When I launched my first public class in Leicestershire in 1972 I used a set of bathroom scales on which to weigh everyone. A few years later I opened premises and bought myself some proper medical scales – the ones on a stand with a balance mechanism at waist-level with weights that moved along the mechanism (one for each stone and the other for lbs) until the weight bar balanced perfectly at the level of the arrow on the stand. It also had a height measure attached to the stand.
The only downside of these magnificent scales was that they were cumbersome and very heavy so when I moved from my own premises into various local hired venues, these legendary scales became impractical. But I never got rid of them and they have travelled with me to various houses where we have lived over the last 50 years despite being questioned by my very patient hubby Mike as to whether I ‘really needed to keep them?’. But those scales form part of my career journey and I am very attached to them even though they currently live in a shed with the garden furniture. Having read Mary’s piece for this week, I decided to dig them out, dust them off and measure myself.
I’ve always been short – a mighty 5’ 1¾” when I was in my 20s. I managed to compensate for my height with 3” heels but of course those days are long gone due to my arthritic feet. So, off I trundled down to the shed to discover my antique scales happily residing in a corner. Pulling myself up to my maximum height, my head just managed to touch the head-bar at 5’ 0½”. Yes, I had shrunk one-and-a-quarter inches in recent years. Disappointing but not really a surprise! I weigh less than I used to but I know I am not any slimmer. (I did consider stripping down to my undies to weigh myself on the scales in the shed but the gardener was around so I thought better of it!) Sadly, and almost inevitably, my height loss is a consequence of growing older. Mary will explain how and why this happens later in this Newsletter.
Searching through my archive of photographs I found this picture of my beloved scales in use at my class in 1982. This was obviously before I had discovered the benefits of low-fat eating which led to my Hip & Thigh Diet! Love the high heels in a fitness class! I only wore them to make me look slimmer as we had a film crew there at the time! Goodness me!
We are so fortunate to have Mary as our fitness guru on our website and in our weekly Newsletter. She has such a fascinating history in the fitness industry and recently I interviewed her about her extraordinary career and the part she played as a valued member of the team that created the Exercise to Music qualification in 1986.