Now you can download your Elicit results as a .bib file, which you can then import into reference managers like Zotero! 

If you only want to import one paper at a time, Michael Shulman pointed out that you can right click the DOI link in Elicit and use the Zotero browser extension.
How different people use Elicit 
  • Aaron Tay is an experienced librarian at Singapore Management University. For years he's been blogging about open access, literature discovery tools, and the craft of being a librarian. Aaron recently shared a blog post digging into Elicit. We liked how thoughtfully it explored where Elicit does or does not work well. 
  • Prompted by Aayush, a student participating in the AGI (artificial general intelligence) Safety Fellowship, I made video about how I use Elicit for topics that have lots of empirical research.
  • Sahan is a Master's student and English teacher who made this incredible intro video and inspired me to rewatch Iron Man. 
I'm thinking of making more videos explaining how to use Elicit for different kinds of questions. If there are any you're interested in, please let me know!

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