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March 25, 2022
A publication of the County Commissioners Association of Ohio                         Printer Friendly Version
Gov. DeWine details successes, outlines future priorities in State of the State Address

Following a two-year break due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the State of the State Address returned once again in its full in-person format this week at the Ohio Statehouse. The event is an opportunity for the governor to note the successes of the past year and outline the administration’s priorities to come. Speaking to both houses of the Ohio General Assembly, Governor Mike DeWine detailed many of those items in this year’s address.
The governor first outlined a number of accomplishments achieved in partnership with the General Assembly in recent years. These include investments in clean water through the H2Ohio Program and the new state broadband grant program, which recently announced over $200 million in grant awards to expand broadband service to unserved and underserved areas. The governor also highlighted tax cuts, support for law enforcement, and investments in brownfield remediation and demolition programs.
Also recognized by the governor were health care workers, first responders, members of the Ohio National Guard and other frontline workers for their efforts in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic over the past two years.
Looking forward, Gov. DeWine outlined several key priorities he would like to see enacted. These proposals include the following:

  • Additional support for mental health treatment. The governor discussed the need for additional community-based, outpatient treatment options to reduce the need for institutionalization or placement in long-term hospital care. DeWine stated, “I see an Ohio that catches and treats mental health problems and addiction at their earliest onset to lessen the chances of life-long challenges.”
  • Investments in state parks. Noting the rediscovery of Ohio’s state park system by many Ohioans during the COVID-19 pandemic, Gov. DeWine detailed the need for additional investments to make Ohio’s state parks more accessible and enjoyable for visitors.
  • Support for Appalachia. The governor outlined new plans to invest in the Appalachian region of Ohio, including downtown re-development, further expansion of broadband coverage, workforce development, student wellness and combatting addiction.
  • New scholarship and mentorship programs to assist children.
  • A renewed push for legislation (HB 283) to crack down on distracted driving.
  • Support for long-term law enforcement training programs and transparency as well as increasing penalties for repeat offenders who continue to use guns to commit crimes.

The full highlights of the speech can be accessed here as well as the full text of the governor’s remarks. A recording of the address can also be viewed on the Ohio Channel webpage, available here.

Status of May 3rd Primary Election remains uncertain as outside redistricting experts assist on fourth version of state legislative maps
Above: Professor Michael McDonald and Douglas Johnson address members of the Ohio Redistricting Commission on Thursday to provide an update on redistricting efforts.

The ongoing debate over new state and congressional district lines continued this week as courts and the Ohio Redistricting Commission continued their work to review and enact constitutional maps.
Following the latest invalidation of state legislative district maps by the Ohio Supreme Court, the Ohio Redistricting Commission took a different approach to crafting a fourth set of maps. The commission this week hired outside mapmakers to assist in drawing the latest round of maps. University of Florida Professor Michael McDonald and Douglas Johnson of National Demographics Corporation will work to craft the latest round of maps. Mediators from the Ohio Supreme Court will also assist in resolving disagreements between the mapmakers. Members can watch the work of the independent mapmakers on the Ohio Channel webpage.
Meanwhile, on Wednesday of this week, Secretary of State Frank LaRose issued a new elections directive to county boards of elections instructing them to remove candidates for the Ohio General Assembly and state central committees from the primary ballot, concluding that it was not possible to include those races on the May 3rd ballot. All other races, including local, congressional and statewide contests would remain part of the primary.
There is currently a lawsuit being considered in federal court to have the third state legislative redistricting plan (previously invalidated by the state supreme court) be used for the primary election, which would allow for a supplemental ballot to be used to include statehouse primary races. Other potential remedies, such as appointing a federal special master or having a federal court move the primary date have also been suggested. However, at the time of publication, no ruling had been made.
Outside of intervention from federal courts, there are two likely potential outcomes for the May 3rd primary. The entire primary election could be moved to a later date, a plan supported by House and Senate Democrats. Or, the primary contest could be split into two separate races, with statehouse primary contests being held later in the summer in a separate election. Majority party legislative leaders have shared their opposition to moving the entire primary election to a later date.
The Ohio Supreme Court also continues to review the latest congressional map. If that map would be invalidated, those races could not be removed from the ballot before the May 3rd election and the votes would not be counted.
CCAO will continue to follow developments in state and federal courts regarding redistricting and the status of the May primary. Any questions can be directed to CCAO Policy Analyst Adam Schwiebert.

CCAO asks that counties be removed from divisive concept legislation

CCAO recently requested that counties be removed from legislation that would prohibit counties from promoting or utilizing certain divisive concepts.
House Bill 327 establishes definitions for certain divisive concepts. These concepts include ideas such as one race, ethnicity, color, sex, religion or national origin are inherently superior or inferior or that an individual’s moral character is determined by race, ethnicity, color, sex religion or national origin.
Counties, along with all other political subdivisions, K-12 school districts, higher education institutions and state agencies would be prohibited from promoting or utilizing any of these concepts.
CCAO’s request for removal stems from the significant administrative burden this legislation could place on counties. If enacted, counties would be required to review all grant program to ensure no divisive concepts were taught or promoted through these programs. All county training programs for diversity, equity and inclusion must be reviewed. Counties would be required to ensure that these divisive concepts are not advocated, acted upon, or promoted by county employees during work hours. Counties would be required to encourage their employees not to judge each other on the basis of national origin, race, color, ethnicity, religion or sex – statuses already protected under federal law. The legislation would also require counties to submit an annual compliance report to the state.
The full CCAO letter sent to the bill sponsors requesting removal from the legislation can be accessed here.
CCAO supported legislation regarding ballot printing passes House
County boards of elections would enjoy new flexibilities in printing ballots under legislation recently passed by the Ohio House.
House Bill 487 (Young) would update Ohio statute as it applies to contractor bond requirements for printing ballots. Current statute requires bid bonds for ballot printing of 200 percent o the cost of the proposal. This unnecessarily high bond amount adds significant costs to county boards of elections’ printing contracts. Instead, HB 487 requires a bid bond of 10 percent of the proposal amount along with a performance bond of 100 percent of the contract amount for the vendor to whom the contract is awarded.
The legislation would also allow for ballots to be printed out of state, allowing for greater competition for these projects, thus driving down costs.
CCAO testified in support of this legislation while in the House Government Oversight Committee. The bill cleared the Ohio House by a vote of 82-13 and will now move to the Senate for further consideration.
Free Ohio Cyber Security Summit – March 31
State and local government leaders are invited to the Ohio Cyber Security Summit with the Ohio Innovation and Technology Association this coming Thursday, March 31st. The event is free to attend for CCAO members. Members can register at the following link:
Presenting at the event will be leading public and private sector security experts as well as state leaders including Secretary of State Frank LaRose, Attorney General Dave Yost, Auditor of State Keith Faber and Lt. Gov. Jon Husted.
The full agenda of events can be accessed here.
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