Team Veterans' Affairs.
Looking forward to February's VA team meeting this week!
Wednesday, 2/23, 7-8pm EST, 5-6pm MST.
Monthly Agenda:
- Share any challenging colleagues & cases
- Practitioner updates on research progress
- Work on a metabolic health overview article for Federal Practitioner
- February - May meetings on 4th Wednesdays 7-8pm EST. (2/23, 3/23, 4/27, 5/25)
Zoom login info (same each month)
Meeting ID: 298 949 8332
Passcode: metabolic
Find your local number:
Feel free to share with other metabolic-health oriented practitioners who either work with Veterans Affairs or who are veterans themselves.
Grants for 501(c)(3) charities fighting diabetes
You might want to get involved with a Sun Life's Team Up Against Diabetes grant program. Applications due March 31st.
Type 1 Diabetes, low-carb & metabolic health
If you have worked with patients in this area, we'd appreciate your filling out our survey for practitioners about Type 1 diabetes & low carb nutrition therapies. We're part of a working group developing practice parameters for nutritional therapies for type 1 diabetes.
Thanks for all you do!
Cecile Seth