Your weekly injection of tech news from the Doctolib team
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Happy Tuesday!

The Oscars are coming up and that got us thinking about the influence and representation of technology in media.

From blockbusters like Interstellar that inspired an academic paper on visualisations of black holes to shows like Mr. Robot that depict impressively realistic scenarios of the world of cybersecurity. 

If you have recommendations of any tech-themed movies, TV shows, podcasts or videos that you love please share them with us 📥

Netflix & chill aside, check out this week's newsletter to learn more about new tech, hacky tech, tech history, tech tips, tech tutorials, tech culture, tech journeys and much more. 

Have a great week 👋

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Javascript / React

Web Weekly #59

Stefan Judis brings another web weekly! Most importantly, he includes resources for helping the Ukraine 🇺🇦💙. 

 How to extract secrets from Electron app

Kamil Staszewski recently began digging into security, and with some experience in Electron figured this was a good place to start! In this post, he shares how to extract secrets from an Electron app - it's easy! 😎

Combining React with D3.js

📊 D3.js is a favourite when it comes to visualising data on the web. Combining D3.js with React is "notoriously tricky". This blog is amazing and is both specific and interactive, starting from the very beginning and working step by step!
Ruby / Rails

 RubyConf 2021 - A History of Compiling Ruby

Did you know that there have been at least 25 attempts to build a compiler from Ruby to machine code? In this talk, we go through the history of these different compilers and use them to trace the major advances in compiler research from the last couple of decades.

Configuring Rails system tests for headless and headfull browsers

This short article gives you the tools to extend Rails tasks to run your system tests with the driver of your choice.

How Ruby’s instance_exec works

Have you ever thought about how the describe and it methods work in RSpec?, or the factory method in FactoryBot? Look no further, in this blog Jason explain how Ruby’s instance_exec works.
Engineering culture & tech tools

🚀 A new year, a new MDN

The MDN is a resource of choice for any web development topic. So I'm sure you've noticed it's been drastically redesigned lately. This is the achievment of lots of work that started months ago, mid-2021. If you want more details about all that's changed and why, be sure to give this a read!

🛠 When to refactor?

Refactoring is an important part of a codebase life. It often (though not always) stems from the need to make existing code handle new use cases. But when are we supposed to refactor this existing code? Before, after, or at the same time as the functional changes themselves? Or completely independently from them? Here's Jason Swett take on this question.

 The meaning of ☑️

you thought that "☑️" had the same meaning for all of us, right? well, think again! Here's a Twitter thread detailing what the tick icon means in different countries
Docto Tech Life
When thinking about career progression, becoming a manager is often considered a classic path to take. Yet it is a real shift and it’s not for everyone. Discover the journey of Mélyna, Senior Software Engineer at Doctolib, and why becoming a manager was not the destination.
How do design teams collaborate at Doctolib, a company that evolves quickly? In this article, Paulina Brygier, Product Designer at Doctolib, shares with us how teams improve collaboration, feedback skills, and develop a learning mindset.

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TechLife is brought to you by our editors:
Hélène Droal, Charlotte Feather, Eva Stolz, Tara Matthews,
Tevin Otieno, Tobi Poel, Noémie Baudouin & Pierre-Adrien Buisson.

Thank you, everyone, for sharing awesome content with us and contributing to TechLife.
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