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April ... in like a lion out like a lamb.   We are certainly getting the lion at present with snow falling and the winds picking up.  Ideal for taper week before the three main events in the calendar this weekend, Paris, Manchester marathons and the Anglo-Celtic Plate.

The clinic has been full of last minute niggles and "Maranoia" so I wanted to share a piece I wrote about maranoia prior to my Stirling marathon.

The best thing about the marathon is all the hard work has been done already, the hay is in the barn.  The dy itself should be a controlled lap of honour for all your hard work.  No matter the outcome, praise yourself for completing the training blocks in the height of winter that's gotten you to the start line.  Well Done

Good Luck this weekend


Marathon Shoes

One of the most popular questions I get asked in the clinic is what shoes should I wear?  What are the fastest shoe? What footwear will help with my injury?
It is very much a specific case to the runner in front of me, but I wanted to learn more about the different shoes out there.

My first in a series looks at the marathon shoe.  What each shoe's best and worst features, the weight of the shoe and the stack height.

You can find the first in the series below. 
The subscribers to will be able to access the follow series of track, shoes, best trail shoes, best daily mileage shoe and the recovery shoe. (Only £5 c/m - bargain subscribe today).
It's basic information gathered from the internet but can help you pick the shoe for you.


Marathon and Half marathon Shoe
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100m Dash - Should I run when I have a cold or not?
Thanks again for subscribing to the email and I look forward to the next months knowledge bombs already. 
In April I am on annual leave, taking in some trail routes both near and far - testing out the Adidas Speed Flow and the Pegasus Trail 3.  I look forward to sharing some of the videos from the routes.

My goal is to support you on your journey.  Ultimately I look to get you to your finishing line by either improving your performance, avoiding injury or returning to your pre-injury level.

To support you check out -
physiorun youtube,
physiorun resource centre
physiorun instagram

Run Long and Prosper.

James @physiorun
Everyone should have the tools to run injury free
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