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Volume 7 • Issue 1 •  April 8, 2022

Bloom Thinning Recommendation for Apple Orchards

The 2022 growing season is right around the corner, and in 2 to 3 weeks we will probably be at bloom in the southern part of the state. Bloom is always a stressful time during our growing season as we face the uncertainty of spring frosts and their consequences on thinning strategies.  Learn more here.

Growing Organic Apples in a High Tunnel

Grower Chris McGuire discusses repurposing high tunnels when transitioning his vegetable farm to a fruit farm. McGuire learned that the high tunnels work extremely well for growing grafted nursery stock, and decided to also try raising fruiting dwarf apple trees inside tunnels. Read more here.

Updated: Broad Spectrum Fungicides in Apple, Grape, and Strawberry – March 2022

The EPA issued a Proposed Interim Decision (PID) for several multi-site fungicides that are labeled for Apple, Grape, and Strawberry. The EPA periodically reviews pesticide registrations to ensure that pesticides continue to meet the standards for registration. You can read more about this specific PID here. Learn more here.

Catch Up on Our 2022 Webinar Series

Thank you to all our guest speakers and attendees who helped make these great webinar series possible. We have one more event in our Apple series, Understanding Groundcovers in Your Orchard or Vineyard on April 14 at 1:00pm CDT. Register here.

You can find all the previous event recordings on our website linked below or visit our YouTube Channel.

Don't Miss Out on These Updates and Resources

Mark Your Calendars 

Webinar Understanding Groundcovers in Your Orchard or Vineyard on April 14 at 1:00pm CDT. Register here


Check out our Twitter and YouTube channel to see the latest news and videos.

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Editors: Josie Russo, Amaya Atucha, Christelle Guédot, and Leslie Holland 

References to products in this publication are for your convenience and are not an endorsement of one product over similar products. You are responsible for using pesticides according to the manufacturer's current label directions. Follow directions exactly to protect the environment and people from pesticide exposure. Failure to do so violates the law.

Wisconsin Fruit Team Contact

Amaya Atucha
Extension Fruit Crop Specialist

Jed Colquhoun
Extension Fruit Crops Weed Scientist

Christelle Guédot
Extension Fruit Crops Entomologist

Leslie Holland 
Fruit Crop Pathology Specialist

Josie Russo
Communication Specialist

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