GP-CPCS Referrals
Ensuring GP Practices receive notification of completed consultation
We know that uptake of GPCPCS is slowly increasing at GP practices across the county. It is really important that we make sure the GPCPCS service is completed appropriately on PharmOutcomes, whether via direct send from PharmOutcomes or via copying and pasting into an email back to the practice.
We want to make sure that GP practices refer as many patients as possible to contractors, so it is in all our interests to get the system working. We recognise that the IT solution is not seamless, but a little bit of preparation can help iron out some minor issues that we have come across.
With this in mind, when surgeries contact you to trial refer a test patient, please can we make sure that the referral both arrives in the pharmacy (either via PharmRefer directly into PharmOutcomes or via mail) and then goes back into the practice workflow, before the 'real' patients are sent over. We know from early referrals that the practices need to have a current email address set up on Pinnacle to enable the completed paperwork to return back to them. The process for pharmacies is shown in blue on the chart below:
We are working with the CCG to communicate the steps for setting up referrals, as we have been for about a year now, and we have a range of resources on our webpage for both pharmacies and GP practices here: