Did you know?
FYF is led by women at all important levels, including our board chairs, executive director, country director, and project directors. In Iraq, our team is 89% women (outside of support staff like guards, drivers, and cleaners).
“Supporting each other makes us stronger, and every woman’s success is an inspiration to another - sustainable women’s empowerment builds empires.”
- FYF Iraq team's collaborative quote
Referring to our team on International Women’s Day, FYF NL board member, Alisa Jamalyan, shared, “All the strong, intelligent, talented and simply extraordinary women who are building a society free of all gender biases, stereotypes, gender parity and discrimination, all the amazing ladies who refuse to be erased or made invisible should be supported each and every day.”
We believe that women's leadership can and should be implemented in practice, and not just a slogan.