
You are welcome and invited to join us praying, exploring, and sharing this Holy Week


As well as our Prayer for Peace installation, and daily Music for Holy Week posts, we have these three Gatherings to look forward to:

  • Maundy Thursday 14th April: A Reflective Campfire with poetry and Taize-style chants 8-9pm. Outside 6 Woodpecker Close if DRY.

  • Good Friday 15th April: A Reflective Walk around Northstowe (including Hot Cross Buns) 10.30am Meet outside Pathfinder Primary

  • Easter Sunday 17th April: 9am Campfire Communion (followed by an Easter Egg Hunt) Outside Pathfinder Primary

  • NO GATHERING on April 24th

Keep an eye on our WhatsApp Broadcast from the church office for any last minute announcements - message 07873 655 989 to sign up (one-to-one, not a group chat!)

More details…

Praying for Peace (daily, outside Church House)

See the reel on Instagram

Maundy Thursday (8pm, outside Church House)

On Thursday evening we will gather to immerse ourselves, through poetry, story, and music, in the story of Maundy Thursday. We will look back on what has already happened in Holy Week, imagine ourselves sharing bread and wine at the Last Supper, and spend most of our evening praying in the Garden of Gethsemane. And there, at the end of the evening, we will stay. Our story will pause… the future uncertain… the tale still untold…. to be picked up on Good Friday, and then Easter Sunday.

Get the Order of Service on your phone

You might find it helpful, beforehand, to either have read the Maundy Thursday story from Mark’s Gospel (Chapter 14) or to watch our Northstowe Recording of it here:

Passion Play Act 2

Good Friday (10.30am, leaving from Pathfinder Primary)

Join us for a reflective walk, including hot cross buns, lasting around 2 hours.

Do let us know if you are coming to ensure we have enough buns, and the ages of those coming to help us plan the route.

Like and share this event on facebook

Easter Sunday Campfire Communion (and egg hunt) (9am, out the front of Pathfinder Primary)

We will gather around another campfire, on a bright Sunday morning, casting our minds back nearly 2000 years to another Sunday morning. We will hear the voices of those who were there… reimagined into English but rooted in the historic records. Yet this is not just about retelling a story from history. This Easter Sunday we, too, are invited into an encounter with the Living God who still changes lives…

Get the words ready to use on your phone (or from home)

Music for Holy Week

As we continue our journey towards the cross, here is Thursday’s recording. Come to the Altar…

Holy Week Music - Thursday - Come to the Altar

Can’t join us in person?

You may like to join in from home with the words linked onto our website. Or take our greetings to the church families where you are worshipping!

Know that you are in our prayers, wherever you may be spending Easter. We wish you a joyful and blessed time!

In Christ,
