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Dear CPEP Community,

In 24 hours, more than 100 people from around the world pitched in to raise $18,845 in support of CPEP's important work. It was lovely to see the support trickle in throughout the day; I felt like all of our friends from around the world were sitting in one of our seminar circles, each adding what they could. I want to thank you all, and also to let you know a little bit about who contributed to our success.

Who supports CPEP?

Formerly incarcerated students who are no longer in prison: One such donor shared that he has continued his education at a college in New York City, but that the greatest impact of CPEP "is beyond words."

Current and past Cornell students from campus: A Cornell student who recently volunteered for our program wrote, "I realize $50 does is not that much, but it puts in perspective the 'ocean of need' you sometimes reference in the prison world... I'm happy to contribute what I can."

Anonymous supporters: [Wealways respect anonymity but we do appreciate it when anonymous donors reach out to us personally.] Yesterday I received a note sharing that "I always ask that my name as a donor not be displayed, but I want you to know how honored I am to have some association with such worthwhile (and, from what I can tell, rewarding) work."

Cornell faculty and staff: (You know who you are!) Mostly giving anonymously as well, it is extremely humbling to share that there are professors at Cornell who have volunteered for the prison program for years who also contribute to our fundraising efforts. We are grateful for all that they do for our students.

Thank you so much for making yesterday a success. Today, the work continues. With your support we will achieve great things in the year ahead. 


Robert Scott, Exec. Director
Cornell Prison Education Program
Support CPEP
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