Last week in the Parsha the Torah described the unusual affliction of tzara'at. It went into great detail discussing how to determine when what one observes is tzara'at. The symptoms of it can compare to other more common illnesses, like leprosy, so it becomes essential to properly diagnose it.

However, once you diagnose, your job does not stop there. A diagnosis must be followed by a process to debug. In this week's Parsha of Metzora, that is exactly what we find. We find the remedy to the successful diagnosis of the problem.

As people invested in software -- whether we are the ones who write it or the ones who deploy it or the ones who QA it or anything in between -- we have to be excellent diagnosticians and we also have to be excellent debuggers. One part of that equation is not sufficient.

The Torah by placing the order of the parshiot as a diagnosis followed by the "debugging" is teaching us that valuable lesson. 

May we continue to find ways to not only identify the problem, but to also find the solutions.

Shabbat Shalom,

Yechiel && Ben