Dear friends, 

The Law, Order & Liturgy sub-subcommittee of the College of Bishops (CoB) of the Scottish Episcopal Church (SEC) recently met in response to some troubling news about the rite of baptism. You might have heard that there has been some controversy in the Roman Catholic Church about the exact wording of the baptismal formula. Two cases hit the news (both in the United States) in recent months: In Detroit and in Phoenix.

The CoB's subcommittee met to look at practices within the Anglican Communion in general and the SEC in particular. One possible problem was the use of the word "Ghost" instead of "Spirit," as this denotes a departure from the original text, changes the meaning, and would render baptism performed with the wrong word invalid. After careful study, it was discovered to the dismay of the bishops, that indeed a significant number of baptism where done incorrectly. Thus "baptised" members of our charges are intact not members at all, as they are not baptised and are not members of the Body of Christ.

If you have been baptised "in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of he Holy Ghost" instead of "in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit" would you please contact either me or our diocesan bishop. Contacting the bishop is particularly relevant if you are in a position of ordained or lay leadership in the church: Your ministry might not be valid and might have been invalid from the time of your faux-baptism. If you are unclear about this, please also be in touch as the CoB's LOL-subcommittee is compiling a list of clergy and provinces, who practice baptism in an incorrect and invalid manner. 

This is a rather serious matter and will have a huge impact on our community. We have already set aside a few Sundays fro baptisms of those not baptised. We might have to install a baptismal pool in the peace garden to get through all the baptisms in a timely fashion. Canon 35 permission for this baptismal pool has already been applied for. This baptismal pool will (in accordance with 1 Corinthians 15:29)  also be used for Baptism of those departed, who have not been baptised in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. The CoB have already licensed all full-time clergy for this extraordinary rite. Rosie and I will therefore set aside special Days of Baptisms for the Dead.

If you have any further questions, please be in touch on this first day of the fourth month in the year of our Lord two-thousand twenty-two.  

Yours as ever, 


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