
AMA's Funders

US Dept of Justice
St. Paul Cultural Star
St. Paul STAR Program
Minnesota Lynx
National Endowment for the Arts
Minneapolis Foundation
Minnesota Dept of Health
Wells Fargo
Minnesota Dept of Employment & Economic Development
City of Minneapolis

AMA Announcements 

1. Vaccination Pop-up Event:

A. FREE COVID-19 vaccine and 1st and 2nd boosters

DATE/TIME: Saturday, April 2, 2022, 9:00am-12:00pm
PLACE:  UROC - Urban Research and Outreach-Engagement Center(UROC) at 2001 Plymouth Ave N, Minneapolis, MN 55411 
Walk-ins welcomed

1st and 2nd vaccines and booster shots available for 5 years old and up with $25 incentive. FDA & CDC have approved the SECOND BOOSTER FOR ADULTS 50 or older for Moderna, Pfizer, or BioNTech's COVID-19 vaccines; at least four months must have passed after the first booster shot. $25 incentive applies.

Remember to bring your vaccination card.

Free Food Give-away, no registration required.

B.  Wellness Child Check Up and Pop up Vaccination Clinic

DATE/TIME: Saturday, April, 16, 2022, 9:00am-12:00pm
PLACE: UROC - Urban Research and Outreach-Engagement Center(UROC) at 2001 Plymouth Ave N, Minneapolis, MN 55411 
REGISTER: Walk-ins welcomed

1st and 2nd vaccines and boosters shot available for 5 years old and up with $25 incentive. All adults age 50 or older can get a second booster of Moderna's and Pfizer and BioNTech's COVID-19 vaccines, at least four months after their first booster.

Free Food Give-away, no registration required

C.  Wellness Day

DATE/TIME: Saturday, April 16, 2022, 9:00am-3:00pm 
PLACE: UROC - Urban Research and Outreach-Engagement Center(UROC) at 2001 Plymouth Ave N, Minneapolis, MN 55411 

Join us for a whole day Wellness Resource Fair with:
  • Food Giveaway
  • Mental Health and Wellness Demos
  • COVID-19 Testing
Other special activities include:
  • 9:00am - Noon - Wellness Child Check Up and Pop up Vaccination Clinic with $25 incentive 
  • 12:00pm-1:00pm - Buffet Lunch 
  • 1:00pm-3:00pm - Northside Community Town Hall with Blueline - the Northside Light Rail Route Discussion 
Open to general public, NO REGISTRATION NEEDED!
Please come to join us to learn more about what WELLNESS means, along with diverse social determinant factors.

D. FREE COVID-19 vaccine and booster shot in Rochester

DATE/TIME: Saturday, April 23, 2022, 9:00am-12:00pm
PLACE: 125 LIVE, 125 Elton Hills Dr NW, Rochester, MN 55901

Pfizer Vaccine Doses 1, 2, and boosters for 5 year olds and up, $25 incentive for first 20 people

All doses will be available, 1st dose, 2nd dose, and booster doses, including the 2nd booster dose if you qualify
Vaccine eligibility will be determined by a medical professional on site

FMI: Ajay at


E. FREE COVID-19 vaccine and booster shot

DATE/TIME: Saturday, May 14, 2022, 1:00pm-4:00pm
PLACE:  Lake Phalen's Pavilion, 1600 Phalen Dr, St Paul, MN 55106
Walk-ins welcomed

1st and 2nd vaccines and booster shot available for 5 years old and up with $25 incentive

Free Food Give-away


F. Hmoob Day 

DATE/TIME: Saturday, May 14, 2022, 10:00am-10:00pm
PLACE:  Lake Phalen's Pavilion, 1600 Phalen Dr, St Paul, MN 55106

Come Join us for a fun-filled Hmong Cultural activities, such as:
  • Beginner fishing contest with Hmong College Prep Academy   
  • Hmoob RPA Spelling Bee's 10th Annual spelling
  • Hmoob inspired fun and games
  • Hmoob movie night
  • Vaccination Clinic and Food Give-away from 1-4pm

2. Solutions for Violence at the Northside

DATE/TIME:  Saturday, April 2, 9:00am-12:00pm
PLACE: University of Minnesota’s Urban Research and Outreach-Engagement Center (UROC), 2001 Plymouth Ave N, Minneapolis, MN 55411

 In collaboration with the City of Minneapolis to celebrate the Youth Violence Prevention Week, Pan Asian Arts Alliance and Asian Media Access have teamed up to host - "A Day with Video Booth" at UROC, to collect, listen and to share North Mpls residents’ solutions of violence.

Come join your neighbors with snacks and drinks to chat more about possibilities, looking forward to see you there!!!

For more information, contact

3. My Neighborhood Is Safer, Because Of Me

Continuing last year's success, Asian Media Access' youth hope to expand the slogan – “My Neighborhood Is Safer, Because Of Me, ”  through social media platforms with the hashtag – #MyNeighborhoodIsSaferBecauseOfMe, as the way to showcase youth’s support for each other, and be proud of what they have done to stop the violence.

Please join our social media platforms during the YVP week!!!

FMI:, 612-376-7715

4. Pandemic Food Relief Effort, supported by the City of Minneapolis

Hot Asian meals pick up at Asian Media Access' office for Minneapolis families in need. Started January 2022 and on-going. Must be a Minneapolis resident to qualify.

Fridays only, 5:00pm - 6:00pm pick-up for the hot meals. Limit to 13 families each time with 3 meal boxes, regardless of family size. Each family is supported for weekly pick-up, for up to 4 weeks. 

Weekly registration link for hot meals:

5. AMA Youth Online Forum - have your voice heard with Facebook Live 

DATE/TIME: Every 2nd Wednesday of the month, 5:30pm-7:00pm CST
PLACE: Zoom, Register at

Youth ages 15-25 are invited to participate and share their insights, and be advocates for issues such as  COVID-19, problem gambling awareness, Bicultural Healthy living, and Depression & anxiety. Topics will feature guest speakers followed by a Kahoot games where youth can learn more about the subject, connect with others with similar values, and share valuable thoughts, experiences, or feelings. 

AMA is currently offering 15 online zoom sessions, with each session lasting up to 90 minutes on Wednesdays (Every 2nd Wednesday of the month, one time a month) from 5:30-7:00pm Central Time.

For each session, youths will receive a $20 gift card per session. Additional cash reward opportunity available. In addition to the $20 for participation, the top 3 scorers of the Kahoot competition will receive additional gift card reward.


7. Multimedia Internship to support AMA's Vaccination Effort

DATE/TIME:  Starting June of 2022 for a 8 weeks Internship
PLACE: Online, Register

Asian Media Access looks for 10 Interns to be trained in Graphic Design and Video Productions, and able to create more educational materials to encourage BIPOC members to get vaccinated.    

All training sessions will be held online. For More Info:


Program Updates

Establishing the Asian American Business Resilience Network

Asian Media Access has joined the Chinese American Chamber of Commerce - MN to develop a state-wide Asian American Business Resilience Network. Utilizing SBA’s community navigator approach, our lead agency – Chinese American Chamber of Commerce will serve as the hub, along with 6 trusted, culturally, linguistically appropriate partners as spokes to weather the economic downturn caused by the COVID-19 pandemic for Asian American entrepreneurial community in MN. 

Our services can include: 1) direct financial assistance and step-by-step guidance for SBA loan/grant applications; 2) business development (access to capital, contracting and procurement assistance); 3) marketing coaching (multimedia/web development, social media 101); and 4) operation consultations (Quickbook 101, and Payroll development) in both English and Heritage Languages throughout MN.
Here are the SPOKES:

#1 Spoke Partner - Public Education Campaign
led by Asian Media Access – will support Asian American youth and young adults to receive entrepreneurship training, as well as hosting a state-wide Public Education Campaign about recovering effort.
#2 Spoke Partner  - South Asian Business Network
led by Khoo Consultant – will support diverse South Asian business associates and host a 3D Virtual Business Summit
#3 - Spoke Partner – Southeast Asian Business Network led by Minnesota Hmong Chamber of Commerce and Hmong Shaman and Herb Center, they will support the May 14th AAPI Business Expo along with diverse Southeast Asian business associates
#4 Spoke Partner - Young Asian American Entrepreneurs’ Network
led by Pan Asian Arts Alliance with Rochester Cambodian Association – will support diverse young Asian American entrepreneurs 
#5 Spoke Partner - North Asian Business Network
led by Pandemic Responders – will support diverse North Asian business associates, and monthly online Business Training
#6 Spoke Partner - Pan Asian Food Business Network
led by Chinese Community Center
- will support in-person statewide business training, targeting small Asian American restaurant owners in Duluth, Mankato, Moorhead, Rochester, and St. Cloud.

For more information, please contact: or

Supporting "Not Knowing is Fool, Seeking Help is Cool" Public Education Campaign 

Working with Multi-Cultural Community Alliance (MCCA), and MN Department of Human Services, Asian Media Access has been working hard to engage younger generation to better understand the opioid abuse due to mental health issues, and where/how to seek help among BIPOC youth.

The “Not Knowing is Fool, Seeking Help is Cool” Initiative will prevent the onset and reduce the progression of opioid abuse and its related problems, through strengthening prevention capacity and community engagement, with a special focus on the most needed communities - North Minneapolis and Frogtown/Thomas- Dale St Paul Neighborhoods, where make up the two most diverse neighborhoods in MN.

BIPOC are disproportionately impacted by substance abuse. The majority of adults who meet the criteria for having a substance use disorder started using substances during their teen years. Youth with substance use disorders also experience higher rates of physical and mental illnesses, diminished overall health and well-being, and potential progression to addiction.
Three key issues we see in youth using opioid, because of:
1) PEER PRESSURE to use opioid
2) LOW PERCEPTION OF HARMS toward opioid
3) Not knowing what to do to coping the stress, and have negative impression about SEEKING HELP.

Collaborated between all MCCA partners, we have created four Life Navigators for each BIPOC community - African American/Black, Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI), Latinx and Native American, to better support cultural/linguistic appropriate interventions for youth of color.  Please check out our campaign through Facebook, Instagram and Webblog with hashtag #NotKnowingisFoolSeekingHelpisCool.

Looking forward for another Asian Cultural Fusion Performance Season

After two years of pandemic lock-down, many of our Asian dance groups have been hibernated until late last year.  With the success of Vaccine and potential herd immunity, many have been actively practicing, and planning for more community performances.

AMA has joined by few dance teams, like: Cambodian Dance Team (Wattanak Dance); Kpop Dance Team (K-Move); and Hmong Dance Teams (Ntxhais Hnub Kaj, Ntxhais Siab Loj and Unity Dance), etc. to reengage with people who enjoy the Asian Traditional and Fusion Dances, along with hosting below key events:

* April 22 (Fri) from 5-8pm as Hmong Awareness Night at the Concordia University's BEC Auditorium; 

* May 28-29 (Sat - Sun)from 11am - 5pm as Songkran Festival at the State Capital;

* May - June - Touring with the Pan Asian Arts Alliance and Unity Dance Team with a newly created dance drams - "Resonance," to increase vaccination confidence among MN rural counties

* July 16 (Sat) from Noon - 2pm as A Day of Music with Chinese Dances, Indonesian Ensembles and Korean Drum/Dances, at MN Orchestra and Peavy Plaza;

* August 14 (Sun) from 6-8pm as Asian Wave at Roseville's Central Park's Frank Rog Amphitheater; and

* Oct. 22-23 (Sat - Sun) from 11am - 8pm as Taste of Asia at St. Paul Union Depot.

For more information on above events, please e-mail us at, or follow Asian Media Access at the Facebook to bring you more re-open activities and events

Community News

Photo Courtesy: Chinese American Chamber of Commerce - MN

Free Weekly Health Clinic

DATE/TIME: Thursdays, 12:00pm-6:00pm by appointment
PLACE: SEWA-AIFW, 6645 James Ave N Brooklyn Center, MN 55430 United States

Join us for free weekly health clinics at SEWA-AIFW every Thursday! We are now able to help with medical & stress consultations, immunization counseling, A1C & cholesterol testing, blood pressure measurement, glucose testing, medical referrals, nutritional consultations, and chronic disease management in-house.

To make an appointment, call/text 763-350-9016 or 612-422-3278 during typical office hours. Please call the crisis line if you are calling after-hours or on weekends.

FAIR Financial

DATE/TIME: Every Third Thursday of the Month, 4:00pm-7:00pm
PLACE: 1200 Payne Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55130, Register

Through community listening, FAIR has created banking products that work for people regardless of income, cash flow, or banking history.** FAIR offers checking, savings, and credit builder accounts that are simple and transparent. There are no minimum balance requirements or overdraft fees. FAIR believes that all of us deserve access to safe affordable financial services and opportunities to build wealth.

"Being Healthy" Youth Arts Contest

The Asian Engagement & Recruitment Core (ARC) Central Region Arts Contest is held with the aim of allowing children, pre-teens, and youth the opportunity to reflect on “What does 'being healthy' mean to you and your family?”

Goals of the contest are:
  • To promote wellness as everyone’s responsibility.
  • To promote understanding that we each see wellness differently.
  • To consider how precision medicine helps us understand how environment and genes uniquely impact our individual health.
  • To explore how wellness includes, but is not limited to, physical and mental health. 

How to Enter: CLICK HERE to download the information on entering the contest.

The contest is divided into 3 age categories, with 3 prizes for each of the age category. Format of the artwork is quite open, so get involved!

IAM Small Business Initiative 


The India Association of Minnesota interns have been working on the IAM Small Business Initiative. The goal of this project is to raise awareness of local Indian owned businesses in the Twin Cities area. As a growing community in Minnesota, we are proud to be a center point from which many organizations can gain following and support, and we wish to further our involvement in the success of our Indian businesses with the creation of an IAM Small Business directory on the IAM website. We started reaching out for registrations in June 2021 and are continuing the information gathering process. We want you to be a part of it.

This project requires businesses to provide some basic information. With this information, we will create a directory located conveniently on the IAM website from which all information, contacts, and links to business websites or social media can be found. This will allow regular IAM followers, as well as Indians, new to Minnesota, to locate the various businesses around the metro area which in turn will help your businesses grow.

Spread the word to all the Indian businesses you patronize to be a part of the IAM business directory. If you have any questions please direct them to

PACBACK Back Pain Study with University of Minnesota

Spinal Manipulation and Patient Self-Management for Preventing Acute to Chronic Back Pain (PACBACK) Study
Screening Survey:

Are you an adult (18+ years old) with low back pain? Do you live in the Twin Cities (MN), Pittsburgh (PA) or a surrounding community? If yes, you may qualify for the PACBACK Trial, a research study exploring different treatments for back pain and preventing it in the future.

Eligible participants receive up to 2 months of treatment at no cost. Compensation is provided.

Questions? Contact or 612-626-6477

Verizon Small Business Digital Ready program

PLACE: Online, Register Here, Website Here

This free service offers small businesses the ability to apply for relevant grants, learn growth strategies, and access other valuable information. Because no one should be left behind.

Our online curriculum is designed to give small businesses like yours the personalized tools to succeed in today's digital world. Learning modules, expert coaching, peer networking and more—it's all here, and it’s all part of our goal to provide resources to help one million small businesses thrive in the digital economy.

Register now for our free online curriculum and move your business forward.

Complete two courses or coaching events to be eligible to apply for a  Verizon Small Business Digital Ready $10,000 grant – applications now open.

"Connections" Digital Exhibition Submissions, Asian-pacific identities of Minnesota

DATE: Submission dates between February 1 - May 10, 2022
PLACE: Online, apply here

Heart Mountain Interpretive Center and Twin Cities JACL are hosting the digital exhibition Connections to capture an artistic profile of Minnesota's Asian Pacific residents. Visual art and poetry will be considered.

To be eligible: any artistic mediums (including poetry) are accepted so long as they can be photographed. Applicants must be of Asian Pacific identity and reside for most of the year in the state of Minnesota. People of any age may apply and subject matter can be anything related to the artist's identity, personal history, activism, or culture.

There is no submission fee. Artists may submit up to 3 pieces. 
Three winners will be chosen by juror Emi Nijiya.

First prize: $200
Second prize: $100
Additional prize: tickets to the Heart Mountain pilgrimage 2022

Winners will be notified by May 25.

APIC Call for Abstract for APHA 2022 Annual Meeting & Expo

DATE: Submission dates between February 16 - April 30, 2022
PLACE: Online, apply

The Asian & Pacific Islander Caucus for Public Health (APIC), in official relations with the American Public Health Association (APHA), invites abstracts for the 2022 APHA Annual Meeting & Exposition.

We encourage submissions that focus on the annual meeting’s theme, "150 Years of Creating the Healthiest Nation: Leading the Path Toward Equity" as it applies to Asian American and/or Pacific Islander (AAPI) communities. Abstract submissions authored by or in collaboration with AAPI community-based partners are highly encouraged.

Although we will consider ALL submissions, the 2022 APIC Scientific Program will highlight work that addresses the annual meeting theme of innovative science, actionable and evidenced-based policies and practices in relation to health equity, violence prevention, racism and discrimination, care coordination for vulnerable populations, and social determinants of health. The following topics are intended to stimulate, rather than to limit, the scope of submissions:

·  Achieving Mental Health Equity Among AAPIs 
·  Increasing AAPI Health Equity through Health Education, Health Communication, and Community-Based Interventions
·  Promoting Health Equity Among AAPIs through Social Movements & Political Advocacy
·  Ensuring Equity to Access to Health Care Services among AAPIs
·  Understanding AAPI Historical and Social Context to Attain Health Equity
·  Other Priority AAPI Concerns

For more information on abstract guidelines (format requirements), submissions, continuing education credits, and peer-review guidelines:

Solutions for Violence at the Northside

DATE/TIME: Saturday, April 2, 9:00am-12:00pm
PLACE: University of Minnesota’s Urban Research and Outreach-Engagement Center (UROC), 2001 Plymouth Ave N, Minneapolis, MN 55411

 In collaboration with the City of Minneapolis to celebrate the Youth Violence Prevention Week, Pan Asian Arts Alliance and Asian Media Access have teamed up to host - "A Day with Video Booth" at UROC, to collect, listen and to share North Mpls residents’ solutions of violence.

Come join your neighbors with snacks and drinks to chat more about possibilities, looking forward to see you there!!!

For more information, contact

Music of Gao Hong Concert at The Ordway

DATE: Sunday, April 3, 2022, 3:00pm
PLACE: Ordway Concert Hall, 345 Washington St, St Paul, MN 55102,  Buy Tickets Here

Gao Hong will be celebrating her 50th year of being a performer; her accomplishments as a composer, improvisor and educator; and the 100th anniversary of her late teacher, Lin Shicheng’s birth. The celebration will showcase her deep connections and collaborations with an array of diverse cultures and her own compositions.

Event Website:

 Recovery & Health series, UMN Extension Center for Family Development webinars

Join us for a series of free webinars hosted by University of Minnesota Extension for individuals, families and professionals to learn about the many ways recovery and health go hand in hand. The series will cover topics of mental well-being such as nervous system support, and also show how nutrition and physical activity can support those in recovery. Hear from people in recovery about how they approach their health holistically. Finally, colleagues from the University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy in Duluth will join this series to discuss community solutions to the opioid crisis — including harm reduction and how to save lives from overdoses. 
Series Website:

DATE/TIME:  Tuesday, April 5, 2022
REGISTER: Opioid Overdoses: Risk Factors, Signs and Saving Lives!

DATE/TIME: Tuesday, April 5, 2022
REGISTER: A community-engaged approach to supporting recovery from Substance Use Disorders

DATE/TIME: Tuesday, April 12, 2022
REGISTER: Harm Reduction 101

Lao New Year: Water Festival 2022

DATE: Tuesday, April 5, 2022 - Tuesday, May 31, 2022 
The video will be available to watch on-demand from April 5 through May 31 on Hennepin County Library's YouTube Channel.

Celebrate the Lao New Year, also known as Water Festival, by learning the traditions and various rituals. Unique customs include Giving Alms, Baci-Ceremony, and the Scented Water tradition. Learn how to make traditional Lao bamboo stew, a symbol of fertility, strength, flexibility, and health. The varieties of vegetables and textures represent the diversity of ethnic groups that live in Laos. 

No Place Like Home, UMN Extension Center for Family Development webinars

Whether you rent or own your home, Extension educators have tips to make your home healthier, affordable and energy efficient.  Join us to learn from financial educators, the Clean Energy Resource Team and experts in preparedness. These free webinars are offered in English and Spanish. 

Series Website:

DATE/TIME: Wednesday, April 6, 2022, 10:00am-11:00am
TOPIC: RentWise 101
What do you need to know to better navigate the rental process? Join this webinar to learn about finding, keeping and maintaining a stable home environment as a renter. Tools and strategies will be introduced to help you secure housing, manage money resources wisely, pay rent on time, choose safe and affordable housing, communicate effectively and maintain a home. We will also navigate the screening process, lease agreements, security deposits and moving out.

DATE/TIME: Thursday, April 14, 2022, 6:00pm-7:00pm
TOPIC: Consejos para rentar una vivienda
En esta charla en linea gratuita usted identificara la importancia de estar preparado antes de alquilar o rentar una vivienda. Tambien se dara informacion de como completar una solicitud de alquiler y como desarrollar un plan de gastos y ahorros.

Bystander Intervention to stop anti-Asian/American and xenophobic harassment

DATE/TIME: Wednesday, April 6, 10:00AM CST: Register here
DATE/TIME: Tuesday, April 12, 5:00PM CST: Register here
DATE/TIME: Monday, May 9, 10:00AM CST: Register here
DATE/TIME: Thursday, May 19, 5:00PM CST: Register here
DATE/TIME: Wednesday, June 1, 10:00AM CST: Register here
DATE/TIME: Wednesday, June 1, 6:30PM CST: Register here
DATE/TIME: Monday, June 6, 12:30PM CST: Register here
DATE/TIME: Thursday, June 16, 5:00PM CST: Register here

Anti-Asian/American and xenophobic harassment are on the rise across the US -- and the world. In this virtual Zoom workshop sponsored by Asian Americans Advancing Justice | Chicago, CAIR Chicago, and Hollaback!, you'll learn how you can intervene effectively as a bystander without compromising your safety.

This 60-90 minute, interactive training will teach you Hollaback!'s 5D's of bystander intervention methodology. We'll start by talking about the types of discrimination that Asian and Asian American folks are facing right now - from microaggressions to violence. You'll then learn what to look for and the positive impact that bystander intervention has on individuals and communities.

We'll talk through five strategies for intervention: distract, delegate, document, delay, and direct; and how to prioritize your own safety while intervening. At the end of our practice scenarios, and you'll leave feeling more confident intervening the next time you see Anti-Asian/American harassment.

Making cents of it all, UMN Extension Center for Family Development webinars

Join us to learn about educational resources and tools to help families navigate financial choices. Together we'll work on building knowledge and skills around homeownership, credit, budgeting and saving, and changing financial needs across the lifespan. We'll also share culturally appropriate tools and educational resources to support American Indian and Latino communities. These online webinars are for individuals, families, educators and agency staff.  
Series Website:

DATE/TIME: Thursday, April 7, 2022, 12:15 -12:45pm
REGISTER: Budgeting with a Calendar System
When it comes to managing your money, there’s a lot of good advice but not so much information about how to put good advice into practice. Join us to explore some tips and tricks that will help you make your budgeting dreams a reality.

DATE/TIME: April 12, 2022, 3:30pm-4:30pm 
REGISTER: Make Money Make Sense
In this session, we present a financial activity toolkit for use in afterschool and other informal settings to provide age-appropriate (ages 12-18) learning opportunities on basic financial concepts. The activities were designed to encourage youth to learn from both good and bad choices to make it easier for them to see the connection between the choices they make and the outcome of those choices.

DATE/TIME: Thursday,  April 14, 2022, 12:15 - 12:45pm
REGISTERBudgeting Using Apps or Excel
When it comes to managing your money, there’s a lot of good advice but not so much information about how to put good advice into practice. Join us to explore some tips and tricks that will help you make your budgeting dreams a reality.

DATE/TIME: April 19, 2022, 10:00am-11:00am
REGISTER: Get Ready, Get Set, Get Going: A Guide to Money Management
Professionals who work with individuals with cognitive or developmental disabilities are invited to join this webinar to learn more about the “Get Ready, Get Set, Get Going: A Guide to Money Management” resource developed by Michigan State University Extension. The twelve financial management lessons will be shared as well as strategies on how to utilize the materials with clients, including using visual prompts and hands-on practice to build skills. We will also discuss how to promote motivation for participants to adopt the behaviors learned by making their personal financial wellness goals.

DATE/TIME: Thursday, April 21, 2022, 12:15 - 12:45pm
REGISTER: Budgeting with an Envelope System
When it comes to managing your money, there’s a lot of good advice but not so much information about how to put good advice into practice. Join us to explore some tips and tricks that will help you make your budgeting dreams a reality.

DATE/TIME: Thursday, April 28, 2022, 12:15 - 12:45pm
REGISTERPlugging Your Spending Leaks
When it comes to managing your money, there’s a lot of good advice but not so much information about how to put good advice into practice. Join us to explore some tips and tricks that will help you make your budgeting dreams a reality.

Community Journalism Trainings

Event website:

DATE/TIME:Thursday, April 7,2022, 5:00pm-7:00pm
PLACE:  Online, Register,
TOPIC:Cooperation and Collaboration in Community Journalism:
Cooperation and collaboration are core practices and elements within the work of community journalism and within a community journalism newsroom. This training will discuss models and practices for cooperation and collaboration in community journalism with regard to reporting and newsroom operations.

DATE/TIME: Thursday, April 12, 2022, 2:00pm
PLACE:  Online, Register,
TOPIC:Community Journalism, Racial Justice, and Resilience:
This training centers on the intersections of racial justice and resilience within community journalism.

DATE/TIME: Thursday, April 14, 2022, 3:00pm-5:00pm
PLACE:  Online, Register,
TOPIC:Community Journalism: Power, Tension, and Relationships:
Journalism and community organizing are often seen as two ideas that exist in opposition to each other. However community journalism and community organizing are closely intertwined. This training discusses the concepts of power, tension, and relationships within the work of community organizing and community journalism. We also discuss the intersections and conflicts between community journalism and community organizing.

DATE/TIME: Thursday,April 21, 2022,4:00pm-6:00pm 
PLACE:  Online, Register,
TOPIC:Community Journalism and Social Movements: Intersections, Tensions, and Challenges:
Community journalism has a unique role within social movements. This training explores the role and the responsibilities of community journalists committed to equitable coverage of social movements. This discussion-packed training uses real-world examples and experiential training activities as part of our discussion.

DATE/TIME:Thursday,April 26, 2022, 2:00pm-4:00pm
PLACE:  Online, Register,
TOPIC:Community Journalism: Promoting the Reporting:
Making sure that our journalism is seen, heard, or read is just as important as the actual reporting. This training helps community journalists-in-training promote their work through social media as well as blogging and other digital efforts.

Family Friendly Earth Care Series, UMN Extension Center for Family Development webinars

Join Extension for a webinar series for families to learn more and take actions for global health and wellness. Learn about ways to eat healthier for the planet, including reducing food waste, composting and reducing your family's carbon footprint. Learn hands-on activities for all ages that promote wellness through being in nature. 
Series Website:

DATE/TIME  Thursday, April 7, 2022
REGISTER: Food Composting 101

DATE/TIME  Thursday, April 21, 2022
REGISTER:  Reducing your Family’s Carbon Footprint

Hanbok: A New Lexicon of World Fashion Men’s Hanbok

DATE/TIME:  Thursday, April 7, 2022, 6:00pm EDT
PLACE:  Online webcast, register here

Riding the Korean Wave sweeping the world, the traditional Korean costumes have become increasingly visible in global media. In 2021, hanbok - the generic term referring to traditional style Korean clothing - was registered in the Oxford English Dictionary. In this comprehensive series of lectures, Dr. Minjee Kim, the preeminent scholar of Korean textile and fashion in the U.S., illustrates and elucidates hanbok in sartorial, socio-cultural, and historical contexts.

In the second lecture of the series, Dr. Kim discusses some distinctive qualities of men's hanbok in comparison with other dress traditions; terminologies of the components and their structural parts; colors, materials, and embellishments; and symbols and ideas behind design principles and ways of dress.

Minnesota Craft Beer Festival

DATE/TIME: Saturday, April 9, 2022,1:00pm-5:00pm
PLACE: Minneapolis Convention Center (Hall D + E), 1301 2nd Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55403, Buy Tickets Here

The Minnesota Craft Beer Festival is an epic tasting session at the Minneapolis Convention Center, where 130+ breweries will participate in pouring some of their best brews. Each brewery has been asked to bring a taproom-only beer and/or a rare limited-release option.

Love Out Lao'd - Moments in Music

DATE/TIME: Saturday, April 9, 2022, 5:00pm-8:00pm
PLACE: North Star Ballroom, University of Minnesota

The Lao Student Association cordially invites you to our 2022 Lao New Year, Moment's in Music: Love Out Lao'd. This year, LSA will be providing a gathering space for everyone who celebrates the New Year in April with us! Please join us in an evening full of fun entertainment that includes live performances, a fashion show, and raffle drawings! There will also be a Baci ceremony (3:00 pm) to commemorate the new year with good luck and fortune for all of our community members!

 Songkran Festival (Thai & Asian New Year) 

DATE/TIME: Sunday, April 10, 2022, 8:30am-12:00pm
PLACE: Wat Promwachirayan (Wat Thai of MN) 2544 Highway 100 S St. Louis Park, MN 55416

Best of Twin Cities Food Truck

DATE/TIME: Sunday, April 10, 2022, 11:00am-6:00pm
PLACE: 1669 Arcade St, St Paul, MN 55106-1041, United States

20+ Food Trucks are back for the best local food truck festival!
Serving cuisines from a variety of cultures and of course all the fair food faves!

The Space Between Trauma and Healing: Bridging Divides in the Hmong Community

DATE/TIME: Monday, April 11, 2022, 7pm
PLACE: Online

click on flyer image for full size announcement.

Twin Cities immigration forum

DATE/TIME: Tuesday, April 12, 2022, 4:30pm-6:00pm
PLACE: Online, schedule and links here

Get updates about immigration news, resources and topics of interest to immigrant, refugee and new American communities at the Minneapolis Office of Immigrant & Refugee Affairs and City of Saint Paul Immigrant and Refugee Program's monthly immigration forum.

NNED Virtual Roundtable

DATE/TIME: Wednesday, April 13, 2022, 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm EDT
PLACE: Online Zoom, Register Here

Across the country, both racially/ethnically diverse and LGTBQ+ communities are at higher risks for adverse behavioral health conditions due to factors such as discrimination, systemic barriers, and lack of access to care. For those who live at the intersections of race, gender, and sexuality, these layers of marginalization create nuanced behavioral health needs. With the added impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and recent anti-transgender legislation, diverse LGBTQ+ populations are experiencing an increase in depression, anxiety, substance use, and suicide ideation. Understanding intersectionality — the combined and overlapping aspects of a person’s identity — is key to providing culturally responsive and trauma-informed care.

In recognition of National Minority Health Month (April), join this NNED Virtual Roundtable to learn how organizations are responding to the complex behavioral health needs of racially/ethnically diverse LGBTQ+ communities. Panelists will discuss the impacts of trauma and adverse mental health conditions associated with intersectional identities, and how to build affirming practices and environments.

Cambodian New Year Celebration at Watt Munisotaram

DATE/TIME:  April 15, 2022-April 17,2022
PLACE: 2925 220th St E, Hampton, MN 55031

The New Year celebration, for our community, is also a reflection of our culture and tradition. The purpose is to emphasize the importance of the following points:
- Preservation of Cambodian tradition and culture.
- Symbol of unity, equality, and friendship among Cambodian people.
- Occasion for people to see new days with hope and opportunity.
- Occasion to accumulate merits through charitable acts and meditation to purify the mind.
- Special occasion for children to show their gratitude to their parents, grandparents, and benefactors; to perform meritorious deeds in the memory of ancestors up to the seventh generation.
- Occasion for the members to be generous in their support of Buddhism and monasteries.

Water Festival & Elderly Homage

DATE/TIME:  Sunday, April 17, 2022, 10:00am-3:00pm
PLACE: KaRen Buddhist Temple at 43695 Peaceful Valley Rd, Harris, MN

Now Enjoy the song by @Poe Htoo Gay (P2G)
Dance performance by KCO Youth

Finding Balance, UMN Extension Center for Family Development webinars

DATE/TIME: Wednesday, April 20, 2022, 1:00pm-2:00pm
REGISTER: Creating Balance in the Chaos

Physical, mental, emotional and spiritual integration and balance are essential to generate wellbeing and navigate the chaos of life. This presentation will offer insights into how these different parts of ourselves interact with one another, and strategies we can use to create a greater sense of balance within and amongst our mind, body and spirit.

API Day at the Capitol: "Democracy in the Time of COVID"

DATE/TIME:  Thursday, April 21, 2022, 10:30am-1:30pm
PLACE: Rotunda Capitol, 75 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. St Paul, MN 55155

On April 21, 2022, we will hold the API Day at the Capitol 2022 Rally, with inspiring speeches from leaders in state government and across our communities, followed by a Meet and Greet with key policymakers.

Community members will have the chance to make their voices heard at the state legislature and throughout state government through Legislative Visits on April 20 and April 22.

We hope you will join us! Check for more information.

Hmong Awareness Night

DATE/TIME:  Friday, April 22, 2022, 5:30pm, Doors open at 5:00pm
PLACE: BEC, Concordia University,  1282 Concordia Ave, St Paul, MN 55104

Hmong Awareness night is a night to celebrate and reflect the Hmong culture. We will be having some amazing performances along with some yummy Hmong food. Save it to your calendar and come join us on this very special night.

If you have any questions, feel free to email us at

Apsara The Musical

DATE/TIME:  Saturday,  April 23, 2022, 2:00pm-4:00pm
PLACE: Rondo Public Library, 461 Dale S North, St. Paul, MN 55103 or Zoom Meeting ID: 878 2989 6402
Set in ancient Cambodia, in the Angkorian time of the early 12th century, Apsara is a classical Khmer dancer. She’s powerful in strength as she is in intelligence.  Woven in a love story, Aspara helps the Cambodian/Khmer king win the war by signaling successful war strategies with different dance movements.

The play then reincarnates Apsara and the king in a modern love story.  She is a CEO and the King, a painter. 

Narate Keys is a fiscal year 2022 recipient of a Creative Support for Individuals grant from the MN State Arts Board, thanks to a legislative appropriation by the MN State Legislature; and by a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts.

Saturday Online Craft Workshop 

DATE/TIME:  9 Saturday sessions from April 23, 2022 to July 2, 2022,(no class on 5/21, 6/18) 3:00pm-4:30pm
PLACE: Online, Zoom, Register $50 (includes class material)

Activities: knotting, rice dough figurines, red envelope decoration, 3D paper quilling, 3D paper cutting

請用海報上 QR code, 或者上面連結的 Google form 報名。

Community Connections Conference

DATE/TIME:  Saturday, May 21, 2022
PLACE:  Hall B on the first floor of the Minneapolis Convention Center, 1301 2nd Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55404

Woman raising hand during roundtable discussion at 2018 Community Connections Conference

To stay up to date on this year's conference, visit the Community Connections Conference webpage here.

Share the conference
English: 2022 Community Connections Conference Facebook event page
Spanish: Conferencia Comunitaria 2022: Juntos para adelante
Somali: Shirka bulshada ee 2022: "Horay Baan Usoconaynaa"
Hmong: Koomtes Mus Ua Ke: Community Connections Conference 2022

AAPI Small Business Expo

DATE/TIME:  Saturday, May 14, 2022, 9:00am-6:00pm
PLACE:  Metropolitan State University, 700 East 7th Street Saint Paul, MN 55106,  Register Here

Business Expo Highlights:
-Job Fair
-Keynote Speaker(s)
-Success Speakers
-Business Training Workshops
-Business Networking
-Raffles, Prizes, Freebies, and more.

Event Website:

2022 Chinese Character Garden Fair

DATE/TIME:  Saturday, May 14, 2022, 1:30pm - 3:30pm
PLACE:   Crosby Farm Regional Park, 2595 Crosby Farm Rd, St Paul, MN 55116, Register Here

Chinese Character Garden Tour" combines fun, activities, culture and creativity. In the coolness of early summer, bring you and your family a happy time

Event Website:

Minnesota Songkran Festival

DATE/TIME: Saturday, May 28, 2022 11:00am-9:00pm and Sunday, May 29th 11:00am-6:00pm
PLACE:  Minnesota State Capitol,  75 Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard., St Paul, MN 55155
Performance sign up here (Deadline May 13, 2022)

The Minnesota Songkran Festival is a free event featuring the food and culture of the Southeast Asian community, dances, & musical performances, cultural exhibits, artists, and souvenir vendors. This event serves as a window into the beauty of Southeast Asian culture as we combat hate, prejudice, and violence towards Asian Americans in the COVID-19 era.

Fundamentals of Nonprofit Finance

DATE/TIME:  Wednesday, June 8, 2022 at 9:00am-12:00pm
PLACE: Online, Register Here
You will gain an understanding of nonprofit finance terminology, accounting rules, roles and responsibilities, and procedures and policies.

This training is designed to make you more comfortable with nonprofit finance. We’ll walk through nonprofit financial reports including the statement of activities (income statement) and statement of financial position (balance sheet). You will gain an understanding of nonprofit finance terminology, accounting rules, roles and responsibilities, and procedures and policies. This workshop is right for you if you are new to the nonprofit sector, nonprofit finance, or your position as staff or board member.

Hmong Community Explore Your Parks

DATE/TIME:  Saturday, July 16, 2022, 1:00pm-4:00pm
PLACE:  Centennial Park, Brooklyn Center, 6301 Shingle Creek Pkwy, Brooklyn Center, MN 55430Planned events:

Planned Events:
  • Sports and recreation activities
  • Traditional Hmong games
  • Bike fix-it station, bike skills clinic, bikes to try
  • Gardening, exploring ways to be active outside
  • Story stroll
  • COVID-19 vaccination clinic
  • Local organizations tabling
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