
Encouragement. Today.

Good morning!

Back in November, I was given a Sabbatitold along with a substantial number of other employees as the tech company where I worked for over 11 years prepared for purchase by private equity.

I had longed for a sabbatical, but I quickly realized that being given a sabbatical is very different than taking one.

It kicked off an incredible four months (almost to the day!) of heartbreak, then learning, a lot of reflection, and tremendous gratitude.

If you've been reading these emails over those months, you likely noticed the journey, as my writing documented the real-time reflections and processing.

What made this transition especially hard was that I had the true privilege of loving my job. Very few people get that chance, and early in my career I doubted I ever would be able to say that. (Truly. I was the 20-something who cried at her job coding COBOL and kept wondering 'Is this all there is??!')

So, at first... I grieved it. And I lived the mantra:  

"Feel it to heal it."

And, even though I loved that job, I have been building a coaching practice on evenings and weekends.


Because coming alongside others runs through me.

In April 2021, 2+ years of hard work and education and practice that began in 2018 allowed me to pass the exam for a coaching credential from the International Coaching Federation. Because, while I loved my job, I come ALIVE when I am coaching, listening, and sharing what I have learned with others to help them grow beyond their current limits.

My sabbatitold is a chance to align with what I truly love to do...listen. Cheer people up. And, cheer people on.

My ideal clients typically fit in one of two categories: 1) organizations looking to retain and grow their top talent 2) women ready to live with more joy and impact.

So, my friends: If you, your company, or your friends are looking for some inspiration, support or new tools to navigate this fascinating time in which we are living... please connect with me! I've shared some links below if you're interesting in learning about some ways to engage with me as a coach. But, there are also opportunities for encouragement-at-scale (aka speaking) or consulting.

And, I'd really like to hear about topics or workshops that would be useful to YOU! Maybe it's building confidence, refining your executive presence, or a chance to meet monthly with others looking to bring a dream alive... there are a lot of ideas mulling about and if there's something that resonates, please let me know.

I'm building the offerings for YOU so get your requests in soon!

Have a great day, light spreaders.
The Blog

Complete the Cycle

You've likely noticed it.

It's an itch when something didn't end the way you thought it would.

Or when there's an idea, project, or conversation that you're not done having...yet.

As humans, we understand story. There's a beginning, messy middle, and ending resolution.

So, when that resolution doesn't really resolve anything or comes is positioned in the wrong act of the story... we feel amiss.

The best thing to do is complete the cycle.

I was telling a former colleague about a SPARKED podcast guest (Jenny Blake) who introduced the acronym FONT into my life "Fear of Not Trying".

(Forget FOMO, FONT has my attention.)

The Jenny Blake episode is titled "How to know when to jump into your side-hustle" and it felt oh-so-appropriate for so many of us contemplating our dreams and our purpose.

My former colleague understood immediately as I shared what I was feeling about my next professional steps. "I don't know how to explain it, but there's something I must see through in my investment in my own business rather than return to corporate right away."

She said, "Oh ya. I get it. You need to complete the cycle."


[Oh, I love that! Complete the cycle.]

I knew I loved FONT, but until she put the words to it, I hadn't realized why.

FONT is all about needing to see something through.

Of completing the cycle.

We don't always know how the cycle will end, but we know we must get there.

Choosing a pre-mature exit ramp will always leave us wondering "what if I'd gone until I knew I was done?"

As I write this, it's the official start of spring.

It's the end of one cycle and the start of another.

Someone somewhere chose this date because in whatever clime he/she/they live the first blooms break through some time about now, I guess.

Completing the cycle isn't an arbitrary date, however.

Completing the cycle is a feeling of wholeness. Doneness.

It's when the fear of not trying dissipates because we know we've tried with all we've got.

We've given it our best, most courageous selves.

We've stepped in fully. And something held us there. Something steadfastly reminded us that the fear of not trying was more powerful than the fear of failing. 

On this first day of spring... cheers to blooms and births.

To bringing something fresh into the world.

To creating and to trying our hearts out.

Read more like this
The Shares

The advice they gave me

In episode #2 of the podcast "Sparked", one of my favorite podcast hosts *evah* (Jonathan Fields) is joined by small business growth coach, Charlie Gilkey, and they answer the question I submitted. I was SUPER EXCITED to have my question (voice and all!) selected and even more grateful to receive their seasoned advice.

To hear it, scroll down to find the episode or check your favorite podcast app.

It's jarring at first. Disruption always is, especially when you've given a genuine part of your life to an organization, a culture, a community, a vision, and mission. But, as the shock and grief start to lift, you start to realize how stunningly competent and capable you are. Then comes the question:

"How can I focus and make sound decisions when there are so many directions I could go now, and the paradox of choice can be overwhelming?


I'd love to be your safe sounding board.

Someone who listens without judgement. A person who asks you questions that open possibilities. The encourager as you take on new challenges and stop thinking 'what if' and begin 'what is'.

I'm currently accepting new clients in one of three ways: 1) Monthly subscription (think Netflix for Coaching) 2) Packages of sessions you can use when you need 3) Energy Leadership Assessment and 90-minute debrief to break though old patterns that are depleting your energy reserves.

Free 30-minute conversation for the curious»

Check out the packages and enroll»

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