
Praying, exploring, and sharing

In this bumper editions:

  • Sunday’s plans

  • Planning for Easter (fancy joining us on Monday night to make a plan?)

  • Wednesday’s Chicken Soup for the Soul

  • Mid week groups

  • Lent Resources to try at home

This Sunday: 6th March

3.30pm Afternoon Gathering in the School Hall

This Sunday, we continue our series picking up Wesley’s Wisdom as we talk about what it means to Hunger and Thirst for God. We’re back in the school hall, and slowly reintroducing our characteristic movement and flexibility. It’s always helpful to have an idea of who might be coming - but feel free to simply turn up

COVID UPDATE: If you can LFT beforehand we would be most grateful. We are still encouraging people to wear masks unless leading, but use personal discretion. There will be hand sanitizer on every table. If you are comfortable mixing and using multisensory resources, that’s great. But you are also welcome to pick one place and stay there.

We’re not yet able to resource refreshments yet, so please bring your own drinks and snack, especially if little ones will need them

Dates for your diary

At the end of term, we’ll be celebrating Easter itself with a week of special events in including a Palm Sunday Adventure Trail; Maundy Thursday Campfire Music Night, and Hot Cross Buns on Good Friday, culminating with our now-traditional campfire communion (9am, Easter Sunday), Watch social media for more…

On Monday evening at 7.30pm, some of us are meeting to pin down our Easter plans. Let Beth know if you want to join that hybrid meeting

We know that many of us have family and friends spread out across the country. Northstowe often empties out during school holidays! So before we commit any further to our special events during Easter holidays, we’d love to get a feel for who is likely to be able to come… and who might help ensure we run safely and well.

Please let us know your availability using this form. (Typical completion time 3 1/2 mins)

Help us plan well for Lent and Easter by filling in this short form

Wednesday’s “Chicken Soup for the Soup”:

You are all most welcome at our regular space to breathe on Wednesday 9th March at Church House (postponed from last week to allow us to attend Ash Wednesday services in the villages). An idea of numbers helps with planning.

Exploring Spirituality with the Wisdom of Wesley

Something particularly exciting about Pathfinder Church is the ecumenical backstory that continues to shape us. We’re the result of many years of prayer from local churches across different traditions, who continue to support and encourage us to grow as a church for this time and this place.

Our minister, Revd Dr Beth Cope, is an Anglican Priest, but those who are coming together to form Pathfinder Church come from all traditions and from none: together we are pilgrims on a journey, asking questions and exploring the connections we find between everyday life and our spirituality and faith.

In the run up to Easter this year, we are digging into our Methodist heritage, exploring the spiritual practices promoted by John and Charles Wesley… and trying them out for ourselves: praying, exploring and sharing. Why not come and find out more?

We’re picking up these themes Sunday by Sunday. But there are also midweek opportunities to did deeper. Read more on our website, and talk to Beth, Rachel, or Ellie.

Read more on our website

Lent resources to try at home

At our Wild Church with Pancakes last week, we shared some ideas for things to try during Lent - traditionally a time to try out new habits that help us notice God around us even more.

We talked about how we form good habits - starting small, and slowly building up. (Think Couch to 5K)

Here are some of the things people are trying

  • Exploring Silent Prayer. One way to do this is pick a name of God, or phrase from the bible, and slowly say it over in your mind as you sit in silence and notice what happens as you hold a space to become aware of God’s love around you. We suggested getting a 1 min timer, and trying that for the first week. In week two, you can increase that time a little. Maybe read more here:

  • Walking and Noticing. Set out on a walk, deliberately noticing what’s around you. Be aware of God with you: (As we’ll sing on Sunday, God behind, God beside, God ahead). What does he draw to your attention? What conversation might you have with him as you walk? Again, start small - perhaps 5 mins three times a week in the first week. And then extend a little in week two?

  • Reading or Listening. Here are a few of the books and podcasts people are trying out. You can get them from all good bookshops. We’ve linked here to Amazon to help those looking for audio versions.

  • Prayer Apps

Don’t be overwhelmed by that list. Remember, little and often… one thing at a time. And we’re all different!

Stay in touch

Whatever the coming months bring, please remember that we are all still here praying, exploring, and sharing. And keep using the WhatsApp Chat to stay in touch - let us know if you want to join!