BMRG urges landowners who have sustained damage from recent extreme weather and flooding to provide input to a submission calling for disaster funding to support the costs of repair to local properties. Compile details of damage to your property and send your completed submission to Please note we cannot guarantee funding, and landowners should also continue to pursue any other avenues for support.
Download and complete the submission.
Landcare review report
The Australian Government released the National Landcare Program Phase Two review report 28 February. The report shows positive outcomes for Australia’s environment and national resources while supporting the agricultural sector. The review found the Landcare program is considered to be contributing to improved sustainable agriculture, environmental and biodiversity outcomes, and broader community benefits. BMRG welcomed the acknowledgement of benefits, results, and opportunities to strengthen future programs, and congratulates all partners in the Burnett Mary region.
Find out more.
Hear from international experts
Dr Glenn Dale, Managing Director of Verterra Ecological Engineering, has over 35 years’ practical experience in natural resource management and ecological engineering expertise in the application of digital sensing technology to provide actionable intelligence in agriculture, mine site rehabilitation and natural resource management. Dr Fernanda Adame is a Research Fellow working at the Coastal and Marine Research Centre, Australian Rivers Institute at Griffith University. The main focus of her work is the ecosystem services that wetlands provide, such as carbon sequestration, improvement of water quality, and protection from tropical storms and flooding.
Hear them at the Burnett Mary Regional Science Forum.
New dog disease in QLD
Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries warns of a new tick-borne dog disease in Queensland. Erlichiosis can be fatal, talk to your vet about the best anti-tick products to protect your dog.
Find out more.
Local kids protect turtles
BMRG and partner Tangaroa Blue Foundation recently visited Burnett Heads State School to educate students about the serious threat plastics and marine debris pose to endangered turtles, before setting the enthusiastic volunteers to work on a critically important stretch of beach.
Thank you turtle volunteers!
As the turtle nesting and hatching season is coming to a close, BMRG thanks all the volunteers who have patrolled the beaches each day collecting data, protecting nests and ensuring Australia’s endangered turtles are given the best chance at survival.
Find out more about BMRG turtle projects.
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In case you missed it
BMRG receives $3.2M bushfire funding over three years through the Australian Government’s Black Summer Bushfire Recovery Grants Program. BMRG will deliver several projects in the region, including farm fire management plan training and support, cool burning training, expanded use of technology for fire detection, and infrastructure work at Camp Gregory.
Burnett River Water Quality progress.
The project will deliver large-scale earthworks, streambank rescaling, rock chutes and revegetation to slow the flow and filter river water.
Join us in April at the Regional Integrated Science Forum.
Bulletin now fortnightly
Thank you to those who provided valuable feedback through our recent survey. We will make some changes to the Bulletin over time in response to your feedback, and from this week you will receive fortnightly updates to your inbox.