Dear Parents,

A parent recently asked, "I have a reluctant reader. How can I get my child to love reading?"

Great question! Here are some suggestions:
  1. Allow Choice - this is important. Let your children gravitate and select books based on their interests.
  2. Read the First Chapter Aloud, Together - this will help your child get over the initial reading hump.
  3. Use Audiobooks - perfect for auditory learners, audiobooks help when actual reading gets tiring.
  4. Pair the Book with a Movie - a classroom secret: teachers always choose books that have movie versions. 
  5. Make Personal Connections - point out relevant themes from the story and relate them to your family.
One more thing - if your children don't seem to want to read now, don't give up. It may take some time, but once they get the reading bug, they'll be hooked for life!

Happy writing (and reading),
Sentence Center

P.S. Summer is the perfect time to read and write. We'd love to see your child at one of our camps.
Join a Summer Camp
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