Note from the Division Chief

Dear faculty, residents, alumni, and friends of the Duke Division of Urology,
I want to wish everyone a warm and sunny welcome to the Winter Newsletter. As the morning sun greets us earlier in the morning and stays with us a later in the evenings, the vestiges of winter will soon be behind us. Having spent a significant portion of my career in Michigan, winter was colder, snowier, and so much cloudier than in North Carolina. For me, the cold and snow were tolerable, but the absence of sunshine for long stretches wore on my soul. Winters here, with the occasional snow are so much more enjoyable. Besides, being an avid golf fan, the ability to play almost year round has been so uplifting! I wish it had translated into better scores for me.
I opened the Fall Newsletter with a greetings of thanks and I would like to carry on that theme for this newsletter as well. First, let me offer my deepest thanks and appreciation to our incredible group of urology residents. They are oftentimes the “face” of urology to our patients, nursing colleagues, and division staff and hospital personnel. Duke Health is recognizing the contributions of the residents in training by designating February 21-25 Graduate Medical Education Week. I too, wish to take this opportunity to thank you for all you do! As you will see later in this edition, we have highlighted the newest members to our residency training program. Welcome, Aaron, Thomas, Hasan, and Nicklas to Duke Urology!
I want to offer my heartfelt thanks and gratitude to all of you who provided such incredible support to the Division. This past year the Division received a record $225,000 in donations! These generous gifts will facilitate us in fulfilling our mission statement…”Advancing urologic health as a leader in world class multi-disciplinary research; transformative education; and compassionate, innovative and exceptional urologic care for all patients”
Gary Faerber, MD
Professor and Chief, Division of Urology
Duke Urology and the Department of Surgery had the great pleasure of having Dr. Tracy M. Downs give us a wonderful thought-provoking Grand Rounds talk on February 9th entitled "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Moving from Ambition to Competence From a US Health System Perspective". Dr. Downs is currently Professor in the Department of Urology at University of Virginia and is Chief Diversity & Community Engagement Officer for UVA Health. He spent additional time with our residents speaking on diversity and inclusion and entertained case presentations. Sadly, we could only have him be with us virtually but we hope he will come back for a true in-person visiting professorship. I am delighted to introduce him as the newest member of the Duke Urology DYSURIA Society!
Dr. Preminger was awarded the 2021 Ramon Guiteras Award for outstanding service to the AUA and for pioneering and innovative work in the field of endourology. His career has been dedicated to furthering the field the medical prevention of kidney stones as well as incorporating new technology to surgically treat stones. He is the first Duke Urology faculty member to receive this award - the most important acknowledgement from the AUA for academic excellence.
It is an honor to announce that we matched four outstanding individuals to join Duke Urology in July.
Dr. Aaron Stewart, CPT US Army will be our military resident in the 2022 class. Dr. Stewart is a native of Yakima, WA. He is a magna cum laude graduate of the University of Washington where he also attended medical school. He currently is serving as a transitional intern at Madigan Army Medical Center. He will join us at Duke next year and start with repeating his surgical internship.
Hasan Jhaveri is a summa cum laude graduate of the University of Florida College of Medicine where he is in medical school. Both his father and grandfather are urologists.
Nicklas Sarantos also attends the University of Florida School of Medicine. He is returning to Duke where he attended college and was a student manager for the football team.
Thomas Schreoder is at the University of Nebraska School of Medicine and attended Nebraska Wesleyan University. He served in the Peace Corps in Guatemala and taught English in Turkey in the Fulbright Program between college and medical school.
We are so excited to announce that the Duke Urology residency training program again received full accreditation from the Residency Review Committee (RRC) of the American Committee on Graduate Medical Education. In addition, our program received commendation for “its demonstrated substantial compliance with the ACGME’s Program Requirements and/or Institutional Requirements.” This is, indeed, high praise from the RRC.
Jodi Antonelli MD joined Duke Urology in December 2021 from her previous position at University of Texas-Southwestern in Dallas where she has been since completing her residency at Duke in 2012. She recently participated in the AUA Core Curriculum Committee winter meeting. She is the Senior Editor for Urolithiasis, UPJ Obstruction, and Laparoscopy/Robotics.
Chuck Scales, MD, successfully won a $3 million/3 year U24 award to continue as the coordinating director of the NIDDK Urinary Stone Disease Research Network. This will allow them to complete the Prevention or Urinary Stone with Hydration (PUSH) Trial which is the largest randomized clinical trial ever conducted for urinary stones.
Vishnukamal Golla, MD, MPH a first year National Clinician Scholar and under the mentorship of Chuck Scales, MD, MS was awarded a Duke University Bass Connections award of $25,000 towards his project "Financial Burden in Older Adult Health Disparate Populations." Dr. Golla completed his urology residency at UCLA last year and will be spending two years at Duke.
Michael Odom PhD the postdoctoral research fellow in the Dr. Hughes and Purves' laboratory, won 1st place for his oral presentation in the inflammation category at the annual meeting of CARIBU (Collaborating for the Advancement of Interdisciplinary Research in Benign Urology) and 1st place oral presentation at the Society for Pelvic Research annual meeting for his work "NLRP3-Dependent Barrier Dysfunction in Diabetic Mice is Associated with Detrusor Overactivity but not Underactivity." He also won an AUA Travel Award to present his work on "Detrusor contractility in response to PGF2a is increased in diabetic mice with underactive bladder."
Armand Alkanjari MD was awarded 3rd research prize at the Kimbrough Society Annual Meeting for Government Service Urologists in January for his project, "Diabetic Bladder Dysfunction in Make Akita Mice Progresses Directly to an Underactive Phenotype" under the mentorship of Francis Hughes PhD and J Todd Purves MD PhD
Samantha Eaker NP gave a plenary talk on "Urologic Medications" at the annual meeting of the Pediatric Urology Nurses Society in Miami on December 1, 2021.
Maryellen Kelly DNP was awarded a grant to study "Composition of the Urinary Microbiome in Children" from NIDDK. She serves on the Board of Directors of the Pediatric Urology Nurses Society and was program director for the annual meeting in Miami in December.
Both of the Duke fourth year medical students successfully matched for urology positions. Kosta Morris will be headed to Indiana University and Madison Krischak to the University of Michigan.
Hsin-Hsiao Scott Wang MD MPH MBAn (’17), Assistant Professor at Boston Children’s Hospital/Harvard University was awarded the 2021 Societies for Pediatric Urology Research Grant for his project on machine-learning-based personalized management for children with urinary tract infections.
On Saturday May 14th at 6:00 pm we will host our annual DYSURIA Reception at the Hilton New Orleans Riverside in the Fulton Room - 3rd Floor. If you have question regarding the event or issues with the invite please contact Tiffany Standridge at or
MARCH 31-APRIL 3, 2022 – 54TH ANNUAL DUKE UROLOGIC ASSEMBLY – Grand Floridian Inn & Resort, Walt Disney World Resort, Orlando, Florida
May 20, 2022 DUKE FRIDAY VISITING PROFESSOR – DAVID F. PAULSON LECTURE - KIRSTEN GREENE MD – Chair, Dept. of Urology, University of Virginia
Please note: We are changing our Duke Tuesday Visiting Professor Lectureships to Duke Fridays taking place once a year in May or June, beginning in 2022. We invite urologists from our region to attend in person morning lectures by Dr. Greene and Duke faculty on urologic oncology topics. More information will be forthcoming.
April 28 and 29, 2022, virtual 1-5 pm
Keynote speakers include J. Curtis Nickel, MD and Karl-Dietrich Sievert, MD, PhD, and discussions will be on chronic urologic pain disorders and the science of the underactive bladder.
Faculty, fellows, postdocs, students, and staff from all disciplines with an interest in any aspect of benign urological diseases are invited to attend.
Registration and abstract submission are open. Abstract submission closes March 29, 2022.
Recruitment for A Phase 3, Multi-center, Randomized Study Evaluating Efficacy of TAR-200 in Combination With Cetrelimab Versus Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy in Participants With Muscle-Invasive Urothelial Carcinoma (MIBC) of the Bladder who are not Receiving Radical Cystectomy has begun!
Reach out to Brant Inman, MD, 919-681-1322, or Diane Pinder, 919-681-3675, if you think you have a patient who may qualify or for any study questions.
Recruitment for A study of intravesical enfortumab vedotin for treatment of patients with non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (NIBC) well begin soon.
Reach out to Brant Inman, MD,, 919-681-1322, or Diane Pinder, 919-681-3675, if you think you have a patient who may qualify or for any study questions.