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Hello Family!

     I unfortunately do not have longer message for you today.  March has been a crazy month for us around the office with the Director search taking place as well as Spring Break and, for me, a conference.  Please forgive my delay in sending this out.  I did want to make sure that you all know about our CRC Alumni and Family event taking place April 16th at 10 am at the CRIS building (1101 Jackson Ave, Tuscaloosa, 35401).  We will have brunch and fellowship in an open house type format followed by the A-Day game for any who are interested.  We would love for anyone receiving this email to make plans to attend.  We are going to work on more details related to parking and transportation to the game and I will let you know when I have more. 
     I will add this story for you to consider - I was at the nail salon the other day and found myself trying to read the mind of my technician and move my hand where he wanted it to help him.  One time, I moved and ended up messing up the polish he had worked so hard on.  He was able to fix it but he politely told me to stop trying to help him.  I thought that was a beautiful reminder about Step 3 - Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood him.  When I try to insert myself into a situation that is not mine to do and I think I know better than the Higher Power in front of me, I often mess things up more.  When I can step back, relax, and let go, I can allow Him to do what he needs to do.  If He needs my help, He will ask.  I hope that gives you some things to think about in your own lives - how can you get out of the way of your Higher Power's will for your life?  How does you jumping in and trying to "help" someone actually make things harder or worse for them?  What would your life look like if you had more time and energy to give to yourself because you stopped trying to fix/control/predict the future or needs of others?   

Take care,

Kelly Miller, LMFT

Department website:
Alanon Website:
Alcoholics Anonymous:
 Narcotics Anonymous:  

Our mailing address is:
1000 South Lawn Office Building
Box 870359

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