
Peru Mission eBulletin - May 2022

University Ministry

Our Team

Field Notes

Thank you for your faithful prayers and generous support of Peru Mission. Here are a few quick prayer notes for May:

  1. Praise God with us for well-attended Paschal activities after the restrictions of the past two years. From Maundy Thursday dinners, Good Friday services meditating on our Lord’s seven last words from the Cross, sunrise service in the Central Plaza, and overflowing Easter Services, our churches have been filled with joy, unity, and deep gratitude!

  2. Geneva was given the green light to return to fully in-person classes this month. Our growth, however, has attracted the attention of the regional Ministry of Education office who has decided to reinspect all facilities and require expensive upgrades (not required of other private schools). This is a big and unexpected financial hit (~$25K). Please pray for our patience and good witness, and that they would not “discover” more such requirements.

  3. Construction is advancing in the Cristo Redentor church on the bathrooms and kitchen for the new Christ Kids site. We still have about 20 children waiting for sponsors that you can see here. We also are still around $20K short on construction costs. Can you help? Consider donating here.

  4. We had a great few days of evangelism and leadership training last month with the new extension work in Chimbote (two hours south of us). We hope this will become a new church plant around the end of this year. Please pray for leaders Roberto Tang and Manuel Aranda and for our upcoming visits in May.