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Welcome to Community Pharmacy Lincolnshire News

Welcome to our weekly newsletter.  

In this week's email:

  • Bank Holiday Rota - Please complete if not done so yet
  • Closures: Business Continuity Planning
  • GPCPCS referrals - ensuring GP Practices receive notification of completed consultation
  • MYS update for resubs


  • 5th April 2022 (previously 5th January 2022) - Achievement of NMS Gateway Criteria of 20 reviews 
To meet the Advanced Services gateway criterion, contractors are required to have claimed payments for the completion of a minimum of 20 New Medicine Services (NMSs) between 1st April 2021 and 5th April 2022 (this was previously 5th January 2022). If contractors are showing as having claimed for 20 or more NMSs (highlighted in green on the spreadsheet) no further action is required to meet the Advanced Services gateway criterion. 
Check your pharmacy is meeting the Advanced Services gateway criterion 
  • IMPORTANT REMINDER: Changes to Monthly Service Transitional Payments Qualification - The requirement to do one NMS per month and be signed up for CPCS from January 2022
From 1 January 2022 pharmacy contractors who dispense 101 prescription items or more in any month will receive a monthly Transitional Payment which consists of two separate payments For the pharmacy contractors to receive the monthly service payment of the transitional payment they must have claimed for at least one New Medicine Service (NMS) in the previous month and been registered to provide the Community Pharmacy Consultation Service (CPCS) on the Manage Your Service (MYS) platform for greater than or equal to half of the number of full days in the previous month. In our 20th January 2022 newsletter here we covered this in more detail. 

Bank Holiday Rota

We are working with NHS England to ensure good planning for Bank Holiday cover across Lincolnshire.

If you have not completed and returned your bank holiday opening, or you are unsure if this has been completed yet for your pharmacy, please download the current rota here:

If you find your organisation on the Lincolnshire tab and there are no details in the bank holiday columns, please could you fill your details in on the relevant row and send it to the email address.
Thank you for your assistance

Closures: Business Continuity Planning 

Whilst it has been a difficult time for our contractors in remaining open throughout the pandemic, there may be occasions where you may not have a pharmacist available or be working behind closed doors.

We wish to remind you all that it is important to ensure that your business continuity plans are kept up to date, and should include steps to make sure that you avoid downloading prescriptions from the spine which stop the patient being able to be signposted to other pharmacies. This makes sure that the impact on patients, other pharmacies and GP practices are kept to a minimum.

In addition to notifying NHS England, as noted in our recent correspondence in this newsletter, it would be helpful to send an email regarding the extent of any service reduction to the CCG, (also copying us at the LPC in at, so they can inform GP Practices too. The CCG can be emailed on

For further information on reporting unplanned closures please visit our website at

GP-CPCS Referrals


Ensuring GP Practices receive notification of completed consultation

We know that uptake of GPCPCS is slowly increasing at GP practices across the county.  It is really important that we make sure the GPCPCS service is completed appropriately on PharmOutcomes, whether via direct send from PharmOutcomes or via copying and pasting into an email back to the practice.

We want to make sure that GP practices refer as many patients as possible to contractors, so it is in all our interests to get the system working.  We recognise that the IT solution is not seamless, but a little bit of preparation can help iron out some minor issues that we have come across.

With this in mind, when surgeries contact you to trial refer a test patient, please can we make sure that the referral both arrives in the pharmacy (either via PharmRefer directly into PharmOutcomes or via mail) and then goes back into the practice workflow, before the 'real' patients are sent over.  We know from early referrals that the practices need to have a current email address set up on Pinnacle to enable the completed paperwork to return back to them. The process for pharmacies is shown in blue on the chart below:

We are working with the CCG to communicate the steps for setting up referrals, as we have been for about a year now, and we have a range of resources on our webpage for both pharmacies and GP practices here:


MYS update for resubs 


Contractors signed up to the Manage Your Services (MYS) portal can receive their referred back (prescription returns) and disallowed items digitally using the portal instead of these being received via the post from the NHSBSA.

Currently, using the MYS portal to receive referred back and disallowed items is optional and contractors need to contact the MYS team by emailing or via telephone 0300 330 1368 to enable access to these features on the MYS portal.  Once these features are enabled on MYS, paper referred back and disallowed items will no longer be posted to the pharmacy.

Using MYS for receiving digital referred back and disallowed items means contractors:

  • receive these items sooner;
  • can provide information required to processes referred back items faster;
  • can submit a challenge for any disallowed items electronically;
  • can track the progress of any referred back items throughout until the point they are processed; and
  • do not risk losing these items in transit.

For more information on referred back items please refer to PSNC’s webpage on Prescription returns.

Pharmacy contractors who have not already registered for MYS can download and complete the form on the NHSBSA’s website and send it to

Community Pharmacy Lincolnshire are continuing to update and refresh our website. Let us know if there are any specific things you'd like to see, You can email us at

Remember, you can also contact us using with any questions, queries or feedback you may have.

Lincolnshire Local Pharmaceutical Committee is the voice of NHS pharmacies in Lincolnshire.  For further information about the work we do, contact or visit 
Copyright © 2022 Community Pharmacy Lincolnshire, All rights reserved.

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