

Dear friends of FYF,

Every March, we celebrate International Women's Day. As we took time to celebrate our committed team of women, we continue to forge ahead with the important work we do every single day.

Please read on for our most current news!

Did you know? 

FYF is led by women at all important levels, including our board chairs, executive director, country director, and project directors. In Iraq, our team is 89% women (outside of support staff like guards, drivers, and cleaners). 
“Supporting each other makes us stronger, and every woman’s success is an inspiration to another - sustainable women’s empowerment builds empires.”

- FYF Iraq team's collaborative quote
Referring to our team on International Women’s Day, FYF NL board member, Alisa Jamalyan, shared, “All the strong, intelligent, talented and simply extraordinary women who are building a society free of all gender biases, stereotypes, gender parity and discrimination, all the amazing ladies who refuse to be erased or made invisible should be supported each and every day.”

We believe that women's leadership can and should be implemented in practice, and not just a slogan.
 We are so pleased that our Executive Director, Pari Ibrahim, is one of two recipients of the Women’s Refugee Commission’s Voices of Courage Award.

The WRC said this year’s awardees are “two remarkable women fighting for the rights of displaced people.”

“While I am humbled to be receiving this award, the work of FYF wouldn’t be possible without our dedicated team of women leaders. I’m honored to work with them every day, fighting for justice and a better life for Yezidi women and their children,” said Pari. 

Read more about the Voices of Courage event in New York on May 3rd.
Christian Ritscher, Special Advisor and Head of UNITAD, visited our Enterprise & Training Center (ETC) this month. The UNITAD office is designed to pursue justice and accountability in response to the Yezidi Genocide and other crimes committed by ISIS/Daesh crimes in Iraq.  

We were grateful our justice team had the opportunity to discuss with UNITAD FYF’s efforts to build crime scene analyses and identify ISIS perpetrators. The FYF team was excited to share both our ETC and our Sugar is Sweet café, where they were able to meet with Mr. Ritscher and discuss justice and recovery for Yezidis while sampling the treats made by our bakery team!

On March 6th, our Iraq Country Director, Heywan Omer, and FYF Lawyer, Saood Ahmed, joined the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Iraq roundtable in Baghdad to discuss the Yezidi Survivors’ Law, codified in March of 2021. Challenges to and possibilities for implementation, as well as other issues were discussed. FYF also met with Saib Khidir, the Yezidi Member of Parliament in Baghdad, to discuss these and other matters.

FYF Executive Director, Pari Ibrahim, addressed the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva on March 15th. The topic of this side session was The Expendable and Targeted Communities: Religious or Belief Minorities at Risk. During the session, Pari addressed the ongoing Turkish airstrikes on the Sinjar region of Iraq, seven within a span of just six months. She also focused on the Yezidi Survivors Law, as well as the ongoing priorities for Yezidi recovery and empowerment. 

This past week, Pari was invited to address the UK Parliament’s All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Freedom of Religious Belief, a cross-party group formed by MPs and Members of the House of Lords. She noted the paltry number of Yezidis resettled in the United Kingdom - 52 since the Yezidi Genocide began in 2014. Pari also addressed two key issues:

  1. The value of global leaders making meaningful commitments to resettle the most vulnerable members of persecuted minorities, and
  2. The importance of justice and accountability in the aftermath of mass atrocities, as seen in the Yezidi Genocide.
Thank you all, as always, for keeping up with our news and work, and for your steadfast support of FYF and the Yezidi community.

Pari Ibrahim
Executive Director
Free Yezidi Foundation
MANARA Magazine Addressing the Challenges Facing Iraq’s Yazidi Community in 2022 | FYF is quoted on our ongoing work to support survivors with professional clinical psychologists.

Gatestone Institute | Turkey Committing War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity – Again | FYF's Executive Director discusses the ongoing bombings perpetrated by Turkey.

Kurdistan 24  | Civil society organizations warn Yezidi Survivors Law needs more financial support 
| FYF participated in the press conference in Baghdad hosted by The Coalition for Just Reparations (C4JR), discussing the first anniversary of the Yezidi Survivors Law.

PAL News The Yazidis who survived ISIS are now being killed by Turkey | FYF Executive Director discusses the traumatic effects on Turkish bombings on Yezidis trying to return to rebuild their lives.
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