Well done everyone, panic over. Time to start panic.

2022, le 3éme mois,


Hello tiny humans,

Did you get your ticket yet? If not, HERE is the Not-Safe-For-Comms (NSFC) version of the post that could help you find out what you should pay for Nowhere. (Attention, NSFC is more spicy!)

All your leads are considering not going to Nowhere because it's too expensive? Well : 

  1. remind them that Nowhere is a holiday camp for rich humans
  2. contact the comms team to make changes to the website recruitment page
  3. consider this cheaper event
  4. maybe advertise Werkhaüs as a camp option
This month’s Bullshit Or Overrated Brilliant (BOOB)advice:

Redundancy is the new retetition!

(featuring Fred Astaire)

It's highly possible that your leads and volunteers are gonna not come to Nowhere on a last minute notice. One way to be smart about it is to build a redundancy plan.

Yes, change your fist rota now*. Add some shadow-lead, co-leads, 2 humans for 1 shift…


Good luck,

The Snitch

*you should have done this yesterday. Sorry Hardcastle.

Important dates & deadlines

  1. Fist opening : now
  2. Barrio registration start: around end of March
  3. First human on site: Mid June
  4. Nowhere 2022 dates : 5-10 July 2022

Call for actions/ for help

Things that NEED or might need your input.

Priority The Call Who to contact?
Where should I participate?

MoN is a sad puppy. It needs someone with vision who is willing to put some goddamn *passion* behind this vision and lead a team of lost cats to make it happen.

If you want to be involved or know someone who would, see the role description and contact Fox!


Power needs to know what will require electricity from your team/ project, especially if there is new equipment compared to the previous editions. But you could also just remind us what you already have.

Contact Blondie

See the sheets here. Please don't modify it, let us know about any changes!


Add your role to your Notslack(Mattermost) profile!  

Advertise what you do, help others to find the right interlocutor!

On your own NotSlack profile


FIST is back (ish). Volunteer! Tell your friends!


New projects or new working group announcements.

  2. Covid policy. Want to read it? it's here.
  3. Hardcore involvment: a MetaLead got a Truck License for up to 18m long trucks cause this human wants to move our shit around Nowhere.
  4. ONLINE LEAD CABIN (kinda old, but still useful) This tiny page was created to help Norg's leads find their way through the mess we made.

Rumour mill

(Un)serious info.

  • Malfare officially authorized support’s stuffed-animals of any kind. It's about time.
  • Erin is hitting on your mom, and your dad.
  • Neon Frilly Things coming soon to a Werkhaus near you. Where to find more info? Nowhere Fancy Tat - Norg's premier souvenir shop.
  • About the ticket's new design: “The depth of the artist's intention really carries away all the emotions to bring the ticket holder to a sensory space that perfectly reflects our common experience of recent years.”
Got someting juicy? Remember, you can help the snitch to snitch: here!



You can contact us or join the Snitching team by sending an email to  



WHAT IS THIS? Why am I getting those emails?

S.N.I.T.C.H is a project made by volunteers to share internal info with volunteers. It is part of Nowhere mayhem.
What is Nowhere? Well, look here!


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