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First, a big thank you for subscribing to this monthly dispatch. I truly appreciate it. And a very happy Opening Day ⚾️ and National Beer Day 🍻 to you all.

Tim Haran | Utah Beer NewsThose familiar with my background know that I'm a freelance writer. Tracing my career backward, I spent a decade directing a social media team after working for several years in newspapers as a journalist.

When I started my own freelance business in 2017, I spent a good chunk of time—roughly an entire year—researching the Utah craft beer scene and exploring how I could write about it in a way that would provide value for, as the tagline goes, brewers, breweries, and everyday imbibers

I landed on primarily in-depth storytelling via long-form blog posts and audio podcast episodes.

And so began Utah Beer News, which published its first article in April 2018 but didn't officially launch until a few weeks later during that year's American Craft Beer Week. It's since published 250+ articles, 70 audio podcast episodes, a handful of video interviews, and hundreds of social media posts.

I've enjoyed getting to know many individuals who make the scene what it is. Yet, I began to realize that a lot of what I contributed to the conversation duplicated the efforts of other websites, podcasts, and social media channels.

A Unique Viewpoint

What does Utah Beer News offer that can't be found elsewhere locally? That's the million-dollar question I've grappled with these past several months.

  • Tasting notes on new beers? Mikey, of the Utah Beer Blog and Salt Lake City Weekly, is the undisputed champion in that arena
  • Podcast episodes released weekly? The Tastemasters is my go-to
  • Brewery news? Individual breweries are inclined to share news and notes on their own social sites
  • Breaking beer news? The aforementioned City Weekly, The Salt Lake Tribune, Fox-13, Gastronomic SLC, and a handful of Facebook groups...
  • Craft beer guides? Publications such as Utah Stories, SLUG magazine, and again, City Weekly, create annual issues focused on craft beer

It's great to see that Utah craft beer is top-of-mind for so many outlets. But what's left to cover?

Email is...the Future?

I believe the Utah Beer News article/podcast combos carved their own niche (and I thoroughly enjoyed chatting with folks in the beer industry to learn more about the craft). But frankly, the in-depth content packages, which I tried to publish twice monthly, are time-consuming to write and produce as a passion project (aka, for free as a part-time gig). That's not to say you won't see them occasionally pop up on the site as time permits.

So after considerable thought and much research, I've determined that the future of Utah Beer News content will center on what you're reading now.

This e-newsletter, which lands in the inboxes of 1,000+ craft beer devotees on the first Thursday of each month (and is regularly opened by roughly half of subscribers—a big number in the email world), allows me to write directly for an audience that has graciously opened its doors to me. I can't thank you enough for that, and for being part of this community that started 47 issues ago.

What to Expect

Going forward, I'm hoping to gather and share with subscribers the type of beer content that you might not find elsewhere, told from a beer journalist/enthusiast perspective. Ideally, the monthly email dispatch will help to increase your enjoyment of and love for Utah craft beer.

The revamped newsletter will be a work in progress, and it will take time to ramp up. But I'm excited about embarking on this journey and I'm grateful that you're joining me for the ride.

As always, thank you for your support, and please drop me a line with comments or suggestions.

Finally, if you know other craft beer enthusiasts who might like to join this community, please feel free to forward this email or direct them to subscribe here.


Currently Drinking: As I write, I'm enjoying Meteor Shower, a New England-style IPA from Squatters Craft BeersHow about you?

Hello Again & Welcome

If this is your first time receiving this monthly dispatch, welcome! If you're a longtime subscriber, thank you for sticking with it. As always, feel free to drop a line to let me know what you think. Connect with me personally on Untappd.


🍻 Saturday: Bottle Shop Grand Opening

Salt City Brew Supply - Bottle Shop Grand Opening
Photo Credit: Salt City Brew Supply
Salt City Brew Supply (SCBS) will host a grand opening celebration on April 9 for its new beer-to-go venture. Located inside the homebrew supply store, the SCBS “bottle shop” features 200+ cans and bottles of local, regional, and international craft beers.

Plus: SCBS, which is owned by the folks who own Bewilder Brewing, is releasing its first beer to commemorate the event. Baby Dez is a 5% ABV version of Bewilder's popular Deseret IPA.

Even more...

🎙 On Air: A Chat with Tastemasters

Utah Beer News Appears on The Tastemasters Podcast
Many thanks to The Tastemasters for inviting me to be a guest on their podcast. In Episode 119, we chat about my background as a journalist, how Utah Beer News got started (and where it's headed), and the Utah craft beer scene in general. In addition, we taste a few homebrews and share a few laughs. 
🎙 Listen Here

🍺 Proper Brewing Co.: Carcosa vs. Carcosa

Carcosa | Proper Brewing | Utah Beer News
As I did last month with Level Crossing Brewing's Red Sea Rift Imperial Coffee Stout, I compared back-to-back years of Proper Brewing Co.'s Carcosa, a 9.5% ABV Gruit-style beer brewed with herbs (yarrow, sweet gale, Labrador tea) rather than hops and aged in Pinot Noir barrels.
  • The 2021 version (on the left in the above photo) pours a deep auburn. Aromas of candied plums and cherries, with an almost Madeira-like sweetness. Flavors of ripe grape, red wine oakiness, and a nice round herbal quality. The mouthfeel is soft, with minimal effervescence. It reminds me of a lightly sparkled red wine.
  • For the 2022 mixed-fermentation iteration, the label modifications are fantastic. The beer itself appears more ruby-red in color, though with a similar scant cap of foam. For me, this one's brighter on the nose and I anticipate more red-fruit sourness—raspberry, cherry—rather than wine grapes. Flavors of plum and raspberry shine, and it seems to be less earthy/herbal than the initial offering. The mouthfeel is more drying with additional tartness.
If you pick up the 2022 version (or are hanging on to a 2021 offering), let me know what you think.

And if you're interested in learning more about Carcosa from the brewer himself, check out the article we wrote (or listen to the podcast episode) about Proper Brewing's barrel program.

🎙Utah Beer News Podcast:
Beer News for Your Ears 🎙

Utah Beer News Podcast
The Utah Beer News podcast provides another avenue to tell stories about the Utah beer community. I'd love for you to subscribe, take a listen, and let me know what you think!

Beer News & Notes

Each month, I gather beer-related news and notes to share with Utah Beer News email subscribers.

Much of what's mentioned in this space is obtained from social sites, taproom visits, email newsletters, etc. (and a few are sent directly to me).
Reminder: It's always best to confirm event dates, times, and locations with the individual organizers.
  • RoHa Brewing Project will host a Beer Belly Laughs open mic comedy show on April 8 (and it appears monthly after that).
  • The West Side Tavern will host the Women of Wasatch Pineapple Gose release party on April 15. The beer is a Pink Boots Society collaboration, with proceeds benefiting the organization’s efforts to “assist, encourage, and educate women in the fermented beer industry.”
  • Avenues Proper will celebrate its ninth anniversary with a beer pairing dinner on April 24.
  • Pomme Paloma is latest in the Little Orchard Series from Mountain West Cider. It features grapefruit and the Pink Boots Society hop blend.
  • Plus: Mountain West Cider is working to make permanent its German-style beer garden, via Building Salt Lake
  • Here’s an update on Prodigy Brewing, which is slated to open between now and June 1 and become Logan’s first brewpub, via The Herald Journal
  • GastronomicSLC and City Weekly summarize how Squatters Craft Beers and Wasatch Brewery are “back under the Utah umbrella where they belong."
  • A pair of local beer-themed magazines hit the streets recently. Check out the latest from Utah Stories (here) and SLUG magazine (here).
  • Speaking of SLUG, its next Brewstillery event is on tap for June 18 at Artspace City Center. Tickets are $25 in advance or $30 day-of. Complete details.
  • Tanner Lenart—Utah’s Liquor Lawyer—breaks down the legislative session as it relates to alcohol and the “omnibus liquor bill.” Check out the tweet thread.
  • Gastronomic SLC’s Stuart Melling also offers an overview of liquor law changes that take effect June 1.
  • And here’s a rundown (PDF) on alcohol law/policy changes, via the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Services (yes, the organization’s name changed as well).
  • The Shades Brewing taproom in South Salt Lake reopened in early March (with extended hours).
  • The Park City Brewing taproom is now open.
  • Proof of COVID-19 vaccination is no longer required to enter The Bayou.
  • Congratulations to Level Crossing Brewing, which celebrated its third anniversary on March 30.
  • And happy anniversary to UTOG Brewing in Ogden. It, too, celebrated three years in late March.
  • Say hello to the future home of Helper Beer. Get additional details by listening to Episode 117 of the Tastemasters podcast.
  • In non-Utah beer news, a jury awarded Stone Brewing $56 million in its trademark infringement battle against Molson Coors, via Times of San Diego
  • The Brewers Association released its Top 50 Craft Brewers list for 2021. D.G. Yuengling and Son Inc. once again nabbed the top spot. CANarchy (which included Squatters Craft Beers and Wasatch Brewery) slipped one place from 2020 to No. 7. The breweries are ranked by sales volume.
Brewery Folks: Got news, notes, or events to share? Don't count on me to find it on social media. Please send the info to Utah Beer News directly if you'd like me to help spread the word.
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