Hello <<First name>>,
This is Nicola, Sayantani, Uttara & Hassnain from the iGEM Community Newsletter team. This month, we would like to present to you even more peer-reviewed publications by iGEM teams, invite you to join open programs of the iGEM Community, and show you some exciting job openings.
Systems and Synthetic Biotechnology journal: iGEM Issue
This issue features outstanding and exceptional iGEM projects from the 2019 and 2020 competitions, highlighting the wisdom and vitality of the next generation of synthetic biologists.
The Korea HS 2020 team published their research work in the Synthetic and Systems Biotechnology Journal titled Engineering a Cell-Penetrating Hyperstable Antibody scFv(Ras) - An Extraordinary Approach to Cancer Therapeutics.
The SZU 2019 team published their research work in the Synthetic and Systems Biotechnology Journal titled Study on RNAi-based herbicide for M. micrantha.
The Pui Ching Macao 2020 team published their research work in the Synthetic and Systems Biotechnology Journal titled Expression, secretion and functional characterization of three laccases in E. coli.
Watch out for more published papers in our next newsletter issue.
WiSTEM Community
Sign up for WiSTEM Community for updates on our further activities, opportunities and special invitations. Once you sign up, you will automatically enroll in an opportunity to win a physical copy of our recently launched magazine "The Equality Pursuit".
2022 iGEM Mentorship Program

We are happy to announce the 2022 iGEM Mentorship Program is now open for applications! Are you a newer iGEM Competition team, or an iGEM alumnus wanting to reconnect with the iGEM Community? Then this program is for you! Whether you’re looking for some advice from troubleshooting your cloning to improving your modeling or human practices, we may have just the mentor for you!
Deadline to apply is April 18, 2022!
Join the New Bioart Steering Group!
The iGEM Community is rich in the talent of its people, with students from different disciplines and it is really exciting for us to see how creative projects can be, with a special mention to those which take an artistic approach to synthetic biology.
Therefore, we are happy to announce our new Bioart steering group!
The bio-art steering group aims to bring discussions, raise questions, build speculation, and create exhibitions around synthetic biology.
The main goal of this group for 2022 is to create a bio-art exhibition to showcase curated work from the iGEM community and bring original work from artists working in this intersection. This exhibition intends to be during the Jamboree and a virtual experience for our community.
If you are passionate about the creative side of synthetic biology, join us!
Our working groups are looking for your contribution!
The new PI Hub Initiative is looking for collaborators to be part of their working group for this iGEM season. If you have been a PI before or you are a postgraduate student and you would like to join, send an email to pi@igem.org and someone from our team will reach back to you.
The Academia and Research Steering Group of the iGEM Community has created this survey for iGEM Alumni. The feedback from these questions will be used to (1) connect iGEM alumni with current members to assist with iGEM projects as well as to (2) help iGEM Community members pursuing the field of Academia or Research beyond iGEM.
We asked iGEMers in different places around the world about the challenges they are facing when it comes to building their local synthetic biology ecosystems and advancing the engineering progress of biology. Read the blog to learn more and let us know about the challenges your region is facing at leagues [at] igem [dot] org
Industry/Non-academic Job Opportunities
The iGEM Indian League will host an exclusive workshop for high school students: "Synthetase - Synthesize your SynBio Journey!"
Synthetic Biology Young Speaker Series
Join the Synthetic Biology Young Speaker Series (SynBYSS): a weekly, virtual, and multi-year forum where a global thought leader (including a Nobel Prize Winner) gives an opening 5 min talk, followed by a 45 min, rising star’s talk, for a >1,000 global audience.
Zoom link , YouTube, Website
This newsletter was made like any good PCR- the machine stopped midway through, and the team started over again, but those bands came out like a Picasso.

Waving from around the world,
The iGEM Community Newsletter Team on behalf of iGEM Community