Unity Community

Equinox newsletter

CORRECTION: last week we incorrectly named the BHMA - we've now updated with the details below to the British Association for Holistic Medicine and Health Care.

Dear <<First Name>>,

As lives, identities and futures balance on the edge of thresholds, in these painful times we come together again this Equinox - to Link Up and Lift Up in service to empowering the emergence of our conscious evolution towards a loving and peace-filled world.  Each quarter we share what's happening within a WholeWorld-View, our unity community, partner network and beyond as we each play our partiular part in co-creating a new era.

World events and the conflicts playing out through this turbulent time are literally mirroring the remaining semblance of separation and the residual agony of our unhealed psyche; yet also and vitally, the hope and possibilities that awaits its healing and our re-membered wholeness with the whole world.

A wholeworld-view empowers us collectively to heal the pieces of our fragmented perspectives and so transform the behaviors that arise from them, inspiring us to co-create regenerative, just and peaceful solutions to our global issues; valuing, empathising with and celebrating our diversity whilst understanding, experiencing and ultimately embodying the unity awareness that is reality’s true nature.

Attune to the 8th chakra - the Universal Heart - at this time of breakdown and upheaval.  23 minute meditation by Jude Currivan.

Global Unity Thoughtstorm®

Online, Weekly, Tuesdays
1hr 15mins, free
7pm GMT, 8pm CET, 2pm EDT,
11am PDT, 8am (Wed) NZDT

Gaining insights into individual and collective consciousness while exploring fundamental questions.

Join us for Thoughtstorm® . Led by Sara Vaughan, Thoughtstorm® is a technique developed from a seed of speculation: Are there more effective (rational, cooperative, compassionate) ways of thinking? Methods whose long-term consequences will not lead to oblivion. This is the Genesis of Thoughtstorm.

Information and Sign up


To contribute time, donations, expertise please email to explore ways of Linking Up and Lifting Up together. Thank you for helping our movement to move at the speed and scale which is needed to transform our current global emergency into an emergence of new consciousness.

Janice Dolley of WholeWorld-View writes...

A planetwide initiative to spend a daily minute
lighting up our hearts with Kindness

As those connected with WholeWorld-View will know, there is a great shift underway across the world at the present time from a fragmented perspective that sees matter as the primary reality towards a 'whole world' perspective that sees Spirit or Consciousness itself as the basis of all life.  Those open to the spiritual reality behind all life also realise that love is the connecting glue that holds all together. At the same time HeartMath is revealing that the power of the heart is a hundred times greater than the power of the brain. This realisation is encouraging us to adopt an approach of kindness, compassion and care for all beings.

It was Wellesley Tudor Pole who during the challenging times of WW2 realised the potential power of people coming together to link heart, mind and Spirit.

With the help of Churchill the Big Ben Silent Minute at 9pm was launched. It is said that Hitler described this as "Britain’s secret weapon that he could not overcome". Currently amidst all the global turbulence a planet wide initiative focusing on kindness is now developing.  The group behind this includes Jude Currivan and two members of a WholeWorld-View's core team. The invitation, that will be launched on 20 March, is that we all spend a minute at 6pm in our own time zone and inwardly light up our hearts and radiate kindness across our planet. In this we begin to see kindness as love in action. If you would like to join what we hope will eventually be amid millions of others please go to - there is a beautiful reminder 'app' to follow.

We are living in a momentous time of change when the very future of humanity as a species as well as Gaia is at stake so:
Let's begin it Now

“We look forward to a time when the power to love will replace the love of power.”

Attributed to former British Prime Minister William Gladstone
"Tell everyone on this train I love them"
This story is at once heartbreaking and breathtaking - an example of standing up for truth, utterly embodying unity and, the incredible power of love in action. Taliesin Myrddin Namkai-Meche uttered this short sentence just before his death on a train in Oregon, US after saving a life. Read more

Convergence Cycle: World Unity Week
Add to your diaries:  World UNITY Week (18-25 June 2022) is an annual global event fostering the movement towards greater international cooperation for mutual benefit, interracial healing and harmony, ecological balance with Nature and the evolution of consciousness required to achieve these noble goals. Join with hundreds of leading change-makers and global partner organisations to see what we can do together when we all lift as ONE.

Anne-Marie Voorhoeve, WholeWorld-View core team member, and many others co-create these emergent and conscious global events, forming an annual season of loving and supportive multi-dimension-rippling experiences.  The Convergence Cycle includes World Unity Week in June (add to your diaries now), and Peaceweek in September (more information to follow).

These events are co-produced by WW-V partners Unity Earth, Purpose Earth, Sine Network and The Hague Center.

Sharing the powerful intentions and messages of the Convergence Cycle's generous events is this excerpt, from Not-Two Is Peace by The World Friend, Adi Da -
"A new kind of human consciousness is required—based on the working-presumption of prior unity, and on an understanding of the indivisibly single world in which everyone is living. This involves not only the notion that there is such a single world, but it requires grasping the necessity for cooperation, and the necessity to function on the basis of an understanding that the Earth is a single system, and humankind (likewise) is a single whole.”
– The World-Friend Adi Da,
from Not-Two Is Peace.
Read excerpts here
Human health, planet health and a WholeWorld-View
"Human health is an emergent property of mind, body and spirit in right, embodied relationship with the natural world.  How are we to shape our ways of life around this assumption of one-ness so that planetary health can follow?"

Read the full article by David Peters, Editor in Chief of The Journal of Holistic Healthcare published by the British Association for Holistic Medicine and Health Care.
Generosity as a Regenerative Power
"When giving and receiving are no longer experienced as two separate activities but are joined together like the inbreath and outbreath, then we have a state of continuous ‘flow’. Unconditional generosity creates flow."

Read the full article and/or view a 40 minute presentation on the topic.
By Michael Lindfield, Board President of Meditation Mount, California.
Jude Currivan writes for The Journal of Holistic Healthcare: A new cosmology of consciousness and science of love
"Offering a unifying framework, this wholeworld-view naturally encompasses a science of whole-person healing. It recognises that as informational beings, disease results from disruptions and disturbances to our healthy informational processes and flows; mental, emotional and physical. Consequentially, it supports a wholistic approach, with modalities that utilise the innately vibrational, resonant and coherent properties of such biofield integration and treats health issues accordingly."

Full article by Jude Currivan as published in The Journal of Holistic Healthcare from the British Association for Holistic Medicine and Health Care.
VOCE (Voices of Compassionate Evolution) with singer, innovatory educator, author and founder of The Naked Voice, Chloe Goodchild.

Jude Currivan features in episode 35 discussing compassion, the science of love, science & spirituality, the gaiasphere, and much more.
Dawn Of An Era of Well-Being, hosted by Ervin Laszlo and Frederick Tsao.

In a recent episode with Jude Currivan the three discuss the implications our often self-destructive activities might have on a universal consciousness, plus talk about space exploration and meeting extra-terrestrial life.  Listen to the podcast
It's within you
Watch, and wonder. 

Creating positive and mind-opening ripples of delight and sparking wonder in many during these challenging times, this invention by designer and inventor Tom Lawton is currently on display in the UK; at Avebury's Great Barn until April and on permanent display in Malmesbury Abbey.  Limited edition pieces are also being made for sale.  Friend of WholeWorld-View, Tom shares - "Wonder is a meditative moving sculpture that aims to show how everything is interconnected." 

News from our community

WEBINAR: An Emergent WholeWorld-View of a Conscious and Evolutionary Universe
April 22, 2022
11am - 12:15pm (PDT)
With Jude Currivan of WW-V
hosted by IONS - free registration
A six week online interactive course from Meditation Mount
May 1st, 2022 – June 12th, 2022
Explore the spiritual gardening techniques that will allow the unique gift of our soul to unfold and flower as a blessing to Life.
INVITATION: The Upshift Movement is a grass-roots, international and intercultural initiative launched by Ervin Laszlo and the Laszlo Institute. The Upshift Movement invites you, as a conscious and responsible member of the human family, to be part of that group. More information here - their website is still under construction but check back soon!
BOOK LAUNCH: Coming in October 2022!  Jude Currivan's second in the trilogy, following on from the 2017 Nautilus Silver Award winning The Cosmic HologramThe Story of Gaia explores how the Universe, our planet, ourselves and everything in existence has inherent meaning and evolutionary purpose. 

With love during this solar Equinox and the moon cycles ahead.
Until our next newsletter at the Solstice...

With love,
The Unity Community and WholeWorld-View team
WholeWorld-View Resources
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