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Introducing Catholic Youth Parramatta's

“Elements” is an online initiative by Catholic Youth Parramatta which offers content for youth ministers to use in their respective parishes, schools and movements. It will be distributed monthly.
We look forward to seeing how Elements grows with you. If you wish to discuss the content of this initiative further, contact Robyn on
But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that
this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. 
 2 Corinthians 4:7

Bearers of Seeds of Divine Life

Welcome to April where we will finish our Lenten journey, come out of the desert, and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. Jesus leaves us with a mission; to be bearers of His love and to glorify Him in our everyday lives.

Each person is a “bearer of the seeds of divine life” (Christus Vivit 67) so in this way we have already entered into the Mystery of God who sends His Holy Spirit to those who ask (Luke 11:13). We need to be nourished with God’s love and the Spirit like a plant that needs fertiliser and herbicides to produce new fruit. Fruits of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) will blossom when we are connected to the source of life. 

Let us journey together to recognise the seeds of divine life within us. Let us explore ways to be connected to the source of all life and love, to God Himself, who gave us Jesus to be an example of holiness, and ask for help in bearing fruit to share with our families and communities. 

Discovering Our Fruit: 

S06 E03: I Choose You — Abiding Together 

"On a human level, it's hard to understand what God’s love and loyalty is like.. He never leaves!”  To be able to bear fruit and to recognise our gifts, we first must believe that we are God’s chosen people. To be grounded in His love and truth will allow us to be rooted in faith and bear fruit for all in our communities and family. The Abiding Together podcast will break down what “I Choose You” means for our daily lives. 

Day 159: Bearing Fruit — The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
You have been chosen among all the nations of the world… Are you living like God’s chosen people?” Fr Mike Schmitz explores Matthew Chapter 11 where Jesus curses the fig tree and its connection to the Chosen people. He is ultimately looking for us to bear fruit and to bless the world through us. Read Matthew 11 and reflect on how you are bearing fruit and sharing God’s blessing. Fr Mike Schmitz shares a reflection from 13:20 to 18:05.

He Wants Our First Fruits - Susanna Spencer on Blessed is She 

How to Discover Your Gifts and Claim Them for Christ (feat. Mari Pablo) 

Each of us is uniquely designed to share His love to everyone! Mari Pablo will help us reflect on what gifts you have and how our young people could use their gifts for their parish community and family. 

Barriers to Bearing Fruit: 

Call it a Delight - Emily Wilson-Hussem on Blessed is She

Is Busyness Jeopardizing our Souls?- Chris Hazell on Word of Fire


The more we confidently entrust the future to God, without trying to know it or master it, the more secure and peaceful we are.
Fr. Jacques Phillippe


Youth Group Activity Idea:

Recognising the Fruit! 

To recognise the fruit that we are capable of bearing, it can help if we look towards our role models to witness the fruit that they bore. Role models, such as the Saints or ordinary people around us, can reveal so much about how we too can radiate God’s love and mercy in what we say or do. This activity is designed to help the young people to recognise the fruits of role models and how they too can bear fruit. 

Find five examples of Saints or biblical, or enough for the number of small groups at the youth group, and ask the small group to answer the following questions:

  • Who is this person and what are they known for? What works did they do or what did they say?

  • How did this person connect with God? Was it in person and listened to Jesus speak? Did they go to mass or say the rosary as often as possible? 

  • How can you tell that this person is a daughter or son of God? 

Feel free to use saints from past Element editions and encourage the small groups to research the particular person in order to share their findings to the wider group. After the groups have presented, say a short prayer to ask for help in sharing our gifts and fruit to our families and communities.

Saint of the Month:
St Teresa of the Andes
Feast Day: 12th April

St Teresa of the Andes was born in Chile in 1900 and attended mass everyday at a Chapel on her family property. Teresa wrote in her diary, at the age of six, that she could feel being called by God and that “Jesus began to claim my heart for himself”. She was aware her own undesirable traits but her great desire for God motivated her to overcome these traits which was supported by daily reception of Holy Communion. Teresa was 19 years old when she entered the Discalced Carmelite convent living in the simple lifestyle that they offered. Soon after, she was diagnosed with a severe case of typhus and as a novice in danger of death, she was allowed to take her final vows. A short time later, during Holy Week, Teresa died. St Teresa of the Andes was canonised in 1993 and was Chile’s first saint. 

Loving God, we thank you for the incredible witness of St Teresa of the Andes and her unwavering commitment to loving you through her suffering. We pray that we too might have the confidence and joy that radiated through St Teresa’s life, and seek to recognise our own unfavourable traits and overcome them with your help. We pray for our Chilean brothers and sisters during this time.

St Teresa of the Andes, Pray for Us!
LIFETEEN Wallpapers
New some new inspiration and a new look for you phone screen?

LIFETEEN has got you sorted! These phone wallpapers speak TRUTH into your life each time you open your phone! 

April Devotion: The Blessed Sacrament

The Catholic Church dedicates the entire month of April to the increased devotion to the Blessed Sacrament. Each Church holds the Blessed Sacrament in a Tabernacle and holds frequent Eucharistic Adoration to allow the community to venerate and pray to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. St John Paul II states that “The Church and the world have a great need for Eucharistic worship. Jesus awaits us in this sacrament of love. Let us not refuse the time to go to meet him in adoration, in contemplation full of faith, and open to making amends for the serious offenses and crimes of the world. Let our adoration never cease” (CCC 1380).  

In a particular way this April as we journey towards Holy Week, Easter, and Divine Mercy Sunday, let us explore various forms of Eucharistic worship to increase our faith in Jesus. 

Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!


Nominations have been extended for the new Diocesan Youth Council.

We are inviting YOU to nominate someone or yourself for consideration to represent the experiences and voices of the young people of Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains. The Council is commissioned by Bishop Vincent to offer advice and support relating to the purpose and role of youth ministry with young people in the Diocese.

- We are hoping for leaders who are currently involved in local youth ministry.

- Two leaders will be appointed to represent each deanery of the Diocese.

If you have any questions or want to chat more about this new initiative, please reach out! We would love to hear from you.



Get Your Game On: What's Under The Box?

Set Up: 
  • A box large enough for the biggest item with one side cut out for viewing and a hole wide enough for a hand to fit in
  • Table and cloth
  • Random items to go inside the box (eg, cut up watermelon, teddy bear, a fake snake covered in milk) 
  • Stopwatch/Timer on phone
  • Towels and wet wipes/sanitiser 

Aim of the Game: 

  • To be the team that correctly guesses the most items under the box


  • Split the group into two or more teams and they will line up in a line
  • Each person from a team will go up, one at a time, place their hand in the box to feel the item
  • They get one guess. If they are right, their team gets the point and they move on. If they get it wrong, without saying anything about the item, the person moves on and the next person tries to guess the same object.
  • Once a person guesses the item correctly, the box is covered by the cloth and a leader changes the item with another. 
  • This continues until the time is up and the next team competes to beat the best score.
    • The timer can be set for however long, but ensure you have enough items for the amount of teams! 
Copyright © 2022 – Catholic Youth Parramatta - Agency for Youth
Catholic Diocese of Parramatta, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Catholic Youth Parramatta – 470 Church Street, Parramatta, NSW, 2150

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