Career Development

Since 1998, the Boys & Girls Club of Bluffton has provided children and teens, ages 6-18 years old, with a safe place to learn and grow.

Over 5,000 members' lives have been touched by the Club and your generosity over the last 23 years. 

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Thank you for your caring spirit.

Our mailing address is:

Boys & Girls Club of Bluffton

P.O. Box 1908

Bluffton, SC 29910

Our Club location is:

100 H.E. McCracken Circle
Bluffton, SC 29910 | 843.757.2845

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