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Tuesday, April 19, 2022
 Middle School Model UN Updates!

There are no General Assemblies for middle schoolers this week, but that doesn't mean we're resting on our laurels! Civitas staff has 4 class visits this week at Rogers Middle, John Burroughs, Whitfield, and Crossroads College Prep. Students and teachers are putting the finishing touches on resolutions and gearing up for their upcoming field trips. Our next in-person General Assemblies will be April 28 & April 29. To see photos and resolutions from all General Assemblies, click here.

If you have a Middle School Model UN question, feel free to contact Bobbi Kennedy at
Interested in St. Louis City & County Politics? Mark your calendar for Saturday, April 30!

Tishaura O. Jones (@tishaura) / Twitter
Active Civitas participants Vera Rosenblum and Alice Kovarik of Metro Classical Academy; and Sarah Herzog of Crossroads College Preparatory School, are planning an informative and engaging event for area high school students on Saturday, April 30 to promote Active Citizenship. One speaker already on the schedule is St. Louis City Mayor Tishaura Jones. A venue for the event, which will begin at 11:00 am and end by 1:00 pm, is still in the works, but Civitas is encouraging students to sign up now for what's sure to be an exciting experience. Once location and additional details are known, all who are signed up will receive an email.

Questions? Contact Vera Rosenblum, who is leading the plans:

Click here to reserve your spot now!
Looking for More Additions to the Student Blog!

We love sharing ideas from our high school and middle school participants on our Student Blog. It's a special corner of our website dedicated to film reviews, opinion pieces, coverage of guest speakers, poems, and anything else a student wishes to write about. Pieces can be short or long and on all sorts of topics. If you have something you want to share (even a few words about your experience at a Model UN session!) email Stephanie Gavin at And don't forget to check out the student blog by clicking here! 

Thursday, April 29
Middle School Model UN General Assembly
Friday, April 29
Middle School Model UN General Assembly
Saturday, April 30, 2022, 11:00 am until about 12:30, location to be determined
Youth Activism in Government Event with Mayor Tishaura Jones

Sign up here.
Picture of the Week
Darin Ruf, a baseball player with the San Francisco Giants, fist-bumps Alyssa Nakken as she served as the team's first-base coach on Tuesday, April 12. It was the first time in Major League history that a woman had taken the field to coach during a regular-season game.  Ray Chavez/MediaNews Group/The Mercury News/Getty Images
This past week at the United Nations
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