North Hill Adventist Fellowship is currently accepting donations or commitments for a silent auction, bake sale, and retail sale fundraiser to help provide humanitarian support for Ukrainian refugees.
Sabbaths in April | James Rafferty at Fire Rekindled in South Tacoma - More Info April 10-17 | Encounters with Jesus Revival in Renton - More Info April 18 - Kindergarten Visitation Day in Kirkland - Call (425) 476-4083 to pre-register
April 22-24 | PSAA Alumni Weekend in Kirkland - RSVP Now April 23 - Bruce Koch Retirement Celebration in Bonney Lake - RSVP By Email April 29-20 | AAA Alumni Weekend in Auburn - RSVP Now April 30 - Love & War Series in Bonney Lake - Register Now
May 13-14 | NPUC Regional Convocation in Gladstone, OR - Register Now May 13 | Bible Prophecy Seminar in Shelton - Register Now May 14 | Abundant Health Sabbath at Sunset Lake - RSVP Now May 20-22 | Pathfinder Fair at Sunset Lake - Register by club
Join the Team!
Washington Conference currently has openings for pastors, teachers, and administrative assistants. Additionally, Sunset Lake Camp is looking for a maintenance director.