The Mighty Eastern Region is gearing up for the 2022 Eastern Region Conference. The focus of this conference is “Strengthening the Line of Brotherhood”. With the understanding that this will be the first in-person regional meeting since 2019, the conference committee and Regional Leadership are excited to provide different opportunities and avenues for every Iota in attendance to enjoy the weekend.
With multiple social events planned from the opening day through the last day of the conference, the committee has managed to provide a fine balance of social and business itineraries. I recently attended one of the committee’s planning meetings and saw firsthand how they’ve managed to think about every aspect and perspective to put together a well-planned conference.
If you are attending, you are in for a great treat. Make sure you plan to participate in all the events, go visit the Vendor room and see the different Greek and non-Greek vendors, and make sure you take part in the Health Service event and the first-ever Eastern Region hosted Centaur Piss-Off. There are two general sessions planned to handle the business of the Region and several breakout sessions that is geared toward personal and fraternal enrichment.
Information about this conference can be seen at or contact your State Director with any questions you may have.
Eastern Region Spring 2022 Intake Class
Congratulations to the Eastern Region on a very productive Spring 2022 Intake class so far. This season, the Region has seen an uptick in Intake numbers coming out of a historical decline of Intake numbers this past two years due to the Pandemic. Below is a list of chapters that were approved for intake with the potential to complete at the end of the season:
Morgan State University - Alpha chapter
Central Maryland - Beta Tau Omega chapter
Bowie State University - Mu chapter**
The University of Maryland at Eastern Shore - Zeta Nu chapter
The National Office has decided to continue the promise of providing ways where chapters can join forces and help with reclaiming members of this great Fraternity that may have not been involved in the Fraternity’s business for some time.
For over a year now, the Eastern Region has had a Mobile Application in both Android and Apple App Store. This Mobile App is a way to extend the communication of the Fraternity to help with knowledge and awareness of activities within the Region.
Download the App today to receive alerts, and updates on activities happening across the Fraternity. In addition, the Mobile app will be used heavily during the upcoming Regional Conference.
Brothers' Corner
What makes Iota Phi Theta Fraternity Incorporated the organization we see today?
What will make Iota Phi Theta Fraternity Incorporated the organization we want to see it as tomorrow?
Short answer, The Brothers!!!!
Your story is Iota’s story. Let us take the time to appreciate each other and acknowledge those among us that are being trailblazers, pushing boundaries, celebrating life, and achieving goals.
Congratulations to Brother Taquan Julienne on his recent appointment by the Regional Polaris, Bro. Stephen Okoba is the new Eastern Region Member Service Director.Bro. Julienne crossed into Iota Land by way of Eta, line name Captain America. He is a veteran and currently resides in Northern Virginia, a member of the Beta Alpha Omega Chapter. He is very excited about this new role and will be reporting on his position during the upcoming Regional Conference. Speaking to Bro. Julienne recently made the point to reassure the Region that his main focus is to help the region expand partnerships and provide tangible benefit services to the brotherhood.
The Social Action Committee of Beta Alpha Omega-Iota Phi Theta Fraternity Inc. is excited to announce the launch of their new podcast Civic Conversations with Centaurs. The podcast builds on the fraternity’s principle of Citizenship. It aims to be a forum to discuss real-life everyday community issues while promoting strategies for citizens to get involved in the decisions that impact their lives.
Download and complete the National Membership Database Form below and submit it to to get your membership card if your current card is old and not readable, you never received a card, or your membership number does not begin with the numbers 63. National Membership Database Form