
To continue to provide leading service to our clients, SkillCheck has made the decision to decommission our Microsoft Office 2007 assessments in alignment with Microsoft’s decision to no longer support Office 2007. Microsoft does not recommend running Office 2007 applications because they leave users vulnerable to security risks. Please consider using our latest Microsoft Office 365 assessments as a replacement.

Please note: If you have any of the Microsoft Office 2007 assessments included in Filters or within assessments created using Test Builder, they will not function correctly after May 5th, 2022. 

For a detailed description and additional information, please visit our decommission notes article.

As always, if you have questions, please reach out to your account manager directly. If you don’t have the contact information for your account manager, please contact us directly at, or call 844-686-9851 to speak to a representative.

Thank you for your continued business with SkillCheck!


* Sent by Symphony Talent. You are receiving this email based on our review of accounts that have used these assessments within the last 12 months.
SkillCheck website
Michelle Stoddard, Director Technical Account Management
O: 404-934-8796                                                                                                                                                                                         

Jenel Gallagher, Account Manager
O: 678-358-6760
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