
GJCL February & March 2022 

Table of Contents 

1. Updates on State Convention
2. NEW! - Senior Shoutouts
3. Officer Instagram Takeovers
4. Club of the Month

1. Updates on State Convention

Date: April 23 and 24th, 2022
Where: Rock Eagle 4-H Center, Eatonton, GA
Registration: March 13-April 13, 2022

cantantes licet usque (minus via laedit) eamus
Vergil, Eclogues, 9.64
"Let us go signing as far as we go -- the road will be less tedious"

The GJCL Executive Board met for their first in-person meeting on March 27th to decide on specifics and logistics for the State Convention.  Again, full details, including the tentative schedule, are published in the GJCL Convention FAX.

You can find the minutes on the GJCL website from this meeting. But here is also a recap to provide you with an outline as you consider how you will attend: 

Four new proposed amendments:

1)  First changes language about rotating positions and accounts for newer positions.
2)  Second clarifies that the Treasurer, as opposed to the other State Chairs, cannot serve a tern no longer than six years. 
3) Third outlines the duties of a Treasurer, such as furnishing books and recording an account to the Records Chair.
4) Last amendment accounts for digital changes made to the Editor's duties. With the new change, the Editor can send either paper or digital copies of each editor of the Alae Mercurii to all chapters of the GJCL (to leave it up to the Editor's prerogative).

State Convention Specifics:

The Student officers agreed on the specifics and logistics for the State Convention, including the dance theme and decoration plans, uniforms, corrections to the program, Salutatio and Valedicto speeches, open ludi, community service awards, movie, procession, Bazaar, and Coin Wars. 

2. NEW! - Senior Shoutouts

To seniors: congrats on making it through high school!

As a part of her platform, GJCL Secretary Kelly Jeong is starting a Senior Shoutouts segment for her final newsletter in May to celebrate GJCLers' accomplishments as a result of their active high school career. It will be a portfolio consisting of your name, major (if applicable), college/future plans, personal statements, and a picture. Please submit your information to this link by April 29th, 11:59PM for your shoutout to be posted on this portfolio!

Once again, congratulations on your recent achievements, and please share your good news with us!

3. Officer Instagram Takeovers

From March 19th to March 26th, the GJCL officers took turns taking over the GJCL Instagram as they introduced themselves and asked members to submit questions for them to answer.

This was a fun way for the officers to connect more with everyone, and everyone was glad to have answered interesting, and productive questions during the process!

3. Club of the Month

The March Club of the Month submissions are due April 15th at midnight - get those submissions in! You can find the submission links here.

Add these to your calendar:

  • Alae Mercurii Winter Submissions Due: February 11th, 2021
  • GJCL COTM Due: April 15, 2021
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