Curtin University Gender Research Network Newsletter 

8 April 2022, Issue 11
Dear All,
We hope you are well. This is a very belated newsletter as we did not send one out in March. Although Liz is organised and had many events to pop in, I did not manage it. The missed deadline was a consequence of the rush of February, the start of semester and teaching and renewed concerns about Covid-19 and what the spread of the pandemic across Western Australia would mean. That came with a renewed need to consider the meaning of care – in our community, for our families, for ourselves and for those we know to be vulnerable. It also meant a contemplation of what isolation means and why and how isolationist discourses have been used in Australian national life as synonyms for the state caring about citizens. However, in our current context there was a new thread to the discussion, a suggestion of the need for interaction and how the necessity of isolation had to be balanced with a need to maintain the social and mental health and wellbeing of individuals and the community. This directed us to consider the impacts of social isolation. What makes up, within all of this, the common good? How do we form sustainable communities?
We were pushed to consider this precise question during the International Women’s Day celebrations which fell in the weeks surrounding 8 March 2022. IWD was initiated as a concept at the International Conference of Working Women in Copenhagen in 1910 and has been celebrated as a series of meetings and protests demanding equal pay and equal rights since 1911. The first IWD event was hosted in Australia in 1928 when the Militant Women’s Movement (a branch of the Communist Party of Australia) held a march in Sydney to call for equal pay for equal work, an 8-hour day for shop girls and paid leave. Still an international event, but now principally hosted by the United Nations, the theme proposed by UN Women for IWD this year was Changing Climates: Equality today for a sustainable tomorrow, which recognises and celebrates the contribution of women and girls around the world, who are working to change the climate of gender equality and build a sustainable future.
The GRN was invited by Dr Siddier Chambers (GRN member) and Nirri Shah as Conveners of the Gender Equality Committee, United Nations Association of Australia, WA Division (UNAAWA) to join them and Southern Aboriginal Corporation (SAC) to host an event at the Hillview Intercultural Community Centre in the City of Canning on 17 March 2022. It was attended by over 60 people who listened to invited contributions from a panel seeking to change the climate of gender equality and build sustainable futures. 
The Opening Address began with a call to arms by Dr Sandy Chong, President UNAA, WA Division for considered policy action to drive gender equality. Asha Bhat, CEO, Southern Aboriginal Corporation, followed with an example: telling the story of the growth of the SAC through strategic alliances with other Indigenous legal corporations, in parallel with her journey from a migrant deemed unemployable to her current role as the CEO of SAC. She reminded us of the importance of community and of the difficulties faced by those in marginalised communities. I closed the address with an Acknowledgement of Country, recognising the generosity of the Whadjuk people of the Noongar nation, the Custodians of the unceded land on which we met, to share with us their Country and their knowledges. I also asked those attending to join with me in three pledges:
  • to be an active bystander against discrimination in all its forms, especially with respect to gender and race. To work to promote respect and social justice and develop strategies of inclusion and sustainable practice: recognising deep historic local and global inequalities and cultural prejudices that shape distortions and inequities and inhibit full participation in society;  
  • to work towards sustainable environmental practices and recognise our urgent global climate crisis; and  
  • to stand in solidarity with the people of Ukraine, and with all people living in war zones and under oppressive conditions and regimes.  
The superb keynote panel comprised: Corina Martin, Mulgyin Jaru/Kitja and Gooniyandi woman, Lawyer & CEO at Aboriginal Family Legal Services; Dr Sally Lamping & A/Prof Toni Dobinson, both School of Education, Curtin University; Israa Sedda, Parenting Mentor & Co-Founder of Muslim Kids Playgroup; and Dr Sandy Chong. The telling of their stories of service and transformation as community leaders was moderated by Dr Siddier Chambers.  
March closed with the International Day of Transvisibility (#beseen), which celebrates gender diversity and recognizes trans and gender diverse experiences and achievements. The first TDOV was held internationally in 2009 and was the result of youth advocacy. As the VC’s note pointed us to, TDOV came one week after the release of the 2021 National Student Safety Survey, which among the harrowing results showing the extent of sexual assault and sexual harassment experienced by students and users of our campuses, highlighted the particular and acute vulnerability of students of diverse sexuality and gender. These results give further meaning to the necessity of the hashtag “be seen” but also point to the necessity of further work to be done in this area. If there are ways the GRN can do so, please be in contact with Therese, Samantha, Liz or the GRN Research Champions.
One contribution we will make is through three talk we will cohost with the John Curtin Gallery. In May, Dr Mandy Downing, Dr Peta Dzidic and Dr Samantha Owen will respond to the Isaac Julien exhibition in a talk honouring bell hooks: Finding Comfort Through Discomfort.  In June we have opportunity for two talks. One for the Lindy Lee exhibition, Moon in a Dew Drop, which challenge us to think about identity through different lenses. The other is Soft/Hard: radical lover by R. Goo, which responds to the theme of ‘Queering the Gallery’ through the unique perspective of the late multidisciplinary trans artist, Bec O’Neil. Drawing pieces selected from the Curtin collection is Bec’s vision of radical acceptance and their understanding that, ‘as queer people we have to accept ourselves and others in whatever shape or form we take’ (JCG Exhibition Program: Season Djeran/Makuru). Theo Constantino and Lia McKnight are working on these exhibitions. If you would like to speak to and with either of these beautiful and delicate exhibitions, please be in contact with us.
Observing the tumult and the insecurity could cause us to retreat to the satire of Mary McCarthy’s The Groves of Academe or David Lodge’s Campus Trilogy or even to the recent Netflix series The Chair. Instead I urge you to engage with the ideas contained in the volume co-edited by Queensland-based academics Ali Black and Rachael Dwyer, Reimagining the Academy: ShiFting Towards Kindness, Connection, and an Ethics of Care. The book is the product of a fully virtual conference they hosted in 2019 and a concomitant call they made to to “shiFt academic cultures towards care, connection, collaboration and creativity”. They asked us to follow the work of NZ-based academic Niki Harré and to  abandon the play of the “finite game,” the competitive logic that appears to drive university life (Harré, 2021), and instead to opt for radical inclusion and to play the infinite game, that which disrupts:
>> The infinite game is a symbol of our potential as people living together to be open and inclusive, and to promote the life, and growth, that helps us flourish as individuals and communities. This game imagines a world in which our heartfelt, personal response to life, our deep listening to others (especially those who don’t fit in), and our careful observations and thought about the social, natural and physical world come together to create and recreate our institutions. (Harré, 2017) <<
My reading of this is for us to ask for our university, and the GRN, to operate as a community of care. For our classrooms to be those spaces. For our research to be defined as slow scholarship, that which starts with an ethics of care, and considers how we work together. Taking care as our practice will sustain us but this requires us to recognise care as labour, and to value it, to ask others to do the same. To recognise the moments and spaces taken to breathe, to offer kindness and to give room when needed. These should not be radical acts in the university – or indeed in life. Kindness should be commonplace. If perhaps we set that as the basis from which we weave, we will observe differently and allow all to be seen and heard.  
The latter forms the basis of the Gender Reading Group established by Dr Peta Dzidic with Dr Amy Dobson and with some minimal help from me and organisational assistance from Liz. Please join us for the next one, we would love to have you there. Email your interest to Peta or one of us.
Many thanks and hope to see you in April,
Samantha with Therese and Liz

p.s. thank you to those who send inclusions for the newsletter to us. We really appreciate it. Please do send in your publications - we'd love to capture them here. 
Gender Research Network Events

GRN Gender Reading Group
The Curtin University Gender Research Network (GRN) Gender Reading Group seeks to encourage encourage a culture of reading and critique, to help develop connection and community amongst fourth year undergraduate research and post-graduate research students across Curtin campuses. The group will meet monthly online to engage in friendly discussion on seminal and more contemporary works on gender from a range of disciplines.

To register your interest for the next session, email

Finding Comfort Through Discomfort
The passing of bell hooks rattled many of us. The Curtin Gender Research Network invites you to remember and honour bell hooks, through engaging in critical reflection at the John Curtin Gallery. Mandy Dowling, Peta Dzidic, and Samantha Owen, all uniquely influenced by the works of bell hooks, join to deliver an artist talk entitled Finding Comfort Through Discomfort. The talk serves to illuminate intersections between hooks work and that of acclaimed British film maker and installation artist Isaac Julien, both of whom challenge audiences to think critically about gender, race, and their intersection.

Date: 4 May 2022, 12:30-1:30pm, John Curtin Gallery, Curtin University

Annual Meeting of the Gender Research Network, virtual and fully online, May 2022: notice to be circulated along with a request for Agenda items.


Lindy Lee exhibition, Moon in a Dew Drop: present a gallery talk co-hosted by the GRN and JCG, June 2022. Contact: Liz Baca
Bec O’Neil, Soft/Hard: radical lover by R. Goo: present a gallery talk co-hosted by the GRN and JCG, , June 2022. Contact: Liz Baca or Lia McKnight and Jane King.
Gender Research Champions. Further information, contact Liz Baca or Samantha Owen.


Past Gender Research Network Events

Navigating the academic journey as a Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) woman presented by Professor Jaya Dantas and Dr Siddier Chambers
Watch the WebEx recording.

Understanding Gender Diversity summary (written by MX Misty Farquhar)
Please email to request a recording of the seminar or the slides.

In conjunction with Global Campuses Brown Bag Seminar Series: Capitalising on Board Gender Diversity: The Mediating Effect of Board Capital Diversity on the Relationship between Board Gender Diversity and Firm Performance presented by Dr Tien Nguyen
Watch the WebEx recording.

Changing the academic gender narrative through open access presented by Dr Katie Wilson
Watch the WebEx recording.

A Conversation on Emotional Silence presented by Dr Sally Lamping and Dr Saul Karnovsky
Watch the WebEx recording.

In conjunction with Athena SWAN: Career Break Management presented by Professor Helen Hodgson – ATHENA Swan Provost Fellow
Watch the WebEx recording.

Gender Through the Ages presented by Dr Joanne McEwan
Watch the recording.

Mauritius: A Gendered Landscape presented by Dr Myriam Blin
Watch the recording.

GRN Seminar Series: A Conversation with Professor Iain McCalman and Professor Andrea Gaynor
Please email to request a recording of the seminar.

Congratulations to Fiona Gardiner, winner of the 2022 Paula Whitman Leadership in Gender Equity Prize
Celebrating a career that has paired extraordinary service to the architectural profession, and heritage architecture in particular, with championing other women, the Australian Institute of Architects has awarded Fiona Gardiner the Paula Whitman Leadership in Gender Equity Prize. Gardiner navigated a challenging working environment in the public service with professionalism and grace, showing the world that women were valuable team members and great leaders. She advocated for other women and worked to develop and implement non-discriminatory policies.

Read more via Australian Institute of Architects.
External CFPs, Submissions and Opportunities

Mary Bennett Prize
The Mary Bennet Prize is awarded every two years by the Australian Women’s History Network to an early career historian for the best article or chapter in any field of women’s history. The prize in named in honour of Mary Montgomerie Bennett (1881-1961), a talented and relentless campaigner for human rights throughout Australia, and indeed the world. The prize includes a citation and cash award of $200.   Submissions due 8 April 2022. Further details and eligibility criteria via AWHN.

Journal of Educational Administration and History Special Issue on 'The implications of the #metoo movement on educational institutions, educational leadership and policy'
In a range of nations, the #metoo movement has fuelled intense public and political interest in sexual harassment and abuse. This interest has led to renewed scrutiny on these issues in schools and, in particular, what schools are doing to address gender-based violence and gender injustice. While educational institutions have long grappled with these issues and they have long (although intermittently) been the focus of educational policy, the current climate is raising new uncomfortable and challenging questions for educational leaders, systems and policy makers.

Started in 2006 by activist Tarana Burke and reaching a critical point in the public consciousness in 2017, the #metoo movement has provided a vital platform for speaking truth to power and for building a community of survivors and supporters. This special issue turns a lens towards education and educational leadership. Contributions that employ intersectional/historical and/or socially critical lenses are particularly welcome.

Abstracts due 26 April 2022. Further details via Taylor and Francis.

Ann  Curthoys  Prize The AHA and the editors of History Australia are pleased to announce that applications are open for the 2022 Ann Curthoys Prize. The Prize is awarded for the best unpublished article-length work by an Early Career Researcher (within 5 years of PhD graduation) in any one or combination of the following fields in which Ann has published: Australian history; feminist history; Indigenous history; transnational/comparative/colonial history; history and theory. The winner will be awarded $750 in prize money and a citation. In addition to the Prize the winning entry will be considered for publication in History Australia.  
Applications due 1 May 2022. Further information via AHA.

Women's Leadership and Development Program: Lead and Succeed
The Australian Government is inviting applications for grant funding under the Women’s Leadership and Development Program (WLDP) Lead and Succeed grant opportunity. This investment forms part of the Government’s response to increasing gender equality, extending leadership and economic participation opportunities for women, and building a safer more respectful culture in Australian workplaces. Projects that target women living in regional, rural and remote areas, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women, older women, women with disability and women from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, are encouraged. Projects should be delivered on a national scale, or be scalable to have a national impact and/or reach. Applications from consortia are also encouraged.

Further information via

Hidden Voices: Children and young people’s experiences of living with and/or exposure to intimate abuse and family violence in culturally and linguistically diverse communities in WA Survey
Hidden Voices is a first focused study on the impact of children and young people’s lived experiences and exposure to domestic and family violence (DFV) in culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) communities in Western Australia. The research project aims to address some of the gaps in existing research on the impacts of DFV on children and young people from culturally diverse backgrounds and the implications for policy and service-delivery. The research project includes an online survey with young people aged 9 to 24 in Western Australia who have been exposed to or impacted by DFV. The project’s primary objectives are: (i) to gather evidence on the nature and prevalence of CaLD children and young people’s exposure to DFV and the impacts of the exposure; (ii) to address some of the gaps in existing research on the intersections of disadvantage and inequalities experienced by CaLD young people impacted by DFV; (iii) to identify the existing barriers facing CaLD young people and their families in accessing support services; (iv) to identify how service providers, policy-makers, educators and health professionals can better respond to the specific needs of young people in culturally safe ways; and (v) to provide some initial recommendations on early intervention strategies.


SAGE Webinar: Supporting transgender and gender diverse employees as leaders or colleagues
The population of people identifying as transgender or gender diverse (TGD) is becoming increasingly visible, which requires organisations to be inclusive of all gender identities. Robin Ladwig’s research about work experiences and career development for transgender and gender diverse individuals aims to narrow the knowledge gap about TGD-specific enablers and barriers regarding the inclusion of gender diversity. In this webinar, Robin outlines how you can foster an inclusive work culture and environment for transgender and gender diverse employees.

Full access to SAGE online resources is limited to staff and students from SAGE subscribing institutions. To access the video, click the Login link (at the bottom of the webinar post or the top righthand corner of your browser) and follow the prompts to validate your institutional email address.  Please contact SAGE if you have any trouble with the email validation process.

Webinar via SAGE.

Respect@Work: Making it happen
The Women and Work Research Group's annual Jessie Street International Women's Day Lecture on March 7, 2022 was presented by Kate Jenkins, Australia's Sex Discrimination Commissioner. In this lecture, Kate Jenkins discusses Respect@Work, the report of the National Inquiry into Sexual Harassment in Australian Workplaces, and how to build safer, fairer workplaces.

Webinar via YouTube.

Behind the Line: Poverty and disadvantage in Australia 2022
This report, the ninth in the Focus on the States series, provides the latest examination of the prevalence of poverty within Australia, how this has changed over time, and which groups in society face the greatest risks of financial hardship and material deprivation. The report looks at how income poverty has changed through the experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic and examines how Australia’s states and territories compare in the prevalence of poverty and disadvantage, and seek to understand more about people’s journeys into poverty, and the pathways and supports to escape from financial hardship.

Full report via BCEC.

Australian Midwifery History Website
The Australian College of Midwives is proud to launch a very exciting project in the form of an accessible, online website to promote knowledge and appreciation of the history of midwifery and childbirth in Australia, and the Australian College of Midwives. The importance of preserving the history and heritage materials of an organisation or a group is important so that those that come after might know and learn their stories, understand their culture, and make informed choices about their future. The website outlines the history of midwifery in Australia as well as that of the Australian College of Midwives; it is the only site in Australia that contains this comprehensive source of information.  Launched in December 2021, the site is a living history project so we are continuously adding new historical material as colleagues, families, local communities and others share valuable information and memories with us. 

Visit the website.

Brazen Hussies
Brazen Hussies shows us how a daring and diverse group of women joined forces to defy the status quo, demand equality and create profound social change - contributing to one of the greatest social movements of the 20th Century. The film interweaves freshly uncovered archival footage, personal photographs, memorabilia and lively accounts from the bold women who reignited the feminist movement in Australia, at times at great personal cost. A screening of the Brazen Hussies documentary is a fantastic way to spark meaningful discussions about gender equality within your workplace or community. If you’d like to know more about community screening options, contact the team at so they can assist you in creating a memorable day.
Recent publications

Violence against Indigenous women deprived of liberty and in contact with law enforcement officials
Violence against Indigenous women is often perpetrated by the state, and is just as much a problem if not more than Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and sexual assault. Indigenous women are the most over-represented prison population and the experience of incarceration can be disabling and violent, even causing loss of life. This document aims to contribute to the report of the UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women on violence against indigenous women and girls, to be presented at the 50th session of the Human Rights Council. The APT welcomes the opportunity to contribute to this important and necessary report.

Read the full report via Association for the Prevention of Torture.
Newsletter and Submission Deadline Calendar

4 May 2022

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