
'Tis the Season

Spread Joy

This is our favorite season of the year, but it sure did come quickly! Wesley and Sophie are doing great in school (they’re in 4th and 1st grade this year). Wesley was in baseball over the summer and Sophie is learning the piano. We’ve been trying to take better care of ourselves and, as a result, we’ve lost nearly 40 pounds between the two of us (pray we keep it off over the holidays!). We were able to visit many of our friends in California this past Spring and we are really enjoying our church here in Colorado Springs. Even our dog, Duke, has been a welcome addition to our family. We are very thankful and grateful for the many blessings the Lord has given us!

Speaking of blessings, earlier this month we spent a week in Kandern, Germany (where we’ll be moving soon), and God confirmed our calling in several ways:

  • After meeting with the eDOT team several times, Jeff is even more excited to be part of a team that really needs his skills.
  • Our resolve to learn German only grew because we saw tangible ways we can meet locals through art groups & board games.
  • We loved the kid’s school there and felt at peace.
  • We felt like we belonged and we can see ourselves living there.

Now that we’ve been there, we see the urgency of the work before us. To this end (and thanks to coaching from a friend) we have a whole new presentation that clearly explains our move and how God might be calling you to be join us financially as an Armor-Bearer. We would like to show it to you sometime soon, especially if you still have questions about our move to Germany. Afterward, you’ll understand so much better why we’re going and what we’ll be doing.

We’re very excited for 2012! We hope to be settled in our new apartment in Kandern before the school year starts in September. We’ll be going to a 5-week missionary training school starting in May. And we’re looking forward to talking to many new and old friends about what God is doing in Europe and how they might be called to be Armor-Bearers with us as we reach the world through Europe!

Small snowflake