Issue 18, April 2022
This is a monthly newsletter from the IMF Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (OAP) in Tokyo. In this 18th edition, which covers activities in March, the newsletter features the IMF's response to the war in Ukraine, its new strategy for fragile states, and OAP's various outreach activities. Starting from May, the newsletter will be published every other month. /  IMFアジア太平洋地域事務所(OAP) の月刊ニューズレター。第18号は3月のニュースを掲載、IMFのウクライナ危機への対応や脆弱国への新戦略、当事務所の様々なアウトリーチ活動を紹介しています。なお5月より隔月刊の発行となります。
Global & Regional News

IMF Quickly Responds to Ukraine Crisis and Supports Affected Countries

Responding to the Ukraine crisis following Russia’s invasion in late February, the IMF has been closely monitoring the situation and supporting affected countries with policy advice and financial assistance. IMF staff assessed in early March that commodity prices have jumped, and the ongoing conflict and associated sanctions are expected to have a significant impact on the global economy. On March 9, the Fund's Executive Board approved a disbursement of $1.4 billion to Ukraine to help meet urgent financing needs, including to mitigate the war's economic impact. Read the staff statement and the press releases 1 & 2, and watch the discussion by IMF top officials. / ロシアのウクライナ侵攻を受け、IMFでは状況把握に努めるとともに影響を受けている国々に政策助言や金融支援を行っています。スタッフによると、既に商品価格が高騰しており、今後、紛争と制裁によって世界経済に多大な影響が出るとみられます。IMF理事会は3月9日、戦争による経済的影響を軽減するためなど緊急支援としてウクライナに14億ドルの融資を承認しました。

IMF Blog: Economic Impact of War in Ukraine on Asia-Pacific is Limited

In a blog published on March 15, heads of IMF area departments co-wrote that beyond the humanitarian crisis, the entire global economy will feel the effects of slower growth and faster inflation from the devastating war in Ukraine. For Asia and the Pacific, Chang Yong Rhee, outgoing Director for the Asia Pacific Department, said that spillovers from Russia are likely limited due to the lack of close economic ties, but slower growth in Europe and the global economy may affect major exporters, and oil price increases and reduced tourism will affect many countries. Read the blog. / IMF地域局長らは3月15日付ブログで、ウクライナでの戦争は人道危機だけでなく、世界経済全体に成長減速やインフレ加速による影響をもたらすと述べました。アジア太平洋地域ではロシア経済からの波及効果は限定的なものの、欧州の成長低迷などから輸出国が影響を受けるほか、原油価格高騰と観光客減少も多くの国に影響をもたらすと述べています。

New Strategy: IMF Boosts Support for Fragile and Conflict-Affected States

Stepping up its engagement with vulnerable member countries, the IMF launched its first Fragile and Conflict-Affected States (CFS) Strategy on March 18. Currently about one fifth of Fund members, including a few Asia-Pacific nations, are classified as CFS. The strategy aims to enhance the Fund’s efforts to provide support to help these vulnerable countries achieve macroeconomic stability, strengthen resilience, and exit fragility. It also emphasizes the importance of collaboration with humanitarian, development, peace and security actors. Read the strategy, press release and the launching event. / IMFは3月18日、脆弱国や紛争国への取り組みを深めるための新戦略を発表しました。これは加盟国全体の約5分の1にあたる脆弱・紛争国が、マクロ経済を安定させ脆弱性から脱却できるよう支援を強化するのが狙いです。

OAP News Highlights
60 Asian Scholars Discuss Tax Policy Challenges
Sixty scholars from the Japan-IMF Scholarship Program for Asia (JISPA) enjoyed a policy dialogue on international taxation and policy challenges with an official of Japan's Ministry of Finance at a March 1 seminar. It was part of the JISPA Dialogue series, which is co-organized by the ministry’s Policy Research Institute and OAP. Facebook / 日本IMF奨学金制度のアジア奨学生60人は3月1日、日本財務省の政策担当者と国際課税や政策課題について対話しました。財務総合政策研究所とOAPが共催するJISPA対話シリーズの一環。ツイート
Climate Finance Discussed at a Regional Workshop
OAP Deputy Head Jochen Schmittmann on March 10 joined as a discussant the 1st Rising Asia Workshop of the Center for Economic Policy Research, a platform for researchers to present current work in climate finance. Separately, he discussed current economic developments, including climate finance, with students at the Raffles Institution in Singapore on March 9. / ヨハン・シュミットマンOAP次長は3月10日、アメリカ経済政策研究センターのワークショップに登壇、気候ファイナンスに関する最新研究について紹介しました。また前日にはシンガポールの学生にもプレゼンを行いました。
OAP Director Joins APEC Regional Meeting
OAP’s Director Chikahisa Sumi represented the Fund at the virtual APEC Finance and Central Bank Deputies’ Meeting on March 16-17. He briefed participants on global economic prospects and risks based on the IMF’s January World Economic Outlook update and more recent analysis by the Fund. / 鷲見周久OAP所長は3月16-17日、IMFを代表してAPECの財相・中銀総裁代理会議に出席。最新の「IMF世界経済見通し」等を基に世界経済の展望とリスクについて説明しました。
17 Students Try Out a Mock Economic Surveillance
Seventeen students mostly from Japan completed on March 28 a five-day economic surveillance course at the 14th Macroeconomist Training Program (MTP), an OAP youth initiative. The students learnt about the IMF’s financial programming tools and tried out mock surveillance through economic analysis and policy advice for Nepal and Sri Lanka. Facebook 1 & 2 / 日本人学生ら17人が3月28日、OAP主催のエコノミスト養成講座を修了。IMFの経済分析ツールなどを学んだ後、ネパールとスリランカの模擬経済審査に挑戦、政策提言をプレゼンしました。ツイート 1 & 2
Asia-Pacific Country Update
IMF discussions with member countries on macroeconomic policies lead to various research papers and country-specific reports with policy analysis and recommendations, including the Article IV Staff Report on country economic developments and Country Reports on IMF lending program agreements and on thematic analyses. The latest work relevant to each of the 37 member countries in the Asia-Pacific region, including communication products, is listed here.  /  IMFは加盟国との経済審査や協議を通して、経済動向の分析や融資・政策提言を4条協議レポートや国別レポートなど様々な報告書として発表しています。最近発行されたアジア太平洋地域関連のレポートや関連広報資料は次の通り。
OAP Upcoming Events

To promote the Fund’s initiatives and share its policy advice, the IMF regional office in Tokyo organizes conferences, workshops and seminars for specific stakeholders and participates in external events to reach out to various audiences. See also the News and Events on the OAP website. /  アジア太平洋地域事務所では、以下のイベントを開催する予定です。OAPウェブサイトのニュース&イベントもご覧ください。
  • April 8: OAP Director to join ASEAN Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting.
  • April 14: OAP to host the Asia-Pacific Regional Seminar on Labor Market Tightness in Advanced Economies
  • April 15: OAP-WBG Tokyo to host a press briefing on Spring Meetings
  • April 18-24: World Bank-IMF Spring Meetings to be held.
Useful Links

Ukraine and the IMF / ウクライナ危機とIMF対応 
This website contains all relevant information on the economic impacts of the Ukraine crisis and the IMF response. / この特別サイトでは、ウクライナ危機による経済への影響やIMFの取り組みについてまとめています。

IMF and COVID-19 / 新型コロナウイルス ー IMFの対応
From financial assistance to fiscal measures to vaccine supply, key information on the COVID-19 crisis and the IMF response is assembled here. / 新型コロナウイルス感染拡大による経済危機とIMF対応に関連したさまざまな情報やデータをまとめています。

IMF Factsheets List  / ファクトシート一覧
This webpage lists all the IMF Factsheets that explain the Fund's core activities, lending schemes and decision-making system.  / 

IMF Recruitment / IMF採用情報 
My Job lists positions open to external candidates throughout the year. The list includes both economist and other professional positions to apply. Read the application and selection processes here. / マイ・ジョブページではエコノミストや他の専門職など空席情報を一覧でき、オンライン応募が可能です。出願方法や選考方法も検索できます。

Japanese translations / 日本語翻訳情報
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