Diving into the 108 Portal: Pitching Drills
Searching for the best throwing program for your pitchers? Don't over complicate it.

Give them what they probably aren't getting enough of: Athletic throwing variations.
The majority of our pitching work in season focuses on doing the same things over and over. We're focused on repeating our mechanics, throwing the same pitches, and executing the same spots.

While this emphasis on repetition can be highly beneficial, it can also be detrimental. If we're constantly doing the same things, we're losing the one thing pitchers need the most: Athleticism.

If you're working with pitchers and looking for new ways to spice up your training, try out the following throwing variations in your catch play!
  • Choppin' Feet
    • Have a player who stacks, gets stuck on his back leg, and struggles to stay centered as they move down the mound? Try getting the feet in motion. Choppin' feet can be a great way to start their catch play. 
  • Ground Balls
    • Don't just save your fungos for infielders. Get your pitchers involved. Have them play at shortstop, third base, and second base. Take them far to their left and right. Have them make throws across the diamond. This is a great option to throw in on a light to medium throwing day. 
  • Deion Sanders
    • One of our favorite athletic throwing variations that we use to clean up arm patterning. The tension created down low helps release tension up top. 
  • Catcher back picks
    • Having issues cleaning up an arm that vaults? Back picks might do the trick. The offset angle of the throw allows the arm to unwind, while the kneeling set up gives the athlete an automatic anchor point for decel.

Have success with any of these drillsl? We’d love to hear from you!

Send your best moves and progressions to and we can feature you on the 108 website.

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