Wednesday is Cornell Giving Day -- Let's all chip in!
Dear Colleagues and Friends,

Last year, for Cornell Giving Day, we pledged to expand Cornell's support services for students/alumni returning home from prison. There has been an acute need for reentry services during the pandemic, which has seen frequent suspension of in-prison programming. Even our 2021 graduation ceremony was cancelled by the prison authorities due to COVID.
With the support we received on Cornell Giving Day, we began taking serious steps to establish a reentry initiative at Cornell. This January, we hired a Director of Academic Reentry Services (more below). We have been building our network of relationships and supports for returning citizens, from repurposed laptops to affordable housing... but we're just getting started.
This year we will again commit this year's Cornell Giving Day contributions to our students' post-prison success. Please consider donating to CPEP this Wednesday. Your support helps us ensure our students' success. Thank you.

Robert Scott, Executive Director
Cornell Prison Education Program
p.s. Note that the Giving Day portal will open this Wednesday, March 16th.