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Going to College?  Where Do You Start?  

So, you’ve been told it’s time to start thinking about college. But where do you start? The best place to start is with you.

Before you can find the college that fits you best, you need to take some time to get to know yourself. We’re not talking about favorite colors and foods, but rather your dreams, strengths and values.

Learn about your disability and set some goals — this knowledge will empower you to talk with people about what you want and need as you finish high school.

Knowing yourself will help you choose a college major and a career path, which will ultimately help you find the college right for you.

Check out the youth modules at Going to College to learn more:

  • My Place: Learn more about your learning style, strengths and interests, as well as understanding your disability, setting goals and developing your advocacy plan.
  • Campus Life: Information about college life, faculty, accommodations, talking about your disability, grades, assistive technology and finding resources.
  • Planning for College: Information about choosing a college, deciding on a major, applying for college, obtaining financial and taking standardized tests, as well as a “to do” list to complete while in high school.
The Texas Education Agency's Graduation Toolkit for Students

Get Ready for Your ARD Meeting

ARD meeting season is here! To help your ARD committee develop SMART goals and request the services and accommodations you need, you first need to know and share your strengths and challenges.

Use this one-pager from I'm Determined to help you share your strengths, preferences, interests, and needs.  This page includes instructions, helpful videos from youth leaders, and tips to help you fill out the one-pager.

I'm Determined One-Pager

The one-pager can be downloaded as a printed document or you can use the new online app.
Autism-Specific College Support Programs Free Database

Develop Self-Determination Skills   

Self-determination is a combination of attitudes and abilities that lead people to set goals for themselves and to take the initiative to reach these goals. It is about being in charge, but is not necessarily the same thing as self-sufficiency or independence. It means making your own choices, learning to effectively solve problems, and taking control and responsibility for your life. 

CADRE's online series introduces key concepts and skills needed to develop self-determination. You will learn to find your voice, manage conflict, problem-solve with others, and prepare to take decisions about your future. Click here to start the first course!

Request or Download the Independent Living Skills Checklist!

Relaxation Skills for High School Students  

Learn relaxation skills, such as paced breathing, that you can use when experiencing uncomfortable emotions. Visit Child Mind Institute for more videos.


My Next Move


Reality Check

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Pocket Résumé

The contents of this email were developed under a grant from the US Department of Education, #H328M200041, #H328M200042, #H328M200043, #H328M200044. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the US Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.
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