Hello <<First name>>,
This is Nicola, Sayantani, Uttara & Hassnain from the iGEM Community Newsletter team. This month, we would like to update you on the recent developments in the iGEM Community networks, along with their initiatives, highlight synthetic biology articles and share upcoming events and open job positions with you.
Systems and Synthetic Biotechnology journal: iGEM Issue
This issue features outstanding and exceptional iGEM projects from the 2019 and 2020 competitions, highlighting the wisdom and vitality of the next generation of synthetic biologists.
Find all twelve published papers here!
Built with Biology global conference highlights
iGEMers around the world got together in April to attend the Built with Biology global Conference (formerly SynBioBeta). Keep an eye out on the iGEM community website for the highlights of the event!
How to have a Grand iGEM Competition experience: Introducing resources from the iGEM Community
iGEM Indian League: Reimagining the landscape of Synthetic Biology in India
When you think of India, we invite you to think of local people solving local problems throughout every region of India using the tools of synthetic biology. That is the vision of iGEM Indian League. Read more about it here!
Mentors Network: Career Development Survey

The iGEM Mentors Network wants to help with your career development! While many of you may turn to us for technical advice on your iGEM project(s), we also believe in mentoring beyond the project.
That means whether you’re new to iGEM this year, participated in iGEM a decade ago, or volunteer with us as a mentor, judge, steering group member, etc., we are here to serve you! The iGEM experience serves as an instrumental career exploration opportunity, but we need to know what resources would best serve you. Please help us help you by completing this 5-min Career Development Survey! Thanks to those who have already shared this important information about your career!
High School SynBio Summit is an iGEM Community-hosted program aiming to revitalize Synthetic Biology in high school by incorporating iGEM teams, iGEM Alumni, and the general public through collaborative projects. Find more information on our website.
SynBio Research Highlights
Development of synthetic biotics as treatment for human diseases
Brennan (2022)

Advances in synthetic biology have allowed the generation of strains of bacteria that are genetically altered to have specific therapeutic benefits. These synthetic biotics, also widely referred to as engineered living therapeutics, have tremendous potential as a new therapeutic modality, and several have advanced into the clinic and human testing.
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Bottlenecks and opportunities for synthetic biology biosafety standards
Pei et al. (2022)

The lack of innovative standards for biosafety in synthetic biology is an unresolved policy gap that limits many potential applications in synthetic biology. We argue that a massive support for standardization in biosafety is required for synthetic biology to flourish.
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Join the SynBio Young Speaker series community and read their recent article published in Nature Chemical Biology titled "Making space for young speakers". Don't forget to tune into their talks every Thursday at 10:00 a.m. US CDT from speakers around the world including Harvard, Stanford and UCSF at zoom room and watch their previous talks here!
Industry/Non-academic Job Opportunities
Academic Positions
- PhD student in organic chemistry & artificial enzymes
- University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark
- Postdoctoral researcher in tumor microenvironment and metastasis research
- Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New York, US
- Postdoctoral researcher in 2DIR and FSRS spectroscopy in biophysics of photosynthesis
- VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands
- The Moon lab is hiring postdocs, grad students, technicians, and more!
- Washington University in St. Louis, US
This newsletter was made like any good PCR- the machine stopped midway through, and the team started over again, but those bands came out like a Picasso.

Waving from around the world,
The iGEM Community Newsletter Team on behalf of iGEM Community