
MEJ Newsletter

March 2022 v2.2

“You can’t edit a blank page.” Jodi Picoult

It’s Friday the 13th time

13 Stories - 13 Authors…Get your fright on.

May 13, 2022 release—preorder available now. A fun project that took me out of my comfort zone (not that I really have one). The twelve other authors look to have great stories ready to go.

The secretive Group of Thirty resists the new Czech regime installed after the Prague Spring. Professor Valentýn Hrubý leads this campus group, fighting for the reforms crushed by Russian tanks. Hrubý keeps lists to help his forgetfulness, and the authorities find one of these lists, one that shows the names of his associates. The new government hires an assassin to track and dispose of the group’s members. The efficient killer stalks his prey, dressed in a three-piece suit and topped by a fedora.

It is Friday, twelve days before Christmas, and the wolf has arrived.

“The Prince of Darkness is a Gentleman.”

Shakespeare, King Lear

Preorder Kindle version on Amazon

Shadowed Souls

Late-summer 2022, The Wild Rose Press

Henry Ike Pierce’s adventures continue in Hawaii with new friends, old enemies, and a man seeking revenge for his father’s death at Pierce’s hands.

Peculiar Activities

If you’ve read it, please leave a review on Amazon or the platform of your choice. I’m tough (sometimes). You can tell the truth.

Don’t forget the audio version of Peculiar Activities.

Available on Audible and Amazon. Link to Audible.

Universal site for access: MEJBOOKS