14 April 2022

Getting out of her comfort zone is not something that fazes ANU Master of Asian and Pacific Studies (MAPS) student, Jayne Fendyk, who has recently been named a 2022 Westpac Future Leaders Scholar. Jayne saw the Westpac Program as a potential avenue for her to strengthen her leadership skills and to immerse herself in real-time study in an area of great passion and interest to her.  Despite being shrouded by considerable self-doubt and intimidation at the process, Jayne proceeded to put in her application to become a Westpac scholar. And the rest, as they say, is history. Read more

Late last month, Harmony Week was observed across Australia to celebrate the nation’s cultural diversity, inclusiveness, respect and common sense of belonging. The ANU Indonesian Student Association (ANUISA), in collaboration with the Indonesian Embassy, contributed to the occasion with an angklung performance at the Department of Infrastructure Transport, Regional Development and Communications (DITRDC). We caught up with the creative team of students behind the performance to learn more about the event and the angklungRead more

 CHL's Ms Nenen Ilahi remembers Najeed Rafee, one of her former students who had a amazing journey getting to ANU, but unfortunately a very tragic end. 
Read more

In the News

Celebrating Teaching Excellence at ANU

Promoted as a Gala Celebration, the recognition of 2021’s recipients of awards for teaching excellence did not disappoint. In true Pacific style, the evening honoured CHL's Professor Katerina Teaiwa being named Australian University Teacher of the Year in the Australian Awards for University Teaching (AAUT).


Gardening Australia on ABCTV  have a great story on the world of pollen, featuring ANU alumna Dr Andrew Thornhill, and the magnificent 3D pollen models produced by CHL's Dr Janelle Stevenson and team as part of the Australian 3D Pollen Project.

Check it out! 

How can Indigenous knowledge help to build resiliency in the face of climate change?

CHL PhD Candidate Vehia Wheeler should have a bright future ahead of her. But as a young person living with the increasing challenges of climate change, she’s acutely aware that a ‘bright’ future is by no means guaranteed. Vehia is the recipient of the ANU Game Change Scholarship, which provides game-changing support to the emerging generation of PhD scholars working in the area of climate change. 

Canberra pollen levels soar three times higher than previous records

CHL Director Professor Simon Haberle recently spoke to RiotACT about the recent and ongoing trends of pollen activity in the ACT, as a result of the La Niña effect this year. The Canberra Pollen Count co-creator said his service has been monitoring pollen levels for more than a decade now, and last season was “unprecedented” and that "this last season was basically off the charts." 

Anthropology Seminar Series 2022 
28 February–23 May 2022, 3:00pm–4:00pm

The cross-campus seminar series in anthropology is back with in-person meetings (RSSS 2.56) and streaming (no recording) seminars on Zoom. Next up is "Our Bula Spirit Awaits You!" (When Borders Reopen): Indigenous Wellbeing and Romanticised Inequality in Post-COVID Tourism Campaigns (Tarryn Phillips, John Taylor, Edward Narain and Philippa Chandler, Latrobe University) on 
2 May

Join the seminars via Zoom.

Katerina Teaiwa: Project Banaba
5 March–29 May 2022

The works and personal narratives of Banaban scholar and artist, CHL's Professor Katerina Teaiwa, are a travelling multimedia installation commemorating the history of Banaba, also known as Ocean Island in the Moana Pacific. 

The exhibition explores the untold New Zealand phosphate mining history in Banaba Island; and the resilience of the Banaban community in the face of social
and political adversity.

Live: interview with Darja Hoenigman - #Cultures | ILARA 
14 April 2022, 6:00pm–7:30p

Join CHL's Darja Hoenigman in this live interview as part of the ILARA Cultures series. Prior to the interview registrants will be given access to virtually view Darja's film, The talk goes many ways, which talks about the diverse ways in which the Awiakay people use their language in different social situations.

Register here.

Australian South Sea Islander and Melanesian Life-Stories with Melinda Mann and Kim Kruger
21 April 2022 12:00pm–2:00pm

This is the first 2022 workshop for the Oceania Working Party. This two-hour session will begin with a co-presentation by Dr Melinda Mann and Kim Kruger on doing Australian South Sea Islander and Melanesian biography. This will be followed by Q&A and a critical workshop discussion with participants.

Register here.

Official High-level launch event of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages
22 April 2022 10:00am–2:00pm

Don't miss the official UNESCO event to mark the launch of the International Decade of Indigenous languages and raise awareness of duty bearers on the critical situation of Indigenous languages around the world. The event will provide an open space for discussions and sharing of good practices.

Register here.

Green Impact @ANU: Information Session
28 April 2022 1:00pm–2:00pm

Green Impact is a sustainability program designed for ANU staff and students to make a difference through climate action on campus. It's a way to make positive environmental changes while connecting with other staff and students across campus. This info session provides details on how to engage with the program. 


ESfO Conference 2022: The Oceanic Exchange: disease, depopulation and disruption in the post-contact Pacific
2–5 June 2022

CHL's Associate Professor Christopher Ballard is among the specialists from multiple disciplines to reflect on recent changes in thinking about the scale and impact of depopulation in the Pacific, including a critical review of earlier tendencies to downplay reports of population loss.  

To register and for more information, click here

Gender and Cultural Diversity in Political Leadership in Australia, Asia and the Pacific
13–15 July 2022, 9:00am–7:00pm (plus evening events)

This landmark workshop brings together scholars working on gender and politics across Asia and the Pacific to engage in interdisciplinary dialogue about gender, political leadership and representation. This is an ANU Gender Institute Signature Event, supported by The ANU Global Institute for Women’s Leadership, The Centre for Asian Australian Leadership and CHL.

To register, click
CHL Image Gallery: A Colourful Potpourri of Events
CHL recently had a host of great events that served up some fabulous photo opps, from a creative Loops of Memory Workshop and an HDR Student Orientation and Afternoon Tea, to a wonderfully vibrant CHL Welcome Back to Campus Morning Tea. Check out the media galleries for these lovely community-driven get-togethers. It's great to be back and socialising with each other! 
Fieldwork Showcase

The combined CHL-Fenner School Palaeoenvironments Course provided a fantastic experience in the field. The course gives students the opportunity to learn about the significance of plants and fire from traditional knowledge holders and Dhurga language teachers (Patricia Ellis and Kerry Boyenga). Here's a glimpse of some of the action on site! Fieldwork Gallery



CoEDL Annual Report 2021 

Check out of all of the incredible work going in within the ARC Centre of Excellence for the Dynamics of Language (CoEDL) community in this recently published 2021 Annual Report

What’s for Sale? Selling Songs and K-pop Idols in Korean Commercials
CHL Roald
Maliangkaij's piece on the convergence of K-pop music videos and "regular" commercials, which he argues has seen a shift from product placement to idol placement, was just given an early release.

Rethinking Pollution: A Multidisciplinary Approach
International Journal of Society Systems Science Special Edition

CHL's Dr Larissa Schneider, Professor Simon Avenell and Professor Assa Doron are the guest editors on this special issue of the International Journal of Society Systems Science. This edition is a compilation of the work of scholars and academics who presented at the 2019 CHL Flagship Rethinking Pollution Symposium. 

Student Photo Competition
11 April 2022–2 May 2022 

To celebrate the perspective of students, and in conjunction with the University's 75th Anniversary, ANU is hosting a student photo competition. The competition aims to recognise students work that can open important dialogues and explore big ideas through a photograph. Taking part is easy, all you need is a camera which could be a professional camera or your mobile phone! 

Malaysia-Australia Maritime Exchange Young Scholars
Virtual Fellowships

July 2022–December 2022

The ANU Malaysia Institute is pleased to announce two Virtual Visiting Research Fellowships funded by DFAT to do research on key maritime issues of interest to Australia, Malaysia and the Southeast Asian region.

Deadline: 15 May 2022 
To apply, click here
WHS Corner

What to do if you test positive for COVID-19
1. Register your positive result with ACT Health using this online form, or with the state/territory health authority where you are located.

2. Alert the University through this online form.

3. Apply for personal leave.

4. Isolate for at least seven days after the day you test positive.
Reconciliation Australia News and Publications

Reconciliation Australia is the lead body for reconciliation in Australia. They inspire and build relationships, respect and trust between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-Indigenous Australians. 
You can access relevant publications of Reconciliation Australia here.
If you are interested in supporting the work and research of our School, you can now donate to the School of Culture, History & Language fund here.

We aspire to take your stories and experiences to the wider audience, be it at CHL, CAP, ANU or even beyond. And who better to tell these stories than the people at the heart of it?

We want to hear from you about your research, study, observations, field experiences and lots more! You can share these in any form you like, either through an article, a feature, prose or poetry, through images and captions, and even phone videos. Alternatively, have a conversation with us and we can help write your stories for you.

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